Plane Universe

Chapter 1274: Hidden Fit

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"Okay, let's not talk about the broken guy Ayunte. When he mentions him, he gets angry." Charlton smiled and picked up the glass, and gestured towards Cheng Buyun. "Come on, let's drink and say something happy."

The two laughed a few words, happy to eat wine.

For Ayunte, in fact, Cheng Buyun has never put too much emphasis on his heart. He has a drop of light, the power of the Lord God, and he is willing to die, and he can kill you with five-star demons.

Cheng Buyun's realm is very high, but what he lacks is the basic strength. Once the foundation is improved, his strength is definitely beyond the imagination of others.

There is a good saying, quality causes change, he can now match the upper **** with the peak of the lower god, and once the power of the main **** is used, the foundation becomes higher, and no matter the soul or the divine power is the absolute upper **** realm.

It's hard to go where you kill a five-star demon.

The power of the main god, one of the most high-end treasures on the plane of God, how powerful it is, no one who has ever used it can imagine it.

According to Cheng Buyun's estimation, the power possessed by the power of the main **** should not be much different from the main artifact.

It's just that the former is a consumable, so it seems less precious.

But in terms of the power of the main god, the main artifact. The former is easier to use than the latter, because the former can be used as long as the **** domain is strong. In the latter case, you do n’t have a certain level of yourself, and give you a master artifact. .

After eating and drinking for a long time, the cup on the stone table was already in disarray, and the little girl had retreated, leaning against the big tree next to him, gasping straight.

The top-level dishes are made from the initial cooking with the peak craftsmanship, and the materials used are also treasures, and the taste is first-class. In terms of supplements, even the magical power of Cheng Buyun's body is slightly improved.

For the little girl, it is a big supplement. Unfortunately, she is a metal life race. She is not very talented. Although she eats too much, it is a pity that the energy dissipation is too strong.

Actually, the little girl doesn't feel sorry for this kind of situation. Energy (fight) is not very useful for her. Metal life is not dominated by combat, but mainly flying, so only physical strength is the main direction. .

"Hah, this time I had a great meal. It's been a long time since I had tasted such food." Charlton said happily: "At the same time, I finally made up for my last regret!"

"You, just came to visit me, but spent millions of money on eating." Cheng Buyun was happy, teasing and laughing: "You are the guest, I should entertain you."

"Go, your wealth, let ’s spend it slowly. There are more places where you use money. I have more places for money. Unlike you, you are alone in this hell, without a background, everything is your own. Go fight. "Charlton said:" Last time in the Meran tribe, there was no good thing to entertain you, I have been very sorry to go, this time I just made up. "

"Master Buyun, I didn't entertain you last time. This has always regretted Master, so don't blame him." Pudant laughed.

"It is this reason, young master's identity, if you let others entertain, do not entertain friends and entertain others, then you must not laugh to death." Bu Ya also nodded.

"I can't tell you." Cheng Buyun shook his head and smiled.

"It's rare for us to meet. If you're sorry, let's exchange some practice experience." Charlton grinned yelled.

"I want you to point you to the cultivation of sword realm, right?" Cheng Buyun teased.

Charlton blushed old, choked his neck and said, "Whatever you say, I'm sure it's communication."


Cheng Buyun nodded and teased, "It's time for communication!"

When he agreed, Buya and Pudant blushed and were able to get instructions on the sword realm. This was something they were very eager for.

Since the last time Cheng Buyun's guidance was overturned, in a few years, their realm of sword meaning has been upgraded by one level, and it is now the pinnacle of sword momentum. It is not far from the real sword artistic conception, and the transformation is just around the corner.

The qualifications of the two are not good, and they say ... they are the children of the side of the Karda family, but they are not very seen in the family, otherwise they will not become Charlton's bodyguards, people with a little status , Who wants to be inferior!

Both Puya and Pudant are the gods of refining the achievements of the divine personality. The road is almost set. If you want to be a strong five-star demon, there is not much hope at all.

Once successful, by virtue of artistic conception, the status can also rise, equivalent to the five-star demon.

If you are lucky, you have been walking along this path. At the pinnacle of the sword realm, the six-star demons and seven-star demons are not completely hopeless.

Everything depends on their chance!

"Sword artistic conception, in fact, is no different from the realm of God. It takes the formation of the domain as the main premise. It's just that one forms the domain with laws and the other forms the domain with artistic conception. Last time I talked about The formation of sword power, how to achieve the peak of the unity of swords, this time I will guide you how to form your own sword heart, form your own unique sword domain, and then how to enhance your sword intention. "Cheng Buyun's voice is like a bell, in They sounded in their heads, their tongues bloomed in lotus, and the interpretation of the sword's artistic conception and Jingyi was carried out to explain the situation. The three of them fell into the spot, and the sword's Jingyi fluctuated as the former explained.

Sometimes contemplative, distressed, and joyful.

Hearing the happy place, dancing again and again, like a lunatic.

When the night came, the street lights in the manor also lighted up, and there were various colors. The sky of the manor rose into a magic array, and the stars gleamed on the treetops, like a dream world.

