Plane Universe

Chapter 1347: Predictable result

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In the huge dining room on the left side of the hall, at a corner of the relatively remote table, a young man and a young girl sat on the chairs.

The youth wear is no different from the people on the other tables, only the girl next to it looks a little different. Although it looks like a human girl, in the induction, the whole body is made of metal.

It looks like Cheng Buyun and his metal life ‘Qiu Lan’.

The two sat leisurely at the table and tasted the food, which was very pleasant.

The happiest is undoubtedly the little girl, who was sweating and eating, and a wave of mist continued to radiate from the top of her head, a sign that the powerful energy could not be absorbed and continued to escape.

After practicing for a while, Cheng Buyun stopped deliberately for a rest day, so he naturally took the little girl out to taste the food.

In fact, he also invited Sophia, but the woman, who was not particular about eating, became stronger, ignored his invitation, and stayed in his residence to continue to evolve and cultivate.

Of course, the emergence of Cheng Buyun has also attracted the attention of many people.

Even in the restaurant at the moment, there are many people who are secretly watching and talking secretly.

These, Cheng Buyun has become accustomed to. The only person in the main **** messenger reserve team that has received five-star genius treatment in the next **** level for hundreds of millions of years is naturally the object of countless people's attention.

But in the past sixty years, Cheng Buyun had some materials, and the geniuses also got their hands, knowing his details, and comprehending the genius comprehended by the sword, which is a sign of the strong.

As long as it does not die, at least it can have a place in the seven-star demon level.

In the field of swordsmanship, even if it is impossible to integrate the mystery of the mystery, it is just the power of the upper gods, and it can barely compete with the ordinary seven-star demon strong.

Therefore, in the past few decades, no one has become a big head ghost in front of him, it will seem stupid and ignorant.

At this time, a heavy sigh came from a table next to it, which made Cheng Buyun raise his head and looked at it.

"Dan, my strongest earth **** avatar is dead. I may not be able to pass this assessment."

A few meters away, there were two young people sitting on that table. Their faces looked a little heavy, and the young with long gray hair looked a little angry. "There are seven hundred years, are you ready to give up?"

The blond young man was silent.

The Volatile Youth continued to persuade: "If you work hard here, you may still have a chance. If you give up and go back to the family, there will be no chance."

"I know, but I only have two-star treatment. Even if I suffer from panting here, two assessments, two thousand years, do you think I can qualify for a one-star rating?" The blond youth looked helpless.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Cheng Buyun realized that it turned out that in the last large-scale mission of the blonde young man, the strongest earth **** avatar was destroyed by a thunderstorm in the chaotic sea of ​​thunder.

Many people died in that mission. I heard that one of the seven-star demons on the leaderboard almost fell.

Thunder plasma is a good thing, causing countless strong men to come, even the Shura class strong men have appeared in numbers, fighting with each other very crazy, and this blond young man is to break into the war zone of the Shura strongman and received Enraged, struck by a thunderstorm while evading.

And the attack intensity of the thunderbolt is equivalent to the Shura level, naturally there is no chance of being spared.

Cultivation is an opportunity for hard work. This blond young man can only be said to be unlucky.

After all, do your best. This is a warning that many predecessors reminded, but he did n’t take it seriously.

Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly and drank the wine leisurely.

These things have nothing to do with him!


Back in his residence, Cheng Buyun sank into cultivation again.

Time is like water!

For hundreds of years, besides quiet practice, Cheng Buyun took the little girl to the restaurant to eat and drink when she came out to breathe, and maybe swept the treasure counter on the right with the points.

His life is very bland, so pale that it looks like a calm lake, almost two points and one line lasted for hundreds of years.

However, for hundreds of years, his realm is still stuck in the position of the lower god, and his strength has not increased at all.

He feels very good about such a leisurely cultivation life, but some people are anxious.

In a tall building on the side of the hall, O'Neill is giving lessons to the students and teaching them the cultivation experience.

At this time, Tarut appeared outside the classroom, stopped in front of a window, and gave O'Neill a glance.

O'Neal nodded and finished the speech, "Okay, I'll be here today, go back and digest my words, class!"

The students immediately stood up, bowed to O'Neill, and then left slowly, meeting Tarout outside, and these students greeted each other politely.

These students are almost all newcomers, and they are geniuses who have been recruited for a thousand years.

"Tarut, what's the matter?" O'Neill glanced at Tarut, but didn't get up.

Tarut smiled and sat down next to him, looking a little worried. "It's been more than seven hundred years. The kid doesn't seem to have improved at all. I'm a little worried."

But no, for more than 700 years, even the median **** has not made a breakthrough, which is a bit confusing.

O'Neill pondered for a moment, speculatively said: "The strength should not be without a little progress, it is estimated that he has great ambitions, and at this stage will practice all mysteries."

"As a senior, you should know that the Sanctuary stage is the fastest practice, followed by the next god." O'Neill smiled: "I estimate that the boy's strength is not without a little improvement, but all mysteries are improving, but there is no any One way to reach Dacheng. "

Hearing O'Neill's guess, Taru nodded characteristically, which is not impossible.

Early cultivation is quick, and in the later period, when the strength becomes stronger and stronger, the cultivation will be slower.

There is too much information on the law, it needs to be sorted out, and sometimes it will fall into a state of confusion. It feels that it is not possible to practice it, and it is not impossible to fall into the tip of the horn.

This is a historical lesson.

It was the same as he was back then, and there was no progress for hundreds of thousands of years.

"But I'm still a little uneasy. This kid is too mad, accustomed to traveling alone, not communicating with others, or coming to visit us." Tarut shook his head, Shen Sheng said: "If you call him over, ask Ask? "

O'Neill thought about it and nodded, but Cheng Buyun was a good seedling, so it was a little disrespectful to call it, or it was better to go to the door in person, and it seemed that the two of them were approachable and not, "Then, if you are not worried, Let's go and see him! "

"Shall we visit him in person?" Tarut stunned.

"Otherwise?" O'Neill stood up and gave him a quiet look.

Tarut haha ​​smiled, O'Neal, who was cold-hearted, has changed a lot since that year as a tutor!

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