Plane Universe

Chapter 1282: Rat eyes

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Deacon Pixar turned his head, glanced at him eerily, and said in a deep voice, "I will deal with you later."

The little girl was pale, hiding behind Cheng Buyun and daring not to show her head. This old man was terrible!

"In this case, then I am disturbed." Cheng Buyun looked indifferent, turned directly, and wanted to leave.

"Slow, Brother Buyun, you can't go." Charlton was shocked at the sight of Cheng Buyun's move, immediately stopped in front of the latter, took his arm, and then looked at Deacon Pixar, roaring angrily : "I just came back with a friend, and you want to drive me away. I'm in the family, don't I have such a right?"

"I'm doing it for you." Deacon Pixar said indifferently: "You intervene in this matter, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"I know the consequences, and they are very clear." Charlton dragged Cheng Buyun's arm tightly, afraid that he would walk away with intention, and then shouted loudly: "Isn't it an Ayunte, can he treat me again?" What to do? He has a six-star demon-level father, do n’t I have it? So my brother, I intervene! "

"You drove my brother away today, let's not say whether the family will be embarrassed." Charlton's wrist muscles were exposed, and the expression on his face was also distorted. "But my face is definitely lost, how will others look at it in the future Me? I just thought I was greedy for life and fear of death, and I stayed halfway when I was in danger. Will I still be friends? "

The two Buya and Pudant standing next to each other also frowned secretly, and they looked a little weird in their hearts. Deacon Pixar's behavior today was a bit abnormal.

Completely different from his usual person.

Could it be ... he took advantage of each other?

"It's better to lose face than to lose one's life." Deacon Pixar also shouted: "Did you ever think about it? Even if you are the young master of the Karda family, it is also very dangerous to intervene in this matter. You can go out in the future. Is it adventurous? Going to a place, does the family send you an escort? Do you have such a big face? "

"No matter what you say, my brother will definitely intervene. Even if you do n’t allow him to live here, well, I ’ll go to the hotel outside and book a room for him, so I can live in together. "Charlton said dangerously," I'll see, my main bloodline of the Karda family can't even invite a friend to live in the manor, let the rest of the family see, who are we, There is still no place in the family. "


Deacon Pixar was simply silent.

"Charlton, it's not necessary. Since it's embarrassing and inconvenient, then I'll go back and live in Lianhua Pavilion." Cheng Buyun said truthfully: "The other party sent a strong man, but he only dared to seduce, but it's not true. Hands on. "

He did n’t say it was okay, and Charlton immediately ignited, “No, starting today, I have to let you live whatever you say, until you do n’t want to live!”

"It's nice to say, it's up to you as a lower god. Well, although the energy on your body is very weird, can someone else be a five-star demon who cultivates the rules of fate, and you can't deal with you a little lower god?" Pixar ignored Charlton, but instead Looking at Cheng Buyun sneered, "Too much to promote yourself, no genius that has grown up, just a weak person."

"So what?" Charlton roared. "Even if the other party was tempted, but I have two guards of the upper gods. Even if I don't practice and take turns to stare, I can protect it. Ayunte's plan cannot succeed."

After saying this, he no longer looked at Deacon Pixar, and directly took Cheng Buyun out of the hall.

"Damn, **** it." Pixar was furious again and again, but he didn't have a very good way. Charlton was determined to let Cheng Buyun stay, what can he do.

As Charlton said before, he is a direct descendant of the main line of Karda, and he has no power to even invite a friend to live on the family estate. This will definitely make the young ladies angry and even hostile to him.

This is a kind of provocation, it is also a kind of suppression.

He could not afford such a responsibility, and he could only let Charlton Hu come.

On the way back to his yard, Charlton also lost his temper, swearing, and even smashed a small rockery passing by

He feels really embarrassed today

"Charlton, calm down." Cheng Buyun whispered when he saw him, "Actually, I am not angry at all. Deacon Pixar did what he did for your own good. After all, I am not the Karda family. It is very unwise to say that someone, an unrelated person, has to deal with the core members of another family for their sake. "

"You're my friend, the first time you came to be a guest, no matter how embarrassing, you can't tell me in front of you like this, you can't talk to me in private? Although I won't agree to it." Charlton said angrily: "But Today, let him say this, he felt uncomfortable like eating a fly. "

"Let's have no strength. Without strength, people will not be seen." Cheng Buyun said leisurely, calm on the face, not angry at all.

Entering the elegant little yard where Charlton lived, Charlton sighed: "That's because he was blind, he didn't know you genius, no matter what the Pixar deacon said, it's right for you to live here Will change, go, let's drink. "

The maids soon set up a table of dishes, and Cheng Buyun ate and drank a few people.

To be honest, Charlton's yard is still very good, the decoration is luxurious and elegant, there are more than a dozen maids, and there is a small guard around the yard to protect the safety here.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Charlton's words increased again, "I don't know how to do it. I said well before. When I invited you to come, Deacon Pixar still supported this matter and didn't want to blink. It ’s changed. And it ’s said that you do n’t want you to live here, which is really hateful. ”


Bu Ya turned his head to look around and found that the maids were doing things on the side and did not pay attention to it, before lowering his voice: "It is estimated that Deacon Pixar has received the benefits of others."

As for who received the benefits, naturally needless to say.

"Damn, I actually feel the same way," Charlton said angrily. "Ayunt's action is so fast. In a short way, they will discuss it and bleed to buy Pixar."

Even if he guessed that Deacon Pixar had received the benefits of being punished, and he was unwilling to live in the manor, Charlton had no way to fight back.

Still the same sentence, he Cheng Buyun is not part of the Karda family, why do others want to help you? Without perseverance, that family would not do a loss-making business!

It is the duty to help you, but it is the duty to not help!

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