Plane Universe

Chapter 1201: The strongest mystery

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Why is Delia so strong? It is because she does not need to meditate the spell when she casts the forbidden spell. It comes as she does ordinary magic, and there is no time for the release of the forbidden spell. Who can get close?

On the Magnolia Continent, no matter whether the powerful magician of the sanctuary casts various curse spells, it takes some time to prepare, that is, the time for meditation. The length of the spell is different, determined by personal strength, but not like Di Leah, with no preparation in her hand, the curse came out.

Why did so many people recognize his peerless genius identity when he was in the Holy Land?

The reason is also the same. In the battle in the Yulan Empire, he showed that he could cast a banned spell without the need of a year spell, so the genius identity of the peerless evil was pressed on his head, and no one dared to object.

"Right, Brother Buyun." Lin Lei looked strange, as if some things were a little different, hoping to get Cheng Buyun's answer.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Buyun smiled.

Lin Lei looked at Cheng Buyun and asked out the doubts in his heart: "Don't you say that once you refine the divine personality, you can only understand the divisions within the divine personality? How did Delia just cast the water system just now? magic?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the question of lei, and he quickly looked suspicious. Like lei, he was puzzled.

This is where everyone can't figure it out, including Delia.

"This is because Delia has a short time to refine her personality. After a few months, she can no longer mobilize the power of the elements except the wind system, but by then, you will be faced with the curse of the wind system, and Those forbidden spells are fiercer than now, and stronger. "Cheng Buyun babble smiled:" It is estimated that you will be beaten next time, I am afraid that it will not be as easy as now. Especially Delia has the help of the field, escapes Can't escape. "

Indeed, the original attack power of the water system is relatively weak, and once it is changed to the dimension of the strongest attack, it is too scary!

"Okay, through Delia's strength just now, everyone can have more than one eye." Cheng Buyun took everyone back to the hall. After sitting down, they saw everyone with a hot look and had to shake their heads. Said: "Today I set a rule here, for all children of the Baruch family, starting from lei, all three generations are not allowed to refine the divine personality into a god!"


Two juniors, Taylor and Salsa, screamed in an instant.

Hogg had a strange face, and he frowned and asked, "Buyun, I also understand what you mean. It's just that the disciples of the Baruch family are not all geniuses. Let them understand it. I'm afraid it's very difficult!"

"It's naturally difficult, I know this." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "But the younger generations within three generations are the closest people to lei, not to mention the status of refining the divine personality into a god, just one more life, That ’s the last insurance. You ca n’t let them stay at home every day. Not. But when you go out to take risks, there is always danger. God ’s doppelganger comes out of the adventure, the deity is still there, and there are individuals. In the end, I will never be able to comprehend other rule systems, and the deity can continue to refine the divine personality. This is just in case. "

"The sanctuary level has no drag on life, why not let them lay a better foundation." Cheng Buyun explained with a smile.

In fact, so much is due to the fact that the Hell's Four Beasts family has the Longchi, and he does not want the three nephews of Taylor, Salsa, and Sini to become a godless powerhouse with no future.

After all, it will be too long for lei to become the master!

"Father, Brother Bu Yun made a very reasonable point." Lei thought for a while and said: "Our Baruch family is now different from the past. The sanctuary is not the goal, only the independence of the gods is their starting point, especially salsa and Tektronix, Sini, and even Wharton are my most important relatives. We will always go to **** and find our ancestors. Everyone will always go out and take risks. An extra life is a must. "

Hogman nodded silently, looking for ancestors. This was something he had never thought of before. When he thought of finding the ancestors of the Baruch family in the future, he told them what was the brilliant situation. His heart became hot.

After that, everyone talked about some things again. Cheng Buyun also sent some gifts to everyone, especially the Shenjing thing. Everyone comes standard with one, which is the Shenjing that Cheng Buyun let them choose. For example, Salsa is a dragon-blood warrior who became a golden dragon. She likes light. She chooses the light crystal of the light system, but Taylor chooses earth.

This is not a problem!

In a pavilion in the garden, Cheng Buyun and lei sipping tea leisurely and chatting casually.

"Why, there is pressure?" Cheng Buyun put down the tea cup and looked at Lei with a smile.

"A bit, Delia is so strong now, I won't get up and catch up, and I will be thrown away by her even without the shadow." Lei said frankly.

"It's important to maintain a good mentality. Besides, you are now close to God Realm." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "When you are still in the space, even the enemy's soul can be imprisoned, and the speed mystery becomes great. "


Lin Lei said that he was shocked and asked anxiously: "Can my still space attack my soul?"

"Natural." Cheng Buyun smiled: "Otherwise, why would Beirut say that your cultivation of mystery is very strong! The easiest direction of speed mystery cultivation is to accelerate yourself, and slow down the enemy's speed, and finally form a unique when you become a god. The realm of God is also a means of restraining people. I didn't expect you to go further. At the stage of the sanctuary, I practiced the delaying move of the confined space in an instant. Your understanding is really strong! "

"And generally, the powerful domain of the gods who understand the speed and mystery, it takes a long time to realize the move of the static space. Those who are all the most high-level subordinate gods." Cheng Buyun applauded: "The strongest static space, It ’s like time is halted, people or things in the surrounding space have stopped flowing, and even the enemy ’s thinking can be banned. This is the strongest wind speed mystery. "


Lin Lei was surprised. What Cheng Buyun said gave him a great shock. Once he had cultivated this kind of mystery, what could the enemy do except wait for death? By the time he realized this kind of mystery, even if he went to hell, he would be initially qualified for life-saving. He was eager to take risks and longed for that **** fighting career!

The lower gods who can comprehend the mystery of the static space are very few in the entire plane of the gods, and all of the lower gods are genius characters. In the future, they will be able to become a big brother in the plane of the major gods. .

It is also a descendant of the most important protection given by various forces and families!

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