Plane Universe

Chapter 1277: Immortal Essence

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Of course, sometimes talent is insufficient, and no matter how diligent, there may not be a good result.

However, if there is a good mentor, it is quite easy to give guidance and think a little bit of achievement. Although you can't be the best, you still have a chance to become a master.

Bu Ya has seized the opportunity now, as long as he gets Cheng Buyun's likes and gives him a few more instructions, he will certainly be able to make a breakthrough in the realm of Jianyi and become a five-star demon.

The little girl came out after training, and when she saw the master standing quietly in the courtyard, looking up at a certain direction in the sky, she immediately cheered, "Master, you woke up to practice!"

Cheng Buyun withdrew his eyes and turned to watch the little girl jump from the upstairs and said with a smile: "Well, just came out. Haven't you been lazy during this time?"

"Master, I don't have it. I can try harder." The little girl looked up and stood proud, a little smug.

After observing her strength, Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled: "I can see that you are still working hard during this time, and the level has been upgraded by one level."

Speaking of strength, the little girl's proud look that just rose, disappeared without a trace, and said discouragedly: "The level is increased, but the body strength is increased too slowly, although I can now use the third gear Flying speed, but the strength of the body can not be supported. Once the flight is too fast, my body will crack, and even disintegrate in the air. "

"This is indeed a problem." Cheng Buyun nodded slightly, the gravity in the Panlong universe was very large, and the pulling force caused by flying too fast, he could feel it himself.

Moreover, the little girl's changed body is very large, with a length of 100 meters, and the gravitational force it receives is far greater than that of the human body.

"And oh master, I have finished the divine and artifacts you gave me before." The little girl said timidly, "It was finished as early as ten years ago, but the master is practicing, I did not dare to bother Recently, they dig ore in the yard to eat. "

"Oh, run out?"

Cheng Buyun's face was calm, only that he knew it, and he didn't care too much. He turned over and continued to come up with a large number of thousands of gods floating in front of him, and led him to the little girl, laughing. : "Use it"

The level of metal life is difficult to upgrade, almost all piled up with money, I want to use a little magical artifact to upgrade metal life, I think too much.

After all, the metal life of the third gear is already 10 million ink stones, and the second gear is only 3 million ink stones.

If the level is easy to upgrade, who will buy a higher level of metal life?

"Thank you, Master." The little girl happily dragged this huge number of gods to herself, selected four gods of wind, fire, water and soil, and then received the space in her body, then took out a **** and threw it cheerfully. When he got into his mouth, he grumbled into his stomach.

"Don't these?" Cheng Buyun was a little surprised.

"Yes, master, these are useless, eating can't improve the strength of the body at all." The little girl also took out the remaining divine personalities and artifacts from the body space of her body, which were all taken out one by one. Afterwards, together with the piles of pre-selected godheads in front of him, they pushed back together, "Master, after the experience I have eaten before, in addition to the four-line gods of wind, fire, water and soil, the other gods of the other lines are sorry for me. It ’s the same with artifacts, it ’s useless. ”

"It's so strange?" Cheng Buyun stunned, thinking for a moment, and asked, "So, after eating these four divine personalities, did your law strength increase?"

The girl didn't understand this question a little, and she couldn't explain it at all, her language was unclear.

Although the little girl couldn't explain it, her actions had already made Cheng Buyun have some speculation in her mind.

There must be immortal material in the divine lattice and various artifacts, and the four divine lattices of wind, fire, water and earth also carry chaotic energy. When the qualitative change is caused by the equivalent, it will naturally break through a certain limit and become a **** domain!

As we all know, metal life is basically impossible to practice, and the law of perception can be described by the speed of the turtle, which is countless times lower than that of the gods who refine the divine personality. It is basically impossible to become a **** alone.

Will not appear!

In all the planes of God, no one has ever heard that metal life can become a **** alone, and no one has seen metal life possess a **** avatar.

No wonder a god-level metal life is expensive to the point of trillions of inkstones. It is really too difficult to become a **** domain!

Think about the huge and scary body of metal life, and want to transform such a large body into an immortal level, which is more difficult than anyone can imagine.

Just as Cheng Buyun was sitting in the stone table city of the courtyard, there was an exaggerated laughter outside the courtyard, "Haha, Brother Buyun, I'm here."

Cheng Buyun, who was awakened by the sound, turned his head and looked at the person in surprise. "Charlton, didn't Buya go back just now? Why did you come again?"

"Haha, didn't I hear that you came out?" Charlton walked into the yard, sitting on the stone table at the butt, looking at him with a smile and said, "There is a good saying, it's not like a day Sanqiu, since the last time, we have n’t seen each other for more than thirty years. Think about how many Sanqiu this is, haha! "

"Master Buyun." Two of his bodyguards, Bu Ya and Pu Dante smiled and stood quietly after saying hello.

Cheng Buyun smiled dumbly and said, "Where have you been away recently?"

"There is nowhere to go, so I just take a risk outside where it is suitable for my strength and enhance my fighting ability. A person like me can't take risks at my own pace. After all, the strength is low. Everyone will follow wherever they go. "Charlton shook his head and sighed, looking distressed."

Buya and Pudant smiled bitterly, didn't they say they were.

But they could n’t. Charlton ’s strength was too low, and **** was too dangerous. No one followed, and faced death threats at any time, so the two basically dared not leave the former one step.

Once the other one goes to work, Charlton's movements will be restricted, and he needs to wait for another lively come back before he can resume the operation.

"Don't be in the blessing and don't know the blessing. Other people want to have a happy life like you." Cheng Buyun stared and then asked again: "What am I doing here today?"

"I didn't do it, just wanted to invite you to be my guest in the manor in the Fire Hades in the Karda family." Charlton smiled weirdly, "There are beautiful women."

"Go, the dog's mouth can't spit out ivory. I'm not like you. I fight for women all day long." Cheng Buyun laughed carelessly: "I don't really care about women. Is there nothing at all? . "

"Go, practice all day, don't you hate it?" Charlton pulled him and persuaded: "Work hard to become a strong man, isn't it for status, wealth and women? Without these three, even if you let you Become the strongest, it ’s no fun! "

The three things Charlton said are basically the choices of most people. No matter how strong they are, they are always inseparable from them.

When you are stronger, the greater the desire!

Cheng Buyun was the same at the beginning. At the beginning, she was very concerned about women. There was a wish to play all over the world.

But when he became stronger and stronger, and his status became higher and higher, after having four wives, his thoughts on women were a bit weak.

Of course ... the most important thing is that he didn't meet the woman he acted in. The woman he met differed greatly in status and strength.

The two can't talk at all.

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