Plane Universe

Chapter 1205: A major event that caused a sensation in the mainland

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After a half-day meeting, everyone made a lot of good suggestions.

Cheng Buyun was listening one by one.

Although he doesn't have many mature ideas in his heart, he can't suppress the ideas of everyone below, and let everyone use their brains.

The ultimate reform was soon completed by Cheng Buyun.

All colleges in the territory of the Holy Light Empire are reformed. Those with insufficient talents can no longer pay to enter learning. Except for local school-age children, only children with talents above the outstanding level can enter learning unconditionally.

Other school-age children with insufficient talents can only spend money to enter the affiliated colleges established by the Holy Light Empire across the Yulan mainland for further education.

Of course, the Holy Light Empire did not kill everyone, including civilian children, to the ground, and there was a way for everyone to rise.

As long as your perseverance is good enough and your understanding is high enough, you will be able to apply for admission to the appropriate upper-level college of the Holy Light Empire and become a glorious and promising future student of the Holy Light College.

For example, the junior college students of Magnolia Empire, when they graduated, achieved excellent results, and then contacted the local Shengguang Affiliated College to recruit teachers, then they can enter the Shengguang Empire College after they are qualified.

It's easy!

See the results directly!

Now all the junior colleges of the empire are basically free admission, there is no way, the pressure of the Holy Light Empire is too great.

However, the affiliated colleges established by the Holy Light Empire in various places are not free, including the civilian children need to pay money, one hundred gold coins per year, it is very expensive for the civilians, the officials of the Holy Light Empire naturally know, so they also give Very good solution, interest-free loan!

Even for qualified graduates who graduated from junior college, earning hundreds of thousands of gold coins is also a short time!

Intermediate and above colleges in the homeland of the Holy Light Empire, in the discussion of Monroe and others, have placed a large number of lists, including the cultivation progress award. The secrets of fighting skills, fighting qigong, or magic crystals, or various alchemy potions, can increase one's own quality strength, restore precious injuries, and other precious medicines.

Cultivation of fighting skills progress award: from the beginning of a fighting skill to Dacheng and pinnacle, there are many rewards for completion.

The list of combat strengths are black iron, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, respectively, corresponding to the five to nine strong players, and the rewards are issued monthly.

At the same time, academy battles are held each year to determine the winners of all levels, then the top ten at all levels and the same city academies, the top ten strongest in the city, and then the other city academies, the top ten of all the academies of the Holy Light Name, and then decide the second runner-up.

The benefits of reputation status are all there!

The list at the sanctuary level is actually the same, only the progress rewards are missing.

The ranking will only be issued once every ten years. There will be ten bluestones for each level, five runner-ups, and two runner-ups. From the fourth place, there will only be rewards for the secret code.

Of course, the rewards will also change, such as being able to get the maiden or lei pointing once!

The Sanctuary level will also hold a competition. Every 100 years, the Holy Light Empire will be held once. All the powerful Sanctuary of the Magnolia Continent, including Warcraft Sanctuary, can participate!

The champions at all levels are one of the lower gods (one of the seven element systems), one artifact and thirty blue stones of the runner-up, and one of the artifact systems (both attack and defense).

The third place attacked an artifact, ten bluestones.

The fourth place is only ten bluestones, and the rest are rewards such as two or three bluestones or sub-artifacts and secret codes.

They originally wanted to hold an internal sanctuary contest in Monroe, but the atmospheric Chengbuyun directly clapped, allowing all the sanctuaries in the Magnolia Continent to participate in such events.

After all, internal rewards can give birth to a powerful **** domain every ten years. Besides, there are many gods in Chengbuyun, and it is not bad to throw a part to attract others.


A few days later, when this convulsive continent spread, all the people who heard it ... whether it was a strong man or an ordinary person, were crazy.

Everywhere people are talking about what the Holy Light Empire revealed.

Many powerful saints' eyes are red, divine!

The champion rewards a lower god, this Nima ... how big is this?

Crazy, all the Sanctuary powerhouses are completely crazy, one by one with red eyes and panting.

Wushen Mountain!

Farn stumbled to the place where O'Brien's retreat, he couldn't care about the teacher's instructions and shouted in shock: "Teacher, something is wrong!"

"Farn, didn't I say you can't come and disturb me if you're okay?" There was a slightly indifferent voice from the **** of war, O'Brien, in the cave master's door, and there was also a little displeasure in the words.

If the comer is not Farn, and has changed other disciples, it is estimated that they have already been shot back to death by the angry O'Brien.

He is now at a critical moment when he is refining the median fire deity given by Cheng Buyun, and it is naturally unpleasant to be disturbed by his disciples.

"Teacher, something serious is happening," Farn shouted respectfully, his voice filled with anxiety.

O'Brien in the stone gate, the flame's beard is angry, and his expression is stunned. His body is shocked. The Magnolia Continent is full of clouds, what other big things can happen?

Could it be that the strong alien plane invaded the plane magnolia continent again?

"Farn, say slowly, what is the big deal?" The stone door slowly slid, and the figure of O'Brien with fiery red hair had appeared beside the stone door, and there was a strange look on his face.

"It's such a teacher." Farn captured his mind and told him: "I just got a message from the Holy Light Empire. Lord Holy Light God is going to hold the Sanctuary Power Contest ten years later. The champion prize is one. A subordinate godhead, and the godhead can also be selected from any of the seven elements. "

Listening to Farn ’s report, O'Brien also felt a little ignorant, murmuring: "Something like this has happened. I'm afraid the next **** will be worthless in the future."

"No, every five years, five people get a divine personality, which will certainly cause great changes to the situation." Farn also had a sense of caution on his face.

O'Brien frowned, looked at Farn, and shook his head. "Do you want to participate in this event too?"

"Yes teacher." Farn hesitated and said cautiously: "Although I know that refining the divine form into a **** has little future, but ..."

O'Brien waved his hand, interrupted Farn's words, and said earnestly: "Farn, you are the most talented child under my door. I don't want you to follow my old path. I have Bu Yun's instructions as long as you In the future, the perseverance is good enough, the perception is high enough, and it should not be difficult to become a god. So ... there are only a few of you who are the strongest in the sanctuary. I can't ask you for a wind **** crystal! "

"Teacher ..." Farn whimpered a little!

O'Brien is no longer the former O'Brien. Through this trip to the cemetery of the gods, he also communicated with Dilin and other sage domain powerhouses who have lived in the Baghdad Plane Prison for thousands of years. What is the status of the **** realm, it is really too low, will the strong take a high look.

For the sake of the future, I do n’t know if I do n’t know. If I know that the result is so, Fan falls into the pit. This is not what the teacher did!

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