Plane Universe

Chapter 1307: Body modification

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Cheng Buyun's face was gloomy. The Jonassi family threatened himself this time. Although he didn't let himself suffer, he showed himself the power of the main god.

So ... the account should be calculated.

This time I didn't bite a piece of meat on them, I'm sorry for their efforts to jump up and down.

In hell, only when you are strong will others talk to you.

He knows the rules of the strong.

Well, don't think about these things. Now you are not worried about yourself. Continue to practice. Only when you become stronger can you wander through this hell.

Cheng Buyun still cherishes his life.

Anyway, it is safe in the city, and the wealth can be supported, and there is no major thing to do by yourself.

What kind of laws should you realize?

After thinking about it for a long time, he was thinking about the six mysteries of the rules of the water system. The rules of the mysterious mystery that he realized before were either attacks or auxiliary classes. What he was poor was a life-style mystery-treatment?

If it is the treatment of the mysterious mystery of the water system, it will be much faster to start.

The water system heals the mystery, it is related to the healing of the light system, and it is also related to the vitality of the soil system.

It should be said that almost all mysterious mysteries, no more, no less, are somewhat related to other laws.

One way, every way!

Once I figured it out, all kinds of feelings came to my mind.

Very good, on the mystery of water treatment.

Immediately, Cheng Buyun did not think too much. This time he realized the treatment of the water system does not mean that he will not practice other mysteries in the future.

After all, in terms of the mysterious mystery of the water system, the most valuable to him now is this healing mystery.

Other mysteries, even if you reach cultivation level, are icing on the cake, and the effect will not be too great.


The Jonassi family revealed that the intention of reconciliation had not been answered, and on the spot, Deacon Julian jumped on the spot, and hated Cheng Buyun for not giving face.

Let the outside world know that they must not be laughed at.

Since Aunt knew that his father's letter meant reconciliation with Cheng Buyun, he sent out tempers one after another, but after his father's harsh words, he had to succumb.

Hidden in the other courtyard like an ostrich, dare not come out to meet people!

"Damn things, if you get into trouble, just give your hands to wipe your **** for you, **** it." Deacon Julian hated. This hot potato is a big trouble. It is better to deal with it perfectly. A pot.

He was evaluated by the Presbyterian Council as an unclear supervisor who did not manage the family branch properly.

"How do I monitor?"

"How can I stop it?"

Deacon Hu Li'an was also angry, and each family's heirloom privileges were great, and they were able to sit on par with the deacons, especially Ayunte, a child who was spoiled by his father, had more power.

Even when he was face to face, he had to compliment a few words.

Okay, now I'm in trouble. This is to say that I am not, and that I have not done my best to monitor.

What a special!

A bunch of **** old things!

Why don't you die?

Although he lost his temper, Julian didn't dare to scold it out casually, he could only think about it in his heart!

In any case, negotiations must still be conducted.


The law of water system treats the mysterious mystery, and Cheng Buyun is not difficult to realize.

It should be said that it is a lot easier than practicing speed mystery.

After all, he had practiced the rules of the light system before, and although he did not succeed in curing the mystery of the mystery, he only realized that it was only one step away.

Find the connection between the two, and the speed of perception is fast.

Who made his perception super strong?

Five thousand times the perception bonus, this is not a joke.

After years of precipitation, he has read a lot of mysteries and typical examples of his predecessors, and it is already a monster level. After five thousand times the amplitude, the intensity is amazing!

So what restricts him is only the speed of absorbing the law, not the bottleneck being stuck.

As far as the bottleneck is concerned, he almost does not exist here.

If the data rule of the water system is replaced with a percentage value, then the amount that this value increases every moment can make people startled.

Increased too quickly.

During the cultivation, he gave Cheng Buyun the feeling of a fish swimming in the water.

Hesitating to lie in the sea, enjoying the drifting with the waves, the sea and the sky, the autumn and the water are boundless!

Two years have passed.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun came awake that day, his eyes showing joy, and he laughed: "It's done!"

Hearing his extremely joyful voice, the two practicing in the room next to the building were also awakened one after another, and before they could figure out what had happened, the world and the world had once again changed color.

Bu Ya, who was in the garden of the Beyond Garden, also opened his eyes in amazement, and looked to the second floor of the small building where Cheng Buyun was.


The ancient and magnificent rules of heaven and earth came with it, and once again visited this other courtyard.

The rules of the day and the earth came here again, and countless people looked frightened. Looking at this direction, their expressions turned into surprise, they could n’t believe it, and so on.

In the room, Cheng Buyun's body floated involuntarily. The deity of the personality in his mind slowly rose and rose. A blue water divine power in the void surpassed hundreds of millions of miles and began to infuse the divine energy with divine power.

The day calmed down, sensing the changes in his own personality, Cheng Buyun laughed out loud.

Finally the four divine powers are ready.

He is barely a strong man.

In hell, only the upper **** can be called the strong.

Of course, this strong man has just started.

Realizing the turbulent four divine powers in the godhead, he could not stop laughing.


Suddenly, Cheng Buyun screamed directly in his consciousness, and the four divine powers in the divine lattice exploded violently, rushing out of their own small squares, and then blended together to form a light gray energy.

Chaos energy!

The fusion of the four divine powers, the abrupt change appeared.

The turbulent variation of the divine power is not waiting for the step cloud to be attracted, and it naturally runs and is automatically transmitted to his body.



Cheng Buyun was so agitated by this chaotic energy that it was really painful.

The kind of pain that hurt the depths of his soul almost made his whole body cramp, and his expression was bursting with blue muscles and twisted.

Clenching his teeth, Cheng Buyun kept himself awake and dared not let him faint, because he didn't know that if this kind of transformation fainted, he would not continue.

He dare not bet!

Can only bear.

Fortunately, after hundreds of years of cultivation, the powerful willpower has not followed, but because it already has, it can still persist.

It hurts so much.

Even his characters almost fainted, and the chaotic energy that seemed to explode from the Red Society spread all over his body. One can imagine how terrible it is.

Cheng Buyun's body strength is not comparable to that of lei's body, and the two cannot even be compared. Lei's bloodline is the blood of the main god, which is much higher than that of his body.

The physique is strong, and the transformation he has received is even stronger.

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