Plane Universe

Chapter 1208: Killing the Holy Island

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Sitting with his eyes closed and sitting in the leaves in the small yard, he felt the uncle and uncle Lin Lei came in, and immediately stopped and opened his beautiful eyes. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he said happily, "Uncle, Uncle Lin Lei, you are here. "

"Leaves, how ... how does it feel to be a god?" Lei nodded and said with a smile.

"Very good, this is a different order from the Sanctuary, and it is much stronger than the Sanctuary Limit Level." Ye Ye said with a slick expression and a serious expression: "I feel that Sanctuary Limit comes too much, it is impossible Winning me, this is change! "

"This is natural." Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "The strength of the **** domain strongman is a hundred times more than the limit of the sanctuary. With the qualitative changes, there is also the realm of the gods. How can the power of the mysterious law be blessed? For comparison, neither of these is a class, and naturally cannot be compared. "

"But the leaves give me the feeling that she seems to be many times stronger than Wushen and Hess, and vaguely suppresses the head of Di Lin, the king of Warcraft." Lin Lei looked a little weird, thinking for a moment, and turned to look at it. Cheng Buyun said: "It's equivalent to Brother Bu Yun."

The leaf has just become a **** and has such a strong side in power, so he feels weird.

Lin Lei's feeling is correct, Cheng Buyun smiled slightly and explained: "The leaves are on the law of light, and the depth of cultivation is almost the same as mine. The entire six rules of light are mysterious. . "

"Hiss!" Lei's expression was a bit stiff.

Before Lin Lei's face changed, the leaf smiled: "I just thought about pushing the phantom avatar to the Dacheng realm, but uncle, you came, I had to put it down."

The patch of the leaves immediately changed the color of Lin Lei's face, and unconsciously said, "Great!"

With this kind of achievement, it is inseparable from the powerful talents of the leaves. Cheng Buyun ’s teaching is very strong. The talent of the leaves in the light law is very strong, and Cheng Buyun, a pioneer, teaches that progress is like eating. Drinking water is as easy.

It is not that Cheng Buyun has been suppressing, let the leaves try to merge the mysterious mystery in the stage of the sanctuary, and has long become a god.

The fusion of Xuan Ao is difficult. The earlier it is, the easier it will be. Even if the Xuan Ao cannot be truly integrated in the Sanctuary stage, but with this attempt, the rule of fusion will be much easier in the future.

If the mystery is merged in the realm of the upper gods, then ... ten thousand times more difficult than the median gods, and one million times more difficult than the sanctuary!

In the realm of the higher gods, the rules and mysteries have almost merged into one, and it ’s so difficult to resolve them!

There is no one immortal deity in the universe that devours the starry sky. Only the pinnacle of the universe can try to crack it, and then combine with the law of space to enter the main level of the universe!

"It's not that ..." lei's eyes were wide, and his words were a little stuttered. "It's not that ... ye ... the leaves can easily reach the realm of the upper god?"

"It's very easy." Cheng Buyun also nodded seriously, and also made some explanations of the talents of the leaves, only to smile: "If it's not for me, I've been suppressing her cultivation speed, it is estimated that she was 20 years old Years can become God Realm, and now I am afraid that it is already God. "

For the talent of leaves, lei had a real understanding at this moment, which is beyond his understanding.

There is such a physique in the world-bright physique.

Is there any other constitution?

For example, mysterious physique, real water physique, or flame physique!

"There are thousands of physiques in the world, and there are all kinds of physiques." Cheng Buyun explained with a smile: "But whether it can stand in the dark is an unknown number!"

In these few words, Lin Lei knew very well that, in terms of leaves, her background and suffering, almost everyone knew that if it was not that year, Cheng Buyun just happened to come to the 'Black Mist City', if it was not just a chance encounter It was estimated that the time of the upper leaf had already fallen.

There are opportunities for growth!

"But the rule of mysterious mystery is easy to practice, but the most difficult thing is ... mysterious mystery merges with each other, so you can't try to improve your strength in the future, but to use the fusion of mystery as the main cultivation purpose." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "Two These kinds of mysteries are combined with each other. As far as the strength and earth pulsation of earth mysteries are concerned, once these two kinds of mysteries are truly combined, the power will be very terrible, and the power of the law is comparable to that of a higher god. "

Lin Lei listened carefully and his expression became serious.

Soon, Babe, Xiong Er, Celsia, and Taylor who were practicing in the "Holy Land" all rushed back one by one and came to the small yard of leaves. He heard Cheng Buyun explaining. With the fusion of Xuan Ao, one by one became quiet, listening carefully.

"Once the fusion of the three profound mysteries is achieved, the power of the law has overshadowed the upper gods. The upper gods can't turn the waves in the hands of these powerful fusion profound mysteries. The fusion of the four five kinds is more powerful. So ... genius is practicing It is not based on the number of comprehends of mysterious mysteries that distinguish strength, but on the number of fused mysteries, especially in the stage of the median god. Do n’t feel that the other party ’s strength is not strong and think that others are good bullies. Five great mysteries! "

This review shows that the shock to everyone is huge. They have never thought about it. There is such a difference in practicing Xuanao.

At the same time one by one also fell into fantasy.

Then the entire Xinyue Yazhu became a sea of ​​joy.

"Father, Sister Leaf has become a god, you should be soon!" Taylor asked with a smile on his side beside lei.

Lin Lei touched his chin and replied with a smile: "It's almost time, you must practice well, and strive to enter the sanctuary level as soon as possible."


A few days after the leaves became gods, lei also started planning to go to the holy island.

When he knew he was going to hit the Holy Island, he actively raised his hands one by one, especially Taylor and Salsa. Over the years, they also knew that the grandmother was killed by the Guangming Holy Church.

"Brother, we must use blood to return blood to kill the blood of the Holy See to avenge his mother's murder." Wharton's expression was fierce, and this hatred had endured in my heart for too long. Deep into the blood marrow!

"Also talk about something, take the guy, rush to kill them without leaving a piece of armor." Hogg patted the table and shouted: "Damn bright Holy See, **** Hyjens, he is not enough to vent my heart. Hate! "

Lin Lei looked around his eyes, and immediately shot to the Holy Island. There was no need for any negotiation. Now that he has overwhelming power around him, it is too worthy of seeing the bright Holy See to discuss any strategies.

There are dozens of demigod-level forces, and it is simply a loss to discuss anything.

Under the leadership of lei, a group of hundreds of people surged out of Xinyue Yazhu and headed towards the Holy Island where the bright Holy See is located.

Cheng Buyun stood in the garden, watching everyone's voice go away, and then there was a smile on his face, the voice was cheerful, and he was already above the sky when he saw him again.

Lei went to the holy island to revenge. Although there were leaves to follow, he was not too relieved. Hyjens's trick "Shenjiang" was quite powerful, just in case, he still wanted to check it out!

"Haha, kill the Holy Island. I have been looking forward to this for hundreds of years. I can't think of it being realized today." Cessler flying above the sky, his expression a little crazy.

He was presented with a lower-level undead deity by lei, who already possessed demigod power!

Like the five brothers of Buck, each of them was given the next deity, all of them were demigods. Dian Yi, Michelle, Clayton, Shealey, Hillman, Delia, Hogg, who is not a semi-god power?

Among them, whether it is Clayton or Michelle, they bring a guard team, and his command is all the demigod strength!

So many people, a little bright church, were pushed horizontally in their imagination.

There is also a leaf that follows Lin Lei. This is a real **** realm, and it is the existence of the pinnacle of the lower gods, the Bright Holy See?

No matter what the opponent has, he can never turn over this time!

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