Plane Universe

Chapter 1214: The first battle

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At this time, the Sanctuary strongmen who watched this scene from high altitude, also slightly worried for lei.

The energy fluctuations of the Holy Island are so strong that many masters of the entire Magnolia Continent can perceive it, so almost the strong men of the Holy Land such as Deris, Farn, and Olivia have come here to watch the excitement.

"Lei Lei, Your Highness Leaf." Looking at the lively Deris above the Holy Island, seeing the energy avatar of this **** summoned by Hyjens, he quickly reminded: "This is the **** in the Light God Realm , Map avatars on the plane of the Magnolia Continent. God's map avatars are only energy aggregates and will not have divine personality. The limit of energy ... is only the limit of the sanctuary, it is impossible to reach the next level of God, and it is weaker than the half **** in strength. But ... be careful, although the map avatar is affected by the plane, the power is only the limit of the sanctuary, but his rule of mystery is the same as the body. If his body is the upper god, he will have the law of the upper god! "

It is also the ultimate strength of the Holy Land. If it complies with the laws of the upper gods, even the lower gods may be easily wiped out.

"Thank you, Dries, thank you for your reminder." Lei knew that some friends had come before, at this time Dries could remind himself that one sentence had already done his duty.

Of course, if you ask for it, the other party will come forward to help.

The leaves nodded slightly, thanking Deris for the reminder.

"You said that this new **** realm, Ye Ye, can solve this trouble?" In the upper air, Fan and others were talking softly to each other.

Coming to the scene, feeling the seemingly groundless breath on the leaves, and the same power as before, how could they not know that the leaves became the **** a few days ago.

Throughout the entire Holy Light Empire, it is lei and leaves that can become gods at this time. Since it is not lei, it is leaves.

"I don't know, there is too little information." Delice shook his head and explained: "If it is the upper realm of gods, the leaves are just the new **** domain. I am afraid it will not be an opponent. It is estimated that only the Holy Light God can fight with the other party and delay the time!"

The energy of mapping avatars is not endless, it will be consumed!

"I hope it won't go anywhere." Farn shook his head. He didn't expect Cheng Buyun to die. Once Cheng Buyun died, it would definitely be in chaos.

Cheng Buyun, the Holy God of Light, has too much wealth. Who knows if the digital gods exist to fight for that great wealth?

At that time, I am afraid that the Magnolia Continent is in danger!

Except for a part of people, no one wants to have any accidents.

At least Cheng Buyun is here, and this magnolia continent can't be messed up, and they, as the strongest and most powerful in the sanctuary, can also get benefits.

For example, the upcoming Sanctuary Battle!

Every sacred domain strongman hopes to benefit from it, and a person with a little sunshine, who would be willing to make a surprise!

"What are you talking about." A bland voice rang in the ears of this group of powerful saints. The familiar voice brightened everyone's eyes. At the same time, everyone made a salute. "Holy ..."

"Hush ..."

Cheng Buyun appeared next to him and raised a finger on his mouth with a smile: "Everyone is quiet and watching the excitement. Can the leaves solve this trouble? I have a lot of confidence in her. There is no God who has no Godhead. That ’s not too hard! "


Everyone dare not speak out against such arrogant words.

Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly. This group of guys didn't arrogant of the power of the leaves. During the trip to the graveyard of the gods, the leaves didn't show much ability at all. The leaves in the limit state were even more terrible than lei.

The strength of lei is reflected in the defense, and the strength of the leaves is reflected in the killing. With the leaves of the field, the six mysteries are the limits. How terrible is this realm of strength?


On the holy island, a strong man with a javelin glanced across the group of lei, and his eyes glanced away from the sky, and then said aloud: "Wo, the third patrolman under the seat of Prequel 'Barcelze ', Blasphemy, die! "

The strong man's words fell, he did not see his movements, his right javelin had instantaneously traversed the space and reached lei.

At this moment, lei couldn't react, and only felt a cold rush to his head, and he immediately tried his best to avoid.

It's just that this attack is almost incredible, lei himself has an unavoidable feeling, and his head is roaring again and again.

"call out!"

How did the leaves beside lei watch lei injured? Immediately shot, the light green crystal sword sharply struck the flying javelin over the space.


When the two touched, a wave of energy surged, and the demigods standing nearby staggered backwards and forwards.


Balcezer, whose attack was resisted, had a little stunned expression, avoiding a successful blow, and then he faced the leaf god, "It turns out to be a pinnacle of the god, no wonder can resist my attack, Interesting!"

"Uncle Lin Lei, you take everyone first to spread out, this guy is really a bit strong, I am the first battle of the gods to him." Ye ignored the other side, just smiled and spoke to lei gently, which made the proud silver hair Manly.

But Ye Ye's words also surprised him a bit.

Are you sure this is not funny?

The strength of the next God's Peak hasn't even fought against the Sanctuary Powerhouse, garbage!

Flowers in the greenhouse!

He had sneered again and again, thinking he would flip his hands and feet.

At this point, his gaze to the leaves had some disdain, and his eyes were also full of aggression, "Very well, I will kill you first and then kill them."

Lei also took everyone apart, and now the battle is no longer for him to intervene, and there is also a sense of suffocation in his heart, even letting his niece take the lead for herself and block herself.

At this moment, his heart was so longing for power.

Both hands were squeezed into fists, and the face was cold.

"Lei, don't think too much, I believe you will become stronger in the future." Delia said.

"Delia, I'm fine, the other party is not my current strength can deal with, but I will work harder in the future, will not let this happen again." Lei said softly as if to explain.

"I believe." Delia reached out and held Lin Lei's big hand, his face full of tenderness, and there was no trace of doubt in his eyes, which made Lin Lei's depression dissipated a little.

While the two of them were talking, the leaves and the silver-haired men who were facing each other in the field finally clashed.

"A little lower **** also dare to destroy the faith of the Lord of Light on the material plane?" The silver-haired man arrogantly rushed up with a javelin and shouted, "Fuck me!"

"You have that kind of qualification?" Don't look at the leaves are usually full of kindness, and it's very annoying to talk about. When the other party stabbed, he lifted the crystal sword without looking at it, slashing the space with divine power, forming a white light like a horizontal sky.

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