Plane Universe

Chapter 1380: Convinced oral

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Cheng Buyun now shows such a hand, to be honest, Reis Jing admires very much in his heart, the former is much stronger than him in understanding.

He has self-knowledge in his consciousness, but he has only a good background, relying on his mother's shade to have today's realm of strength.

However, he will not be defeated in his mouth. It is only in the field of swordsmanship. There is no strength, no matter how strong the means is, there is still a little bit of trying to escape his own tricks, so he laughed: "Well, I admit you It ’s amazing, I ’m going to recruit the gravity in the black jail. You wo n’t be affected, but how can you escape? ”

At this time, the top of the black jail exhibited by Reis Jing was a huge hole broken by Cheng Buyun's sword field, but the edge range formed by the black prison, the color film of the color still encouraged to maintain, and the sword field confrontation.

Due to the problem of location space, the height of the hole is too small, and Cheng Buyun can't fly away from the top, so for now, he is still dragged by Reis Jing's trick.

"You're stupid, you don't recognize it." Cheng Buyun glanced at Reese and shook his head, laughing. "Dare you come close?"

Reis Jing was speechless and he was not stupid. How could it be close to the past to die, once he fell into the oppression range of the sword-inspired realm, his speed and divine power would be greatly suppressed, he did not have the hobby of beating!

Unless the action is attacked, it is not necessarily the opponent of this guy.

"What if I'm in the past?" Cheng Buyun asked with a chuckle again, looking at the indifferent Reis Jing.

Ma-mo-, Lei Sijing is very annoyed, and has been threatened again and again, I am shameless, the black breath rises immediately, the powerful destructive power is wrapped around, there is a crack in the space, and shouted: " If you dare to come, I will hack you! "


There was a smile on Cheng Buyun's face, and there was a whisper: "It's interesting, you can't see it, you are so scared that you don't dare to come here, Lei Sijing."

"That's because I don't want to hit you. Let me put you alone, so that everyone will not be able to pass the face." Lei Sijing blushed old. He was afraid that Cheng Buyun would be a little scared and rushed to continue to be ashamed.

"Well, you have to prepare, I'm going to make a trick, don't say I didn't remind you." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly, and immediately made Lei Sijing look a little nervous, watching the former and swallowing secretly, He was really a bit confused about the opponent's hole cards. This kid was too calm from the start of the fight, or rather ignored, as if he was quite sure to deal with his appearance, he was a bit confused.

But you are the purgatory leader, your sister, when is it like this time, make you look forward to the future? !

"Tricks?" Romeo, who was watching the game, also widened his eyes, plucked his eyebrows, and stared closely at Cheng Buyun, wanting to see what he would do next.

Like Cheng Buyun, he is also a cultivating abundance rule. Naturally, he would like to see what powerful tricks the former with greater understanding will create.


Cheng Buyun chuckled, his whole body shone with blue light, and the strong blue power combined with the wind system law instantly formed a light mask on him, and the blue light mask also spread rapidly towards the surroundings, instantly covering the entire huge space, The diameter range is three hundred meters, which is three times larger than the Jianyi field under his feet.

"Wind space?" Lei Sijing was a little surprised, mocking: "This is your trick? Haha! I laughed to death."


But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore, his expression turned to horror, he felt his time slowed down, even as if the time in the space was a little still, almost unable to react.

Cheng Buyun's body had moved past at the moment when Lei Sijing's expression was overwhelming, and stood in front of him, looking at him with all his leisure.

"Space is still and time slows down?" Romeo was very surprised. Cheng Buyun exhibited his unique tricks. Even he was successful. If he wasn't also practicing the law of the wind system, he also possessed the swordsmanship field. Observe the trajectory of Cheng Buyun's actions.

"It's amazing, he has created such a terrible trick." Lei Sijing did not continue to do anything, admiring and said: "Your unique trick is the same as my black prison, it can affect the soul, my black prison It is characterized by strong gravity, changing the direction of the enemy ’s movement, but your trick is to stand still for a moment and slow down the time flow rate, great! Great! "

"It is indeed very powerful. I can't create such a trick." Romeo sighed, feeling that Cheng Buyun really qualified to be a great consummate, and his perception was really too strong.

Cheng Buyun's trick is to use the characteristics of speed mystery, sound mystery, wind space, wind element, wind technique, etc., and create its essence together, it is very powerful.

Still space and slowing down time are just two of the characteristics. The power is far from reaching the end!

"How about, is it enough to be your mother's messenger?" Cheng Buyun chuckled, bent down and patted Reese's head, and said close: "Your mother looks at people's sunshine much better than you. , I do n’t have that kind of strength, and I ca n’t make a joke as the Lord God! "

"I admit that you are barely qualified, but you are the median god. If you really fight, you may not be able to win me." Leis Jing argued hard, and finally turned his head to look aside. Whispered: "My mother destroyed the central god, and her envoy was too weak. How can it be justified."

Isn't this kind of behavior a child's temper?

Romeo has shook his head and smiled. After so many years, he still hasn't grown up!

"Don't be surprised, take more of it. His personality is relatively simple, and his heart is like a child. You will understand it later." Romeo gave Cheng Buyun a voice.

"Romeo, I understand. Although I have n’t seen Reisian before, I do n’t know, but now after this battle, I have understood deeply. Rest assured, I will definitely take care of him like you. "Cheng Buyun also said, and then Reis Jing reached out and gave his head to Ban Zheng. Under the latter's more wishful expression, he said with a smile:" Actually I am practicing till now, not counting In a micro space, it will be two thousand years. "

"What?" Lei Sijing's mouth grew exaggerated, his eyes staring in disbelief, his expression was completely dull.

"If I'm not strong, the Lord God won't take me back in person." Cheng Buyun looked proud and said with a look in his eyes: "My strength, actually speaking seriously, is at least the master level."


When two exclamations sounded, Cheng Buyun's breath suddenly burst out at a frantic speed, banged, and the heavens and earth mutated. The strength of his divine power had become the strength of the upper god, and his breath climbed to the seven-star demon level.

Such a change was close to stunned Reis Jing.

Even Romeo was shocked, and his expression was dull.

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