Plane Universe

Chapter 1221: Beirut's fright

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Cheng Buyun noticed the expression of Driss and others, and thought of the problem with a little consideration.

Not only Cheng Buyun noticed their faces, but other people in excitement also noticed. The sound of cheering stopped slowly, and everyone turned around and looked at the seven of them.

The older elders of the Sanctuary know that Deris they are not considered free now. Seriously speaking, these seven people belong to Beirut.

"How is this going?"

"Looking at the expressions of several of them, it seems that they are not willing to join the alliance formed by the Holy Light God and several Holy Domain strongmen."

"Who knows what they think, such a good opportunity doesn't even want to join, I'm afraid it's not a fool."

Some are not qualified to participate in the adventures of the cemetery of the gods, and their strength is not strong. They can only be regarded as high-level strongmen in the sanctuary.

Hearing the comments of those people, Dress's faces were suffocated with a red face, and they wanted to argue a few words, but they couldn't say anything to their lips.

When everyone was quieter, Cheng Buyun quickly smiled and asked, "Drice, what concerns do you have?"

He naturally knows what happened to Dries and other people, but he deliberately asked so. Dries ’talent is still quite good. People who can be established as gods, as long as the chances are not bad, the forces are willing to cultivate. Basically Can break through the results.

Of course, this kind of talent cannot be let go. No matter whether Beirut has noticed something here, he has to ask for a turn, which will lead Beirut to come over and agree with Dries that they are the best to join.

"Sir God of Light," Derice quickly replied: "It's not that I don't want to join the alliance you set up, but I can't help myself."

Speaking of which, he already smiled bitterly.

If it is possible, who is not willing to join this big family?

But can he join?

Dare to agree?

How to explain in Beirut?

"Yes, Lord Holy Light, it's not that we don't want to join, but we are involuntarily!" Ford also smiled bitterly.

"Don't embarrass them." O'Brien said with a smile: "Delice, they are considered to be the men of Beirut's side. Even if they want to join the league, they have to ask Beirut's talents. You must ask now. They, they dare not agree. "

"Grandpa Beirut?" Babe looked at Dries with a few surprises. He could not think that Dries and others still had such a layer of identity.

Lei was also stunned, and was amazed at the fact that Deris was a member of Beirut.

Due to the emergence of Cheng Buyun, Deris naturally did not mention something to lei, so the latter did not know that it was not surprising.

And some of the strong men in the sanctuary in the hall heard the name Lord Beirut, their eyes widened.

The God of War must call an adult, who is this Beirut?

They simply can't imagine that there is such a strong man hidden in the Magnolia Continent. The water is so deep!

Suddenly, a shadow appeared silently in the hall, with a black robe and black hair, a long old beard, and it was Beirut who was kind-hearted?

There was a sudden appearance of a person in the hall. Everyone couldn't help but look overwhelmed, his face was very alert. But O'Brien, Heather, Di Lin, Cheng Buyun all stood up and shouted respectfully: "Master Beirut."

Other strong men in the Sanctuary who had not seen Beirut quickly stood up and saluted, shouting respectfully: "I have seen Master Beirut."

"Grandpa Beirut!" Beibei saw Beirut appear and jumped into his arms.

"Haha, Babe, do you miss Grandpa!" Beirut asked, holding Babe's small body with a broad smile.

"Think, I miss Grandpa." Babe arched a few times in his arms and said with a grin of his head.

"If you think about it, why don't you go to see Grandpa." Beirut said, touching Beibe's body kindly: "Not far away."

"It's not busy." Babe's expression cunningly argued.

"Busy?" Beirut shook his head and smiled. "What are you busy with playing here every day! I flew to Holy Island today, and I didn't go to see Grandpa when I passed by Grandpa's house.

"Uh, Grandpa Beirut, do you know?" Babe raised his head in amazement.

"Of course, who is Grandpa, how could it not be known." Beirut didn't mean to blame Beibei, and he couldn't bear to blame him. For Beibei ... he loved it very much. In fact, this love is full of Beirut's Guilt!

If he pays more attention before, Beibei ’s parents will not die, and Beibei will not lose his father without a voice, and he will not lose his mother soon after birth, and he will not be able to experience the love of his parents since childhood.

Everything was his whim, and the deity had a little feeling and fell into cultivation, which caused such a result.

So for Bebe, he was full of guilt.

In fact, the result of all this is that the rules of heaven and earth are just fooled. How big is the Magnolia mainland? In addition to the ocean, the diameter of the land is more than 40,000 miles, and the dark forest is only more than 20,000 miles from the Warcraft Mountains and less than 30,000 miles. Not to mention his strength, even if he is the three brothers of Harry, any scan of the mind can sweep Where to go.

Why didn't they find it in the family?

That is simply the result of impossible existence!

There is only one conclusion, that is, the Supreme God has a refuge factor for lei, at that time blinded their minds, let lei get the chance to get acquainted with babe, so as to let Beirut shelter lei.

Of course, all of Beirut can't understand it. Only by knowing the essence of Cheng Buyun will he understand the reason.


At this time, Beirut, who had spoken with Beibei after a few words, turned to Cheng Buyun, with a smile on his face and a smile on his face, "Can't see it, you guys have a little skill and will turn the Magnolia Continent It ’s very interesting, and I want to set up an alliance to bring everyone together and dominate the king. It ’s really interesting! "

"Don't dare." Cheng Buyun didn't dare to see this situation, and quickly said respectfully: "Establish an alliance in Yulan mainland, I just want to let everyone communicate better, survive better, so as not to be strong. Invaders, we ca n’t react at that time, and we do n’t mean to consider for our own benefit. ”

"Master Beirut, we really don't mean that." O'Brien also quickly and respectfully explained: "Brother Buyun set up the alliance, in fact, it was also discussed by several of us, let us force us to sit up, as he said, I just want to make the Magnolia Continent better. The alliance we set up does not refuse to join the World of Warcraft, as long as the strength reaches the level of the Holy Land and observes the rules, we will not refuse. "

"Yes, Master Beirut, our Magnolia continent has already experienced two battles of destruction. Several continents have been shattered and resources have been further compressed. In order to prevent another invasion war, some preventive measures are still very good. Necessary. "Di Lin also quickly explained.

He had experienced the battle of destruction ten thousand years ago. The kind of battle of destruction that day, hundreds of billions of lives on the Magnolia continent had disappeared. The feeling of powerlessness was terrible.

Even with his current strength, he ca n’t guarantee that if something like that happens again, will he be able to keep his three sons, unless he is a tortoise turtle, and he wo n’t be in danger when he is occupied by people.

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