Plane Universe

Chapter 1223: Lin Lei became a god

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Since the guesses are impenetrable, Cheng Buyun will stop thinking about it. Now that he can't understand it, it should be a matter of strength.

As long as his strength is reached in the future, naturally everything will be clear.

It won't take long!


O'Brien coughed a few times, woke everyone's expressions, and said with a smile: "Now that Master Beirut nodded, our alliance is finally free of worries. It's time to come up with a charter ! "

"Of course, we are very happy to be able to join this big family." Driss nodded and said, "I will abide by all the regulations of the alliance and will not violate it!"

"We are too." Everyone quickly clamoured for support.

"Let's determine a name first, just because the name is not correct," said Hesse. "With a tall name, you can make various regulations, you say no."

He said this openly and everyone agreed.

In terms of the name, the Sanctuary Powerhouses have no sockets, only listening to a few God Realm Powerhouses to discuss.

However, several names have been added in a row, and they are not suitable. Some people always object.

For example, O'Brien said the guardian alliance, Di Lin was not very satisfied, you have to say what to guard, space is lacking!

He started the Holy Light Alliance like Hess, and Cheng Buyun shook his head.

In the end, Cheng Buyun finally decided on the Magnolia Alliance proposed by the leaves.

It was originally called the Guardian Magnolia Alliance, but the name was too long and short, only the Magnolia Alliance was used.

The headquarters of the Magnolia Alliance is located on the Holy Island of the Bright Holy See. It does not force the members to be stationed.

But every 100 years, each member must be in the headquarters for ten years.

In fact, there is a place like the headquarters, where every strong man in the sanctuary is willing to stay. After all, there are many strong people, and communication is convenient. Who would not go to such a good place?

At the same time, Cheng Buyun took out a part of his wealth. A total of 100 gods and more than 30 sets of lower artifacts were donated to the headquarters as a source of wealth, which made everyone red eyes.

This is a big deal!

Cheng Buyun took out the wealth, and the three of O'Brien's face were flushed. The three of them were coming from poor ghosts, and they couldn't get it out if they wanted to!

Fortunately, at this time, their eyes were not focused on the three of them, otherwise they would have to find a hole to drill in, and it was a dead man.

"How to distribute this wealth, and with what credit, then you can discuss it with a few of you." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "The alliance has just been established, everything is from scratch, I will talk about the arrangement first. of."

"Well, you talk about it first." O'Brien nodded.

Hise and Dilin also had no opinions. After all, they said that before, with Cheng Buyun as the honor, naturally he listened to him.

"I am the lord, the leaf is the virgin, and the three of you, O'Brien, Heather, and Di Lin, are the elders. When I leave the Magnolia Continent in the future, you will help the leaves manage the matters in the alliance." Cheng Buyun calmly said : "Is this right?"

"Naturally, this is what we said before, and we will not object." O'Brien laughed: "The strength of the leaves is enough to convince the public, and the talent of the leaves is also very good. It took only a few years to practice. The opinion is The next highest level of God, the future achievements will be even higher, I have no opinion. "

"Neither do I. I have a position as an elder. I am satisfied." Di Lin smiled lightly.

The most important thing to join the alliance is to find an asylum for the three sons. Apart from this, he has nothing to ask for.

"I don't have any opinion." Hess also nodded. If he used to be lazy before, it would be better if he didn't care. But according to the current model, he might be busy in the future.

"And under the elders, the establishment of a supervisory position is at least the pinnacle of refining the divinely neutral **** or the independent **** to become the god. As for the need for a few, you will decide for yourself later. I don't care." Cheng Buyun laughed: "The following directors set up deacons, and they need the next superpower to be responsible. The rest are all ordinary members, with voting rights and asylum rights in the alliance."

"Our alliance has just started to create, everything is simple." Cheng Buyun continued: "In the future, when the time is ripe, and then reorganize and divide the positions, everyone must work hard. Only when they are strong, can we survive better and be able to survive. Have more right to speak on the plane of God. To push the magnificence of the Magnolia Alliance to that step depends on the efforts of all of us to lay a more magnificent territory, foundation and everything for our children and grandchildren! "

"Yes, the leader!" Everyone quickly replied respectfully.


Half a year later, under the leadership of Cheng Buyun, the headquarters of the Magnolia Alliance worshiped the world, and the Magnolia Alliance was really established.

The people who watched the ceremony were all top members of the Magnolia Continent.

The people who attended the ceremony this time included the high priest in the Temple of Life and all the disciples of the Holy Land under the high priest.

Members of the Bright Tiger family, members of the Dragon family of Dragon Island, etc.

Among the group of people who came, the Holy Domain-level strongmen, including Warcraft, all joined the Magnolia Alliance. Only the high priest was required to serve the Lord of Life. He only became an honorary elder in the Magnolia Alliance, and explained that once she left Magnolia If you are from the mainland, you will go to play the **** of life and break away from the Magnolia Alliance.

In this matter, Cheng Buyun did not reluctantly.

After all, the Magnolia Alliance has developed so well that it will certainly not be able to match the power of the main **** in a short period of time, and in Catherine ’s mind, the Magnolia Alliance is almost a trifle, and it can be mixed up in the Magnolia Continent. The influence is not counted, she will be silly to give up the opportunity to become the master, and try her best to help the Magnolia Alliance.

She is not stupid again!


The Magnolia Alliance was established, and Ye had been busy flying for a short time, and had little time to practice.

Even O'Brien was too busy to discuss the establishment of a department to formulate the allocation of various resources. That was too busy.

It's Chengbuyun ... it is very leisurely every day, practicing in Xinyue Yazuo, studying various tricks and secrets.

Lei is also impacting his realm, he is only a step away from becoming god.

Above the Xueyun Mountain, Lin Leipan sat at the top of the mountain, and his mind was sinking into the law of elements, feeling the elements of the wind.

The more the realm of the field is fast and slow, the more clearly he discovered that the two realms actually have a common place, and have a lot in common. Being able to have this sober understanding, he was also awakened when Cheng Buyun reminded Faen.

The two confirm each other, which is much faster than the speed of single comprehension cultivation. It is no wonder that Brother Bu Yun said at the time: If Faen realized the slow realm in reverse, as long as the savvy is enough, the gods can get it at hand.

This is really not false!

Suddenly ... Lin Lei's body was shocked, and the law of speed mystery seemed to reach a limit. He was blessed to the soul. He knew that he had crossed a certain limit, and he clearly felt that ... some kind of transformation of speed mystery is happening!


Lei opened his eyes and looked up

"Om ~"

Heaven and earth sounded, and a happy chapter was played in an instant, which made him involuntarily smile and smile!

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