Plane Universe

Chapter 1239: Lei confession

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This time reminds Olivia that Cheng Buyun is also afraid that Olivia's head will be hot. When the dark law becomes god, he will choose to become **** in the body, which is not good.

A soul mutator who chose the deity to become a **** when the second law became great was a great waste. He could not watch how this time happened without being indifferent.

Even if Olivia did not join him, he would probably remind him, but not too deeply.

Shortly after returning to Xinyue Yazhu, Cheng Buyun just took a sip of the tea from the maid, and immediately saw the figure of lei falling from the sky and falling at the door of the manor.

"Why, didn't you go to meet other friends?" Cheng Buyun put down the tea cup with a smile, glancing at lei sitting beside him, teasing.

"I should have seen it, I have talked about it, I have seen it all." Lei shook his head and said typically: "again, you don't know my personality, it's not suitable for that kind of scene. That's more than playing with a person for a day It ’s tired, so I ’m still coming back to practice, to strengthen my strength, and to prepare for the gods. ”

"Why, are you going to leave Delia and go to the plane alone?" Cheng Buyun smiled strangely.

Delia, this is a problem.

Lin Lei seemed a little embarrassed. Delia's thoughts had been clear to him. Over the years, Delia had worked hard to pursue her purpose, hoping not to let herself be too far away from the ground, and did not want to be separated from herself.

Once she goes alone to the plane of God, leaving Delia alone in the Magnolia Continent, she should be sad, I am afraid that she will go to the plane of God to find her thoughts.

That would be dangerous.

A subordinate **** who refines the divine form has limited strength after all. It is almost the lowest level of the **** plane. Anyone can bully, he can't rest assured!

And ... Bebe hasn't become a **** yet, he doesn't want to leave either of them, so this matter has to be considered.

"Go to the plane of God, you have to think hard, don't make a decision that you regret later." Cheng Buyun said: "Especially Delia, once you go to the plane of God, it is difficult to come back, So I think you still have to think about how to arrange to make Delia satisfied. But when I want to come, Delia will definitely go with you. "

Lin Lei certainly understands the character of Delia, and laughs: "This is still too early, at least you have to wait for Babe to become a god, Delia will come out from the miniature plane."

Beginning more than a year ago, Delia and Hogg have entered the miniature plane space to retreat and refine the divine personality, and rarely come out.

"You can think clearly, I won't say more about it." Cheng Buyun nodded.

"By the way, will Leaf also go to the plane with you?" Lin Lei asked with a smile.

"No." Cheng Buyun shook his head quickly. He had never planned to let the leaves go to the plane with him. The leaves had to leave the Magnolia mainland housekeeper. After all, the number of believers is still a very important resource. Faster cultivation means faster.

"Oh." Lin Lei was slightly surprised, and his face immediately showed a happy expression: "If there are leaves left here, then I will be able to go to the plane of peace more confidently."

With the leaf, the strong man guarding the Magnolia Continent, and his father, Wharton, including his children and grandchildren, also have a security guarantee, what can be more reassuring than this.

"But it's just wronging the leaves." Lin Lei sighed.

The talent of the leaves is very good, higher than him. Going to the resource-rich land of the God Plane, how fast the strength will improve, no one can predict, but now she wants to go to the God Plane, but she has to wait. .

At least to a certain extent in the Magnolia Alliance, the leaves simply cannot get out.

"This is also no way, but I think, with the ability of leaves, even without the assistance of resources, cultivation will not slow down." Cheng Buyun shook his head.

In fact, the cultivation resources of the Panlong plane are really not good. It should be said that it is very common. In the early stage, you can use resources to pile up. All the cultivation in the latter part is basically based on personal efforts.

"It's true, the talent of the leaf is too strong. In the past ten years or so, you let her go of the restrictions. Immediately leaps and bounds. I was very surprised for a long time. The strength almost changed every day, scaring people to death. "Lin Lei remembered the progress of the cultivation of the leaves before, and his face changed a little, he smiled, and he asked again:" If you go to the plane of God, Brother Buyun, which plane of God are you going to? Bright God Realm? "

"What a bright God Realm." Cheng Buyun smiled and squeezed his eyes and replied: "Nature is hell. After all, **** is the predecessor of your Baruch. At that time, you may also choose the plane of **** supreme god, so I naturally go to hell. Everyone will take care of each other in the future. Haha! "

"Brother Bu Yun!" Lin Lei secretly moved.

He didn't believe in Bu Yun's statement. Choosing to go to the region might have the purpose of exploring the news for himself.

"Okay, okay, I actually go there the same, you will understand later." Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, and did not reveal the details of his belonging to the family of the Four Divine Beasts, because he was just an indigenous native of the Magnolia Continent, once leaked In Beirut's ears, he had no way to predict what the other party thought.

That's not pretending, it's stupid behavior!

The maids serving in the hall were shocked when they heard the two talking.

Adults are about to leave the Magnolia Continent and go to the plane of Hell to High God.

Lin Lei didn't understand the meaning of Bu Yun's last sentence. After thinking for a long time in his heart, he finally made a decision. He waved his hand and placed a ban on the surrounding area around him. He had something to say.

Cheng Buyun deliberately surprised and said: "Lin Lei, why did he use the realm of God well, what is the big thing to say?"

"Brother Buyun, I have something to tell you." Lin Lei looked serious, looked at him seriously, and said solemnly: "It is related to the previous change in my body."


Cheng Buyun quickly waved his hand and smiled indifferently: "This is not a big deal, there is no need to say, who can not have a secret? You can't say it, being a brother, of course, can't embarrass the brother!"

"No, it's a brother, I feel that I shouldn't hide you." Lei shook his head with a sincere look. "In the feelings of the two of us, although some secrets matter, this is not the reason I want to hide you."

Although a broken main artifact is very valuable, he believes that ... Brother Bu Yun will not spy on him, even if he wants to give it away, he will not want it.

Just like back then, Brother Yun Yun pointed out that the Purple Blood Soft Sword is a high-level artifact. When he wanted to give it away, did he want it?

At that time, his head was bombarded with this huge news, and he had no choice to say it. In fact, he already had a little regret. Wasn't it clear that he didn't believe Bu Yun brother!

So he must say this secret today.

"It's really not necessary, lei ..." Cheng Buyun shook his head. Since lei had no choice at that time, he didn't want the other party to be embarrassed.

"No, this thing was wrong before me, because when I encountered something good, I subconsciously concealed it. At that time, I felt regret, but I never had the opportunity to confess. I can only choose to say it now." Shaking his head, apologizing with an unconscious look.

"It's impossible to get something good. Naturally, I chose to hide it in the first place. I'm no exception. I really don't blame you." Cheng Buyun repeatedly quit, but when Lin Lei admits death, He had to smile and said: "Well, I will listen to it today. What the big secret is, it turns you to the point where you are now."

"Brother Bu Yun is willing to listen, of course I am willing to say." Lei was instantly happy, feeling that the vague crack with Brother Bu Yun was being repaired, clearing his throat with great joy, loudly said: Brother Bu Yun, you sit Well, do n’t be scared for a while. "

"Oh, it's so serious, won't it be something you have touched." Cheng Buyun asked with a wide-eyed look in shock, "Will you have the blood of the Lord God?"

"I don't know, but ..." Lin Lei said slightly with excitement, "I got a master artifact."

"Master Artifact?" Cheng Buyun's eyes widened, his expression looked very surprised.

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