Plane Universe

Chapter 1314: Open negotiation

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Hearing Roger Artes agreed to Cheng Buyun's request, the two sides began open negotiations in the lobby, which immediately triggered an uproar.

The Jonassi family, which has always been strong, was forced to bow its head today?

Cheng Buyun, the newly-emerged strong man, is really worth the attention of the Jonassi family?

The former has strong strength and potential, and possesses the realm of sword and shadow, but Jonashi is not weak. It has a peak-level seven-star demon patriarch, more than twenty six-star demon elders of varying strength, and hundreds of five-star demon Countless high-level **** warriors. This background, need to pay attention to a Cheng Buyun?

It ’s just the realm of swordsmanship. The foundation of the upper **** level is heaven. It ’s close to the six-star demon when it reaches the top. Does this need to be afraid of bowing?

Are you afraid of each other ’s potential, or are there other things we do n’t know about?

Among them ... there must be something that the Jonassi family values.

The people of the other big families in the onlookers secretly guessed whether the Jonassi family had already determined that Cheng Buyun was a soul mutant?

There are very few soul mutants, but it is no secret in hell.

In particular, the breath of divine power revealed on the surface of Cheng Buyun's body is completely different from the breath of other powerful people. Some people already have some doubts.

The knowledge of the powerful in **** is completely beyond the realm of the realm.

As long as there are some connections, others can see you transparently.


Roger Artes agreed to Cheng Buyun's request, and immediately began to arrange, want to negotiate things as soon as possible, so as not to continue to lose face here.

Soon, a long square table was placed in the lobby, and the two parties of the negotiation sat down face to face under the auspices of Pixar to prepare for the next negotiation argument.

The entire lobby was quiet when the two parties were ready to start negotiations.

Watching the lively people quietly, a pair of excited eyes fell on the main staff of both sides, waiting!

"This open negotiation has the main purpose of resolving the misunderstanding and conflict between the two parties. I also ask the two to be calm and do not launch personal attacks based on peace." Pixar stood on the long square table and smiled for the open negotiation. There was a theme, "Lord Roger Artes, you can start."


Roger Artes cleared his throat and stood up, staring into Bu Yun, and said apologetically on his face: "First of all, I apologize for the trouble caused by Your Excellency Ayunte Jonasi."

The conflict between the two sides, the people who are present and the consequences, no matter who they are, are very clear. Without Aunt's rudeness at the beginning, neither side will have everything that happened later.

"What else?" Cheng Buyun smiled lightly and said calmly: "The conflict between our two sides is more than that, the methods you use for Jonaxi towards me ... such as the innumerable hotels in the United Fire Hades City, based on the family heritage. , Human relations, forced me not to take the risk to go out of town to participate in the demon assessment. "

As for the early attack of the strong fate, Cheng Buyun didn't mention it. His evidence of the other party's attack, without evidence, and casually slandering a strong man in this way would cause big problems.

Roger Artes had a little embarrassment on his face, and all methods were put together, but the result of the matter became what it is today, and it can make people laugh to death.

The family's face was really lost this time.

But at this time he could not tolerate his sophistry, since it was already so, he could only nod and admit it, and said in a hoarse voice: "So, we, the Jonassi family, are very sorry. , As long as it is not too embarrassing for us, our Jonah family must agree. "

In this case, Cheng Buyun did not give them a circle, and directly said: "As a conflict of events at this time, the causes and consequences occurred because of the wrong decision of your Jonashi family. I request ... First, the Jonashi family wants Give me an account and apologize publicly ... "

On the first condition of export, Roger Artes' face was directly black.

Those who watched the lively also widened their eyes on the spot, which was a bit excessive.

Once the Jonassi family has done so, they will not be able to gain a foothold in the Underworld.

The mouth was too open, and the Jonassi family would never agree.

But Cheng Buyun didn't care. He continued, "Secondly, as your wrong decision, it caused irreparable losses and consequences for me, so you have to compensate me 50 trillion black stones!"

Fifty trillion ink stone?

Throughout the lobby of the Huoming Hotel, the lively people immediately widened their eyes.

A black stone with big pinky fingers, what a huge figure of 50 trillion!

Stacked up to form a huge mountain.

How dare you want it!

When he heard Cheng Buyun's second request, Roger Artes almost couldn't breathe, and his eyes were black, what a terrific 50 trillion!

Do you know how huge a figure of fifty trillion is?

The whole family's business profit for the whole year is only tens of billions. How can you say that you want the family's profit for hundreds of years!

"The above, I have only these two little requirements." Cheng Buyun smiled faintly, and took a sip of tea, in a relaxed state.


His Excellency Pixar, who was sitting on the sidelines presiding over the negotiating meeting, had his eyes widened completely. Are these two small requests?

Not to mention the first request, he was secretly swallowing the saliva of fifty trillion inkstones behind him.

He has worked hard for hundreds of thousands of years, and has a wealth of more than 100 billion inkstones on his body. Among the five-star demons, his net worth is very low.

Supporting family affairs all the year round, without going out for adventure, the rate of gathering wealth is naturally very slow.

Of course, also easy!

No danger!

"Fifty trillions of inkstones!" Charlton's mouth was exaggerated and he couldn't say anything when he looked at Cheng Buyun. He didn't expect that his brother was so crazy that Zhangkou would demand compensation of 50 trillion yuan Ink stone.

According to his knowledge, about 300,000 ink stones can extract a drop of the power of the main god, and one-third of it is the processing fee. This is the standard price, but whether you can find a strong person to refine the main force of the main **** for you depends on your details!

Fifty trillion yuan, already nearly two drops of wealth of the Lord's power, too high!

The Jonassi family will not agree!

"Impossible." Roger Artes broke out immediately, hopping and refused: "Your Excellency, your request is too high."

Cheng Buyun looked at him, his eyes squinted, and looked at him with a bad look.

Roger Artes ignored it, arguing: "First of all, the several conflicts this time were just the ideas of some of the Jonah family, not the will of the entire Jonah family. You should be very clear, sir. It is impossible to ask our Jonassi family to apologize to your Excellency. "


Cheng Buyun also glared and shouted: "When the strong crushed me, why didn't your Jonassi family think about it and come forward to stop these conflicts? Today you told me that this is only part of the behavior of people? With the family background and background, who can make such a big move in Huomingcheng? "

Repeatedly asked, Roger Artes was speechless immediately, what the other party said was the fact, if there is no family heritage, only relying on the face of Elder Elson, who will care about you in the whole Fire Hades.

I am afraid that Huoming Hotel will not agree to the first one.

In fact, Cheng Buyun's background is not very large. The person in charge of the Huoming Hotel did not even notify the main city of the city, and he directly sold a face to the Jonathan family.

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