Plane Universe

Chapter 1197: Refining Godhead

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In fact, if you can, Delia hopes to choose the water system personality, after all, she is the practice of water system magic, water system law makes her the closest.

It's just that the mystery of the water system is a bit weak, and Bu Yunge didn't mention it.

"Bu Yun, in fact, the mysterious mysteries of the earth system also have the means to trap people. Isn't the gravity space?" Lin Lei said suddenly: "And I remember that the earth system has the power of this kind of treatment of mysterious mysteries. Means, in the future potential, it should be acceptable. "

The law of the soil system is very strong, and Cheng Buyun certainly knows it, but he still shook his head in the end: "But you have to think about it, at the speed of the turtle of the soil system, if there is something unexpected, what are you going to do?"

"So when it comes to the mysterious mystery of the best potential, I feel that the wind system is the best. If you want to trap people, you have to trap people, if you want to attack, you have attack methods. Even the escape has avatar, speed mystery, and land travel. It ’s just a cruising power. ”He explained with a smile:“ Although the soil system is also strong enough to attack, there are cruising powers, and there are also trapped means of gravity space, but it is a speed, which is a disadvantage. Once there is no speed, what happens, You ca n’t get rid of the enemy, have you thought about the consequences? "

Lin Lei imagined such a situation, his head was dizzy, if there were such consequences, he could not bear it.

"For example, the light system is also very good, with speed, healing methods, and soul defense methods, but it is a little worse in assisting. There is only one kind of soul deterrent and cure, so it is obviously worse." Cheng Buyun shook his head. Analysis.

Others such as thunder system, water system and fire system have various shortcomings.

This is not to say that the other rules are very bad, but that now the most suitable delia ’s rule is mysterious, so he has to be more cautious. After all, Beirut chooses the wind system for delia, in the eyes of the other party ’s god, why is it so much? Do not choose the department, but choose the wind system?

The reason is here!

It can help Linlei well in the early stage, and the speed is not bad, this is the most suitable

Lin Lei thought about it and felt that Brother Bu Yun was right. The wind system really suits Delia's current situation. After all, the potential of the wind system is also high. The apex of refining the divine personality is the upper-level god. You have to consider the characteristics of the rule mystery. It has a great relationship with the future positioning of the rule.

"Since Brother Yun said that the wind system is the best, then I choose the wind system." Delia said with a smile in his eyes: "Brother Yun Yun will not give me a black road to take it."

"It's natural." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "Then I will take the lead and give you the mystery of the mysterious mystery of the space of wind, and the subsequent median **** of the wind system. I will choose the element of the wind for you!"


Lin Lei was stunned. He couldn't even care about the median deity that Cheng Buyun said. Since he could send a martial god, he still lacked Delia? So immediately asked: "Brother Bu Yun, didn't you say that there are at least two types of mysteries in the median god? Why does it seem that there is only one now?"

Delia and others didn't know these secrets, but the leaves were better known to him.

So everyone was confused and did n’t know what they said.

"Refining the Divine Personality has great shortcomings. Think about it. Start refining a Profound Arcana to become the lower god. If you get another neutral Divine Personality with five Profound Mysteries, you are not directly the upper god. "Finally?" Cheng Buyun smiled and explained: "So as a punishment, the rules of heaven and earth immediately closed the circulation of other rules in the **** grid after you chose to refine one of the rules of the neutral **** grid, and wanted to continue to understand. , You have to rely on yourself. "

"It turns out so." Lin Lei also awakened. Cheng Buyun said that he understood that this is the disadvantage of refining the divine lattice. After all, the rules of refining the divine lattice are very fast. The year reached the median god, so who can bear it?

Therefore, as a punishment, Heaven and Earth should limit the refinement of the divine power of the neutral gods to only have two mysteries. If you want to have more, you can only cultivate and understand by yourself!

"As for the neutral deity, the mysterious mystery I chose for Delia is the element of the wind. Naturally, it is related to the mysterious mystery of the wind is the basis of the entire wind system. The stronger the element of the wind, the higher the bonus to other mysterious mysteries. And the most important thing is that the element of wind is the core of all the rules of mystery. All mysteries are decomposed from it. Later, if Delia wants to achieve higher achievements, she must work hard to study this element of wind. It is the foundation. The core of the entire wind system law is very important! "Cheng Buyun explained without waiting for lei to ask.

So in the end ... Delia chose the wind divine personality. The initial mystery was the space of wind. A very powerful trapped person assisted with mystery. After going to the plane of the gods, she can also give lei good assistance.

After all, lei is all about attack means, and the wind space is put in a corner by him early in the morning and will not be considered.

The best defense is to attack, no matter how you trap me, if you dare to come, I will kill you with a sword.

"Come and come, Delia refines the dignity to let me see, I haven't seen the scene of others refine the divinity." Cheng Buyun looked at Delia with a smile on his face, very happy. Said with a smile.

Everyone is also very curious, who has no sense of curiosity about refining the gods so high!

In this case, Delia didn't say much. After asking about the precautions, her eyes condensed on the dark black inside and out glowing blue halo in her hand, and a sudden drop of blood appeared in the palm of her right hand.

In an instant, the drop of blood was completely absorbed by the deity, which made Delia and the deity held in his hand faintly connected.

Suddenly, her eyes flashed a bright light, the consciousness in her mind moved, and a soul power immediately flowed around the divine personality, the whole divine light radiated, and she rose from her hands, the blue halo from Emitted on it, enveloped the entire hall.

An extremely powerful coercion was released, and the people who did not reach God Realm, including Hogg, Taylor, Salsa, and the maids were forced to lie down on the spot.

Even Lin Lei's face showed an ugly color, fighting against this divine power, and his back was crushed.


Xiong Er and Celsia yelled back and forth, trying to lift their heads, and their bones were squeaked and squeaked.

"What a terrific field power!" Ye Zi's eyes showed a strange color, she had the field power herself, but the power was not comparable to the realm released by the divine power.

Suspended in the mid-air dripping and rotating dignity, the blue halo emitted is the realm of the gods of the wind system, and it is the kind of incomplete divine realm, even if it is only the power of a half-hanger, but it also carries a 'god' Words ... The domains that are not strong in the sanctuary are comparable.

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