At this time, Cheng Buyun stopped.

The three Charlton continue to be immersed in the sword and mind, unable to extricate themselves.

"Okay, Qiu Lan, go to rest, don't worry about them, they will leave on their own when they wake up, and you can just practice." Cheng Buyun turned his head and glanced at the boring sand, holding it in hand The little girl who stabbed the ant hole with a tree branch shook her head bitterly.

The talent and understanding of metal life is really poor. Born in the Panlong universe, for them, it is a kind of giving up!

If you are devouring the starry sky, at least in the period of the main lord, with the increase of the lord's level of consciousness, the path of cultivation can be easier.

However, there are good and bad, where to eat the starry sky, although the main level has characteristics blessing, but its life span is limited, if ... Once the immortal **** level cannot be reached in 10,800 years, the life span will end.

After death, even the Lord of the universe can't be resurrected.

Panlong Universe has no such concerns.

So there are good and bad!

At least there are no worries about longevity here, and there is no problem with the security of the strong.

The three people of Charlton practiced in the yard. There was no problem with safety, and no one came to disturb him. The owner did not have any opinions, and the hotel did not. After all, this yard has a total of three buildings on the second floor. Lou, that is to say, can live for six people.

Cheng Buyun, Charlton, Bua, and Pudant are only four in total, and there are only two left.

Little girl?

She is a metal life, not counted.

Back in the room, after a day's rest, the tired soul has almost completely recovered.

In addition, I took another soul golden bead and it was in good condition.

In fact, Cheng Buyun's soul is very powerful, and the analysis of divine power consumption is not as big as imagined, but just doing the same thing for a long time, feeling tired.


The fuel of faith burns again, and Cheng Buyun once again sinks into the analysis of divine power.

Believe that the fuel is burning again and again, and disappointed again and again, unable to find the meeting point between the earth's divine power and the fire's divine power.

After all, he did n’t become a **** for too long, and it was only forty years after he was full. It was sometimes practiced with the belief fuel burning law, so there is not much surviving belief fuel.

Even if he has three lines to become a god, the same!

Compared with those old gods, the gap is too big.

It ’s not that there are billions of believers in the Magnolia plane, and it is estimated that it will be completely consumed after burning three or more times.

But after dozens of burnings, the fuel of faith now consumed is not much different, but the point where the two divine powers can be successfully matched has not yet been found.

"Faith fuel can only be burned once more. Last time, if it can't be found again, then ... the time will be very long." Cheng Buyun worried about himself secretly.


Within the divine power, the remaining fuel of the faith is consumed directly, and all of it is burned. Cheng Buyun quietly senses the two distinct divine powers in his body.

The two divine powers spread out, like a layer of paper, and the paper that he had analyzed and analyzed before was ignored by him.

However, when this ray of divine power was completely resolved by him, he discovered that it was all exactly the same.

At the moment, his face changed greatly, "Where is that wrong?"

"Where is it hidden?" Cheng Buyun seemed to be a bit scorched, and failed too many times, even making him think that he could not find the secret of the divine power, or that the divine power should be like this, every trace is the same There is no difference.

It's just that he didn't give up.

Because he did not retreat.

He looked at this ray of divine power once again.

Suddenly, at this time when it was believed that the fuel would be burned, Cheng Buyun seemed to find something, feeling a little bit different.

Although this ray of divine power is like innumerable thin threads intertwined, but ... there is exactly the same between each thin thread, but just now he discovered that the inner layer of divine filament has a very thin and very thin The gray silk thread appears from the inside out.

The inner layer of the gray filament that flashed away made people think it was an illusion.

"This is definitely not an illusion." Cheng Buyun is very sure that he has not realized the mistake, it is definitely chaotic energy.

The superimposed layers of divine power are composed of countless filaments. Finding between divine power stacks is doomed to have no result.

Cheng Buyun immediately, while the fuel of faith was not burned, sensed a filament in the inner layer of the divine power alone, and the soul force went in crazy, looking for the countless filaments in the filament, looking for the 'possible' !

The filaments, which are hundreds of millions of times smaller than the hair, are completely intertwined. It is not easy to find them.

There was only one possibility, how could Cheng Buyun give up.

For a long time, Cheng Buyun felt wrong. Although there are countless silk threads wrapped in a thin wire, hundreds of millions of them can be clearly distinguished by his soul strength. How can he not find it?

Suddenly, among the countless filaments in that filament ... There were several filaments that suddenly changed, and the flashing gray before it appeared again.

"I see. It turns out that it is not chaotic energy mixed in countless filaments, but every thin thread has chaotic energy. I'm really stupid!"

Cheng Buyun was ecstatic, and the soul in his head shouted happily on the spot.

"Haha, the emperor does not take pains, I finally found the secret of divine power." Cheng Buyun felt that the fuel of faith was about to burn, and immediately let the divine power subside, and opened his eyes, feeling that the world in front of him was completely cheerful.

Before the gloomy complexion, eyes turned into an extremely surprised expression.

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