Plane Universe

Chapter 1403: Unstoppable

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Ordinary people watching, heard several bangs over there, everyone knows, and started.

And it seems that the outsider has the upper hand.

In order to see more clearly, some people even flew up so that they could see the detailed combat situation.

"Come down, hurry me down, and leave here."

A group of people in black robe quickly began to maintain order, drove these people looking at the lively.

There were many onlookers, but their arms were thigh-less, so they had to retreat slowly away from the area and away.

Of course, in the sight of the powerful gods, the edge of the sea of ​​fog is not blocked by white fog. It can still be easily seen in a few kilometers, but it is not too clear.



Looking forward to the blond man's face, Cheng Buyun said indifferently, and said lowly: "No need."

"Your Excellency, you need to be clear, but behind us, Lelydsh hopes that the family is beyond your imagination. There is no need to fight for such a small thing and fight. In the end, there is no benefit for both of us, do you think? ? "The blond man had to lift the powerful family power behind him at this time.

Cheng Buyun looks very ordinary, just a median god, but the power is too strong, not a normal median god, it is probably a super genius, and the bloodline is probably still very advanced.

Otherwise, it may use physical strength to forcefully kill the person with empty hands.

The strength of a blond man is low, but it is only a high-level god, and his knowledge is not low at all.

He is very clear!

This man's horror!

"Up to now, I still came up with family forces and threatened me." Cheng Buyun shook his head and said with a sneer: "You are used to being tall. In order to let you understand and learn lessons, only death is your best destination, the best. punishment!"

"What?" The blond man panicked.

Originally whispered, it was already very shameful, even though the other party's hand could not be exchanged, the reputation of the Lelydshh family became so weak for a while.

Of course, he whispered and summed up, in fact, he just wanted to delay the time, let the stronger people in the family to accept, so as to avoid unnecessary expansion without unnecessary sacrifice.

But Cheng Buyun's choice, once again beyond his expectations, seems to continue to work.

"It's useless to say more, die!" Cheng Buyun was too lazy to say anything to the other party, what the blond man thought, through his facial expression details, eyes, etc., and the vague sense of mind, everything was exposed In his heart!

Then he was just a punch, banging directly at the blond man.

Talking so much in front of myself, unreasonably annoying!

Looking at this ordinary punch, the blond man was shocked, and then he was relieved. Such an attack, at his level, is very easy to dodge.

But at the next moment, a huge abrupt pressure came suddenly around him, and the heavy oppressive force could not even make him move.

"Damn it!" The blond man was shocked. This is gravity space. But does gravity space have such great power?

Not even a high **** like him can resist.

This is terrible.

This is definitely based on the gravitational space mystery, combining the power of other mysteries, not even limited to one kind, it is likely to be three!

He couldn't even move his hands. The blond man didn't even achieve a little defense, or did not resist at all, and was directly punched in the chest by Cheng Buyun.

Then there was a subtle sound. From the fall point of Cheng Buyun's fist, it formed a crack. The whole body of the blond man seemed to be strongly attacked, as if it was glass-like fragile. The head is intact.

At this time, the blond man was not dead, but the expression on his face was terrified.

Cheng Buyun had no expression at all, and said lightly: "This is where you should be, go!"

The left hand lifted up and beat sharply, and the blond man's head flew towards the side quickly, and finally burst apart above the head of a group of people, leaving only a dignity spinning around the sky.

Obviously, the blond man is dead!

This **** avatar died.

If he has other **** avatