Plane Universe

Chapter 1349: Frog at the bottom of the well

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The two mentors were sent away, and Cheng Buyun's mouth was bent, and he was no longer resistant to the profession of being the messenger of the main god.

Why not do something good!

Just a master artifact, and the inexhaustible power of the master god, this is enough for him to pay.

"Okay, from now on, I will try to break through the power of the median **** one after another." Cheng Buyun whispered, instructed the little girl and Sophia not to disturb themselves, and then sat in the center of the hall with a jade lift on.

This square jade can make people calm and calm, and it is a precious treasure that Cheng Buyun paid a million points to get in his hands.

The state of mind is clear, all kinds of feelings of the pulsating mystery of the earth appear in the heart, and the realm of Cheng Buyun's law is steadily advancing a little bit.

The rule of mystery is sometimes said to be difficult or not. For highly talented people, it is very easy. The difficulty lies in its application.

The rule of mysterious mysterious power is the same for every cultivator, with different uses and different attack powers.

Some people use the same kind of mystery is very weak, and even only increase the strength of two or three times, but some people, the same kind of mystery is hundreds of times and thousands of times more powerful than others, this is the difference in the use of skills.

In this regard, Cheng Buyun is a strong point.

However, he has only one thought now, that is to become the median superpower, and it is the four systems of wind, fire, water, soil and earth.

Once the fourth line breaks through to the midst of the realm of God, his basic strength will change hundreds of times.


When Cheng Buyun hit the Realm of God, the geniuses outside were talking about him.

In the huge restaurant on the left side of the main hall, nearly ten thousand tables are almost sitting slow genius, everyone is narrowing down to talk about topics of interest.

Every day, here is so lively.

The head is crowded.

In Xuanguang City, there are tens of millions of students on the genius ranking list. Those who do not meet the conditions for the list are more than ten times the number of geniuses on the list. In addition, a group of new student geniuses every thousand years A few, about 150 million.

"The millennium assessment period is coming soon, this time I must impact the genius list." Some people shouted with confidence.

"Don't talk too much, it's ridiculous that you still hit the leaderboard." Some people don't believe it.

Indeed, those who can go up the leaderboards are the true geniuses, and almost everyone can match the strength of the five-star demon outside.

The genius in the median **** realm is comparable to the power of the five-star demon powerhouse, then ... it is a genius that combines three mysterious mysteries and is very powerful.

"Yeah, who wouldn't shout at the big talk, but when the challenge is over, I feel confident to go to the ring, but in the end, I'm downcast and beaten to death by someone else, haha!"

"Haha, that's right, there are countless positions vacant every thousand years on the genius list, then there is no share for you. You are the strength, who of us don't know!"

"Being able to pass the test has already burnt the high-scented brothers, that is not something we can casually play."

The genius list is updated once every millennium, and every update will leave vacant countless positions, because every thousand years, the genius on the list will die a lot, all of them go out to do missions and die.

After all, this is not a place of comfort, it is not for you to enjoy.

Only basic resource allocation, too few.

Especially the one-star and two-star genius treatment, there is no resource every 100 years, only one hundred points and one thousand points are allocated. With such a little point, what decent training resources can be purchased!

So going out for adventure and doing tasks has become the norm.

After all, no one is Cheng Buyun, who can get five-star genius treatment, and lying there will have countless cultivation resources to come to the door.

However, one hundred points per hundred years is actually much better than outside practitioners. One point can be exchanged for 100 million ink stones. How many people outside can earn such a huge wealth of ink stones?

It ’s just that you ’re used to high-resource training. Everyone is naturally not used to hardships. Everyone has ambitions!

Points equal resources and equal strength!

"Why, you don't believe it?" The young man glared.

"I really don't believe it."

Everyone laughed when they saw the youth angry.

"Humph, then you will let your eyes out." The young man didn't care either, laughed and picked up the wine.

In fact, this young man's rule Xuan Ao does incorporate three kinds, otherwise he will not shout out a move to hit the leaderboard.

"By the way, you said, does that person have the ability to hit the leaderboard?" Some people smiled weirdly, "If only the assessment is passed, it will look good."

that one?

Everyone was startled and suddenly laughed loudly, and some people even clapped the table and became unimaged, a bit sloppy.

"It's him alone?" Someone sneered and said with a sneer: "It has been more than seven hundred years here, and even the median **** has not broken through. Do you think he is qualified to hit the ranking?

"Perhaps that one is not just the lower god, isn't it in the information, is it suspected of the strength of the upper god?"

"Impossible, this student's information is written very clearly, but only the subordinate power." Some people retorted, "This cannot be hidden."

When entering here, the foundation of each student is confirmed, and the strength cannot be hidden.

Falsified things can't succeed here, and Cheng Buyun even has a doppelganger even outside, but can't go out, so what's the use.

"That one is actually a joke, no matter how strong you are, if your cultivation talent is not strong, hehe ..." Someone sneered again and again.

"Indeed, the cultivation of the law is so slow, the future is worrying, maybe even the upper gods cannot reach it."

Suddenly, when they laughed at Cheng Buyun, there was a movement outside the world, where they could feel the coming of the world rules.

But everyone didn't care much.

Here is the main **** messenger reserve team.

With more than 100 million talented students, such fluctuations occur almost every other year and a half.

Some people have cultivated a new lower **** avatar, and some new students have reached the strength of the middle **** realm. This is no surprise.

However, a few minutes later, someone outside rushed in and shouted out to everyone: "It's terrible, there is a fluctuation in the rules of the world where that person lives."

"What, did you feel wrong or wrong?"

Tens of thousands of people in the restaurant were all shocked. With the determination of this genius, he immediately felt a burning pain on his face.

Just now I said that that one was a joke, and I was beaten at the next moment.

What a pain!

After working hard for more than seven years, he finally pushed the pulsating mystery of the earth to Dacheng and officially became the neutral **** of the earth system. Cheng Buyun felt that he had no good before.

But now is not a happy time. In addition to the soil system, there are three other laws waiting for him to break through.

With the increase in strength, the practice is getting slower and slower. It took seven years to break through the median god, which made Cheng Buyun slightly dissatisfied.

After all, the practice of the pulsating mystery of the earth before has spent a lot of time, almost reaching the realm, and it has been used for the last seven years in the final shock. How did he make him happy.

The four laws, together twenty kinds of mysteries, your sister, with the pulsating progress of the earth, the cultivation will be slower and more difficult in the future, and the time to reach the end of the cultivation needs more.

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