Plane Universe

Chapter 1351: Black Cloud Messenger

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"Ha, this kid broke through again."

At the top of the hall, the two mentors who are always paying attention to Cheng Buyun, O'Neill and Tarut sensed the strange and special atmosphere that suddenly appeared in the former residence, and immediately moved up here to watch!

"Yeah, it's a breakthrough again. This kid is very evil!" O'Neill also had to sigh with praise. In addition to the sigh, he had to feel the strength of Bu Yun.

He knew, however, that Cheng Buyun was a soul mutator, and he had a fighting power of the neutral god, and the fusion of the **** power would be more powerful.

When the two were happy, suddenly another figure appeared beside them.

The man who appeared suddenly, with a bald head and a majestic figure, reached about two and a half meters. He was wearing a black costume and his eyes were like two black holes, showing strange black light, and looking into the distance.

"Black cloud messenger!" The two mentors quickly bowed to find the figure suddenly appearing around them, and their attitude seemed very respectful.

This person who is called the messenger by the two mentors is the person in charge here, the black cloud messenger, one of the two main **** messengers under the master **** Xuanguang, and it is the strongest one.

The Black Cloud messenger has served as the master **** messenger for trillions of years under the mystery of the Xuanguang Lord God. He is extremely powerful and belongs to the invincible command level combat power, which is highly valued by the Xuanguang Lord God.


The salute of the two mentors is very common in front of the black cloud messenger. No matter the age or strength, the two mentors are far away. I saw that he just looked into the distance without turning back, and a deep and heavy voice slowly sounded, "The genius staying in that house is the little devil you told me before?"

O'Neill and Tarut did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied: "Yes, Black Cloud Messenger!"

"Yes, this breakthrough is the Fire Department Xuanao 'burning'." The Black Cloud messenger nodded, with a smile on his face: "Able to make another breakthrough in just ten years, this Cheng Buyun may rise. Not only are they savvy, they are also quite powerful! "

"Yes, according to our initial judgment, after all, we can cultivate five **** avatars within a thousand years, and the cultivation talent is very strong, which is not much worse than some evil spirits." O'Neill smiled: "It's just that cultivation There are a lot of talents in hell, but there are a lot of understanding, but there are fewer. "

Fast cultivation is not necessarily strong.

Even if you have reached the power of the upper **** in a hundred years, you have no strong insight, and you ca n’t integrate the mystery of the mystery. What use is it!

Therefore, in the reserve team of the main messenger, the most important thing is understanding. Once again, it is the cultivation of talent. This is also the grasp that they dare to give Cheng Buyun the five-star genius treatment.

Even if Cheng Buyun is slow to practice, it does n’t matter. There are a lot of cultivation resources here, and he is not afraid of consumption, but there are fewer geniuses with strong insights.

This is also the result of other mentors who only dare to laugh at and not blame the two mentors for their disorder.

A genius with excellent perception can be said to be encounterable but not sought-after. At a young age, he has realized monsters in the sword-inspired realm. It is even more rare. It is simply a treasure of the world!

"You are doing very well this time, and I am very satisfied." The Black Cloud messenger once again recognized the behavior of the two mentors, turning his head to smile and saying, "When the time comes, I will sue the great Lord God and reward you for merit."

Hearing the words of the Black Cloud messenger, the two mentors were very happy in their hearts, but the venue is not right now, and they should not be too excited. They immediately suppressed the extremely happy mood in their hearts and bowed and said: "It is an honor to serve the great God ! Thank you the Black Cloud Messenger! "

"When Cheng Buyun comes out, take him to see me." The black cloud messenger nodded, and the figure began to dissipate slowly.

This is an afterimage that moves too fast.

"Yes, Black Cloud Messenger." Seeing this peculiar scene, the two mentors sighed in their hearts that the Black Cloud Messenger's strength is too strong, and they cannot defend at this speed of movement alone.

Then, the two mentors waited for a little while at the top of the hall, and they didn't see Cheng Buyun appearing, and immediately grimaced.

"This kid still wants to keep shutting down." Tarut couldn't help crying. "It's hard work. Unlike others, he's a little bit eager to get everyone to know. He's good, not even celebrating."

"This is the consciousness that a genius should have." O'Neill smiled lightly and admired Cheng Buyun's character and behavior. "Okay, while he hasn't sunk into it yet, we went to him in the past to avoid the Black Cloud Messenger waiting for a long time. "


After breaking through the strength and getting closer to the peak level, Cheng Buyun is naturally very happy.

But at this stage, his strength is reduced.

In fact, before the law of the earth system broke through to the realm of the median god, his actual combat power was already unbalanced, and the combat power dropped very badly.

In addition to the incompatibility of the earth's divine power, the fusion of Fenghuo and Shui's divine power, the basic power is probably the median god, and it is not even the peak.

It can be seen how bad the power is without a divine power.

But now, the situation is different again. The two gods of earth fire rank at the level of the median god, and the mutation fusion directly climbs to the upper **** level.

Of course, Cheng Buyun is not the real superior **** strength, but the breath is in this order.

If you don't count others, only in terms of the purity of divine power, he is a little worse than the higher god.

For example, the upper divine power is 10,000, and Cheng Buyun's own power is also 10,000, but in terms of condensing divine power, it is a little worse, probably the peak divine condensing strength of the median god.

"Master, congratulations, your strength has increased." The little girl smiled and held a glass of juice drink, and he gave Cheng Buyun a happy face.

The master's strength is strong, and she has a face in this metal life, and can speak with her head held up in front of other races.

"Sir, congratulations." Sophia also smiled a little today.

"Haha, okay, let's drink." Cheng Buyun was also a little happy, picked up the glass happily, and touched the little girl and Sophia.

When the three were happy to eat and drink, the door beeped again.

Hearing the knock on the door, Cheng Buyun turned his head to look at the door of the room. At this time, there were few people who could come to him. As soon as he moved, he moved directly to the door plaque, and then opened the door. When he looked at the two outsiders, he immediately smiled and said, "It turned out to be two mentors."

"Sophia has met Lord O'Neill and Lord Tarut." Sophia also greeted him, respectfully and politely.

The little girl also looked exactly the same, and greeted her with the same manners as Sophia.

The two mentors nodded and said no salute, and then looked straight at Cheng Buyun, Tarut haha ​​laughed, and gently hammered Cheng Buyun's shoulder, "Good boy, there are powerful enough, but today we are Startled.

"Where and where, the two mentors have gone through a hundred battles, where is this little scene!" Cheng Buyun also made a joke, and then reached out and led inwardly: "The two mentors please come in and say that we are in progress A small celebration. "

"Congratulations, next time, we have something to come here." O'Neill interrupted directly, Shen Sheng said: "The emissary of the black cloud is back, and he has deliberately told us to see you once."

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