Plane Universe

Chapter 1369: The two main gods clash

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The three great figures floated in mid-air to talk, and the geniuses who watched the lively and sensational competition below did not find any abnormalities in the air. Even the seven-star demon who was a referee on the ring did not notice it.

Only Shura-level mentors can vaguely sense the strange and powerful breath in the air, but they dare not speak out.

People who can conceal their consciousness naturally need not be the one here.

Only the Lord God is under the crown, but the Lord God does not want to show up. He also bluffed the salute, didn't he hate the Lord God.

So ... only when the Lord God is not there.

Lord Xuanguang's face was bitter, but he couldn't make a sound.

"Go ahead and sit down and talk!" Lord Bauhinia smiled.

"Don't you look at the other geniuses first?" Lord Xuanguang still wanted to struggle, like a dying fish, even if he went ashore, he didn't want to let anyone slaughter. Cheng Buyun, a super genius, "I actually have a lot of geniuses here, and there are many more eye-catching geniuses who are dedicated to nurturing ..."

Under the weird eyes of the two main gods, he whispered more and more, and his face was also ridiculed and embarrassed.

"This should not be necessary anymore!" Lord Bauhinia smiled and said a little, so as not to put it bluntly, so that Lord Xuanguang could not step down.

What kind of genius is here, she is very clear that some super geniuses are not so good to appear, each can lead an era.

The main star of the stars was a little unkind, and he snorted with extreme disdain and said, "Do you think that those crooked melons and jujubes can be worthwhile for me to lie down?"

Indeed, the pinnacle of the strong is not so easy to reach, most of the ‘gods’, the final achievement is a seven-star demon, and very few Shura levels.

As for the main god, the Shura-level gods are all ants.

Invincible commanders barely caught their eyes, but their status was not too high.

Only those who are strong in the Great Realm of God Realm deserve a high glance, barely polite.

The identity of the strong God Lord who is high above is not a joke. For the Great Consummation and the invincible leader level, the mentality is indifferent, just like the God Domain Strong treats ordinary people.

Let's put it this way, if the Shura-level God Realm strongman asks you to be his emissary, and the Shura-level God Realm strongman opposes it, annoying the Lord God, he might shoot it to death in the next moment.

After all, the Lord God has spoken, and you, a little Shura-class, are against it. Without giving face, where do you let the Lord God's face go?

Don't shoot dead when you stay!

Of course, it ’s generally okay, and the Lord God will not shoot indiscriminately. The Shura level is also very powerful, and it is also the foundation of the Hell system. Otherwise, every time the plane war is slammed, the Lord ’s face is not good.

Only the invincible leader and the great consummation of the powerful can be rejected.

The Great Consummation and the Invincible Command are very important to Hell. There is no reason, even if the Lord God cannot kill at will.

"Okay, let's go and talk," Lord Bauhinia still left a little face for Lord Xuanguang, so as not to embarrass him.

The three master **** strongmen moved to the plane opened by the **** Xuanguang by tearing the space. They were seated in a luxurious hall. Several seven-star demon-class beautiful maids quickly came up with tea and food, and set off their salutes.

While drinking tea and chatting casually, the three main gods are also paying attention to the battle of Xuanguang City.

On the ring rising around the hall of Xuanguang City, the genius of Bidou has already reached the seven-star demon level, more than 1,100 geniuses, and Bidou will end in a few days.

With endless healing medicines and endless soul golden beads, there will be no result of mental atrophy or lack of divine power.

After all, most of everyone's competitions are resolved within a minute or two, and each person can play thousands of times without spending much time.

Although the star God said harshly and disdainfully, in fact, he was still more concerned about the background of the **** line, but after reading the contest, he still shook his head again and again, "This group of guys are really not good, the most The strong one didn't integrate five mysteries, most of them were only four, and their respective artistic concepts were so sloppy. The potential was basically exhausted, which was a waste of cultivation resources. "

"Indeed, there haven't been a few talents in **** for hundreds of billions of years. There are very few Shura strongmen, and the background is too bad." The God Bauhinia also commented, a strong expression with a worried expression: "I hope this time Plane wars do n’t have to be too ugly. "

"This is not enough." Xuanguang Lord God Qiang smiled.

What it takes to cultivate genius is naturally to deal with the war of planes. Even if you lose, you must not lose your face too much. This is the result of the establishment of the main **** messenger reserve team.

Hell is a series of four subordinate gods, each of which has such a cultivation ground.

"Actually, the plane wars still have to rely on the old strong. Only the old strong who have passed the big test are the most important details." The star God said here, his expression became indifferent, and his tone became a bit strict, "Unfortunately The two great consummates are too arrogant and ca n’t command a bit, otherwise there are two great consummations, so we need to train our juniors like this, **** it! "

Command the great consummation?

Let them go desperately for plane war?

The expression of Lord Xuanguang was a little ridiculed. The great consummates were already proud, and they were indignant towards the Lord God. They thought that there was nothing worthwhile for the Lord God, so they had good luck and got the Lord God.

I would like to ask how to convince the great consummate strong?

The three main gods of Xuanguang, Bauhinia, and Stars, their rules of mystery did not reach the state of Great Consummation, and in terms of perception, they were far worse than Great Consummation.

It's hard to convince the strong in the Dzogchen!

"Okay, Bidou has finished reading, let the little guy come over!" Star Lord God changed the subject and proposed the idea of ​​letting Cheng Buyun come over and see.

"This ..." Xuanguang Lord God intentionally refused, but under the intimidating eyes of the Star Lord God, he kind of counseled.

The Lord God is almost the same in status. There is no one who is high and who is low on the bright side, but there is a difference in strength. He cannot win the Star Lord.

It is not unreasonable to respect the strong.

"Wait, before we let the little one come over, we have to talk about it first." The God Bauhinia smiled slightly and said directly: "Any genius wants anyone. The problem is, there is only one genius. agreed!"

"No one has seen it. Isn't it too early to say this?" The Star Lord God frowned and looked at the Bauhinia Lord, with a little careless smile: "Maybe the little guy is not talented!"

"Then you can't wait to come?" Lord Bauhinia smiled softly. "Besides, I am better than you because the number of the messenger of the Lord God under me is not satisfied, so ..."

Hearing the words of Lord Bauhinia, the eyes that formed the Lord ’s eyes like a starry sky were still, and I felt a little miserable in my heart. I did n’t expect to be caught here by Lord Bauhinia, so I had to talk hard, "So what, maybe That little family may feel that I am the most suitable. Maybe do n’t forget, you are a woman! "

What this said made the Bauhinia Lord tremble with anger and shouted, "What's wrong with the woman? Have you eaten your rice?"

For a super genius, the Bauhinia God will not shrink back naturally. A genius who can make the Xuanguang God so hidden regardless of his face must definitely have the chance to become a great consummate.

And a great consummation strong person, and cultivated by himself, there is a great guarantee of loyalty, and he can also be commanded, which is an excellent background for every master god.

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