Plane Universe

Chapter 1332: Formally joined the master of Xuanguang

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O'Neill shot the table directly with anger, looking at the fire with an angry look.

That is to say, this black table and chair is forged with precious ore, otherwise how can it withstand the huge power under the two of them, how can it withstand the huge power!

"Don't think that if you are strong, I'm afraid of you. When it comes to the great monarch, I won't admit defeat!" Huo Ming argued with a louder voice than O'Neill. With the blue bars exposed, the angry look, just him Can't beat O'Neill, otherwise ... I'm afraid it's all done!

When Huoming scolded his nose like this, O'Neill gritted his teeth in anger.

The little girl standing on the side was so scared that she shook her body, hiding behind Cheng Buyun, not daring to show her head!

Cheng Buyun watched the quarrel between the two, but did not say anything.

After all, he also knew at this time that Huo Ming's argument was for his own cultivation resources!

It is estimated that the genius of the main **** reserve team is divided into several levels. As for the small number, it is high, or the large number is high. He thought about it for a long time, it should be big!

No matter what, three, six, nine, etc., where the number five is also placed, no matter what, he does not suffer!

With his talents, the resources almost didn't matter at the beginning, and it would be better to fight later.

"Okay, okay, don't be excited, O'Neill didn't do it on purpose." Tarut pulsed again and again, smiling bitterly, "It's not that we don't rate higher geniuses, but we don't have permission!"


Huoming was dumb directly, his face was sullen, and he sat down in embarrassment and whispered: "Knowing that you have insufficient authority, then you will not let someone with higher authority come!"

His words made O'Neal and Tarut half dead on the spot!

"It's already pretty good, the five-star genius level ... many geniuses can't reach it in their lifetime." O'Neill choked coldly.

"Can my brother Buyun be the same as those who crooked melons?" Huo Ming also knew that he was wrong, and could only mumble.

O'Neill and Tarut are so angry that their skin muscles twitch, as if the genius you sent before was very powerful!

"Student Cheng Buyun, please take a look at this contract first. If you don't understand anything, I will mention it again." O'Neill ignored the fire and once again gave Cheng Buyun a book with a similar contract. "It's not that I don't I'm fighting for a higher level of cultivation resources for you, but not. Our authority can only be granted up to five levels. If you want a higher level of resources, you need to ask Tan Odda Commander, or Black Cloud Messenger! "

"And the two adults are not here for the time being, even if you want to ask for instructions, you can't find people." Tarut sighed: "In fact, the five-star level is already high, and it has rarely appeared in history. The last time this level appeared, It ’s the Doma Messenger. "

Speaking of the big Dharma messenger, O'Neill and Tarut couldn't help but admire, with a look of admiration and a hint of fascination.

That look is like the expression of the goddess in my heart!


This Doma messenger is male and female, Cheng Buyun knew from the look of the two before.

The light and fluffy paper in the hand of the cushion, it seems that it is not a good weight sheet made of unknown materials. Cheng Buyun didn't say much, just opened it and looked at the content inside: the five-star genius contract book!

The opening is a warning:

The students of the Lord God Reserve Team shall not disclose the secrets and any information here for any reason, and the violators will be expelled from hell!

It's a bit powerful to drive out of hell.

There is a limit. No wonder there is no wind outside.

Continue to look down:

Five-star genius treatment, with a distribution of 1.5 million points every 100 years.

2. A pound of starry sky liquid.

3. A pound of life water.

4. One bodhi fruit. (Up to ten)

5. One drop of silver light liquid.

6. A drop of power of the Lord God.

7. One medal with unlimited transmission authority (limited to the plane of **** to the highest god), and the distribution of the metal life of the next **** (recovered when the assessment fails).

First, after signing the contract, the contracted students formally belonged to the next member of Xuanguang's main god, and within a thousand years, they will enjoy the above five-star genius treatment unconditionally!

Second, after the millennium, we will assess whether we have passed the grade and whether we will continue to enjoy the genius level training resources!

Thirdly, the contract students must not leave Hell to the High God plane for no reason, nor must they surrender to other forces for no reason.

Fourth, the contracted students shall not transfer to the rest of the monarchs without the approval of Xuanguang monarch,

Fifth, violate any of the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of the contract and deal with the crime of treason!

Sixth, I wish the contract students to practice smoothly and become a pinnacle strong man in the plane of Hell God!


At the bottom left of the book page is a signature stamp of Xuanguang color: Xuanguang Lord.

The student on the right side of the book page is blank, and this is naturally where Cheng Buyun needs to sign.

Who dare to violate the contract with the Lord God!

And there is only one copy of this contract, which is more domineering.

But in general, even if the contracted student does not have a contract for protection, you do n’t need to worry too much. After all, it is the main god, and the other party will not deliberately suppress you.

Signing a contract is actually a form, as long as you violate the content of the contract, this contract will never appear!

But Ang you switch to other monarchs, then ... Lord Xuanguang will come up with this contract and ask you to settle the account.

At that time, even if you become the messenger of other main gods, it's useless.

When Cheng Buyun gently put down the contract, O'Neill asked with a smile. "Have you finished reading?"

"Show me." Huo Ming took the contract in front of Cheng Buyun and immediately looked at it. When he saw the content above, his face changed and became red.

Eyes seemed to have two flames.

The cultivation resources given are too powerful!

Starry sky liquid?

Bodhi fruit?

Life water?

Silver glitter?

Nima, the cultivation resources given above are all good things. These are things he can't get.

Starry Sky Liquid is a rarer cultivation resource than Ziguanglu, which is many times more powerful.

Life water can enhance physical fitness, and silver light liquid can enhance body strength and defense.

And what made him jealous is that these things are resources that will be equipped every 100 years, what a drop! Great genius!

Seriously, genius is really amazing.

No matter how jealous, Huo Ming has no way to grab it!

No one can make him gifted, and there is no way to enter the main reserve team!

Looking at the fire with red eyes and panting, O'Neill and Tarut smiled.

In fact, some of the above resources are also eagerly desired by them, but unfortunately these resources are very few and few, and no one can enjoy them except the talented students.

Even the master responsible for managing the ‘Black Cloud Messenger’, he ca n’t enjoy it!

O'Neill glanced at Cheng Buyun and nodded, "Since you've finished reading, sign it, cover it with mental force, and write your name with soul force. After signing, you are us An official student in the reserve team of the Lord's Angels, and training resources can be distributed immediately. "

"Would you like to join the Academy of the Lord's Angels Reserve established under the lord Xuanguang?" Tarut asked Mimi with a smile.

Cheng Buyun nodded and said aloud, "I will!"

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