Plane Universe

Chapter 1266: Qualification level

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The silver robe staff nodded and said with a deep voice: "For the cultivation of metal life, the better resources should be all kinds of rare and precious ores. Of course, the words of gods and artifacts will be better. These treasures can make it easier for metal life to absorb and enhance the body strength Will make them stronger and fly faster, have higher defense, and also use some soul-enhancing treasures, such as the gold beads of the soul you just purchased. But your metal life is only the second block in the sanctuary, I do n’t It is recommended to give her too strong soul gold beads. The best strength like her now should be amethyst worth 10,000 ink stone, otherwise the soul strength is too strong, I am afraid she can't bear it, and the soul will be damaged. "

"Thank you." Cheng Buyun kept all the words in his heart and nodded his thanks. Just thinking of the extreme qualifications of metal life and absorbing amethyst, it is estimated that more than 90% of the soul energy in the amethyst must escape.


"It is my honor to help you," the Yinpao staff smiled.

This guest has consumed more than 30 million ink stones here, can he be polite!

Seeing Cheng Buyun leave, many people nearby also hurriedly left their counters, and then jumped behind Cheng Buyun as if nothing had happened.

Soon, Cheng Buyun followed behind some caring people, making Cheng Buyun feel a kind of dumb smile.

He didn't have the consciousness of wealth.

After all, when you have the strength to protect your wealth, some people have a strange look, and you won't care.

Who will kill, who will be the prey, who will be the hunter, two say!

"Qiu Lan, do you know that you can use the treasures of the Divine Artifact to enhance your strength?" Cheng Buyun turned his head to look at the little girl who was following.

The little girl squeezed her fingers and rubbed her head, whispering, "Master, you didn't say it before, and I dare not mention it."

"You." Cheng Buyun rubbed her little head and said softly: "If there is any need in the future, remember to tell the master, even if the master does not have it, he will find a way to get it for you."

Hearing that the host did not blame herself, the little girl looked up and smiled happily, "Thank you host."

The loyalty of metal life is also a very important thing. Sometimes it is not just a tool. Although you live by the life, but you are not good to him, the problem is more serious.

Metal life cannot recognize the Lord, because there is no secret method of enslaving the soul here in Panlong, and of course Cheng Buyun will not use it. After all, such a move is a bit dangerous. The ghost knows what the Supreme God will do.

I visited it on the second floor, and the products at all the counters would basically not exceed one million ink stones, and the top-level products would be eight or nine hundred thousand, not exceeding one million.

Cheng Buyun secretly said: "How come there is no metal life here?"


Metal life is not expensive!

In fact, he did not know that metal life is really expensive in hell. It is not something that ordinary people can have. The entire second floor, who is following a metal life?

Just beside him was such a mobile vault.

That's why they will get there, and they will attract a lot of envious eyes.

Go up to the third floor to see!

On the third floor hall, the number of people watching the purchase of goods is much less. The quaint hall close to five thousand square meters, as long as thousands of people are sparse and sparse, and most of these people are just watching, no one buys anything at all.

"Master, look, there are so many of my people." The little girl raised her hand and Cheng Buyun looked down her finger. Behind the counter stood a metal life of varying strength. These metals There are men and women in life, and their bodies are either strong or thin, no different from human beings.

Coming to this counter, Cheng Buyun looked at the metal life behind the counter without moving at all, slightly sensing the energy intensity of all metal life.

Basically, most of them are holy domain level, and there is only a small part of the **** domain level. There are only more than ten ranks of higher gods.

"What price are these metal lives?" Cheng Buyun asked the silver robe staff behind the counter.

This **** castle is good, but this one is not so good. Every product does not indicate the price. You still need to ask the customer, and you do n’t know the reason. Really!

The silver robe staff glanced into Cheng Buyun lightly, and then looked at the little girl next to him with a happy expression, and then replied softly: "Metal life sanctuary level, from low to high is one million, three One million, ten million, fifty million, one hundred million ink stone price. And the **** lower level **** 100 billion, the median **** five trillion, the upper **** ten trillion! "

How could this be?

The first level of the sanctuary-level metal life in the cemetery of the gods only needs ten thousand inkstones, the second block is one hundred thousand, the third block is one million, the fourth level is ten million, and the fifth block is one hundred million. How to **** here The price is completely different?

It seems that Beirut has lowered its price on this sanctuary-level metal life!

After Cheng Buyun realized afterwards, he was only awakened now. The metal life of the God Plane is really expensive. It is no different from the information he had known before, but it is only artificially intervening to lower the price.

No wonder those guys looked at their eyes with envy before, because they brought Qiulan!

It turned out that he understood!

Faraway powerhouses who thought that the plane of the gods, metal life is standard, reaching the point of one man, after all, when he bought metal life, the first block was only ten thousand black stones.

At this time, a large group of people poured into the entrance of the third floor hall, all of whom were wearing demon medals on their chests. Nearly tens of thousands of elite demons and strong men were expressionless, staring at each other with a sturdy walk towards a corner, and immediately caused a small disturbance.

"What's going on?"

Thousands of people in the hall were speculating, and privately there was much discussion.

"I know, look, what are they doing near them? Don't you know!" Someone reminded.

"It's the home buying office."

"I heard a few days ago that Green Willow Lake was redeveloped and a group of courtyards were built. It is estimated that today it is going to be sold."

Cheng Buyun listened to the sound of discussion around him, and there was something strange in his heart. The houses in the city were very expensive. Especially this time, it could attract tens of thousands of powerful demons. The strength is almost the existence of the upper gods. Good place

"Wow, master, suddenly it's so lively." The little girl looked at the hall, and suddenly there were more than 30,000 people, and a little face was a little excited.

A few minutes later, a silver robe worker shouted loudly at the enclosed house sales office: "Welcome to everyone! At this moment we are pleased to tell you that there are another 6,000 seats in our fire and ghost city. The courtyard sells, as for who can buy it, I will not be nonsense. The old rules, the demon strong with high qualification level buy first, do n’t make trouble if you do n’t have demon qualification! "

"The purchase qualification for the Green Willow Hill Beyond Courtyard officially begins."

In an instant, a powerful demon moved and shouted at the silver robe staff behind the counter.

In an instant, it seemed that he had come to the vegetable market, leaving Cheng Buyun in a daze.

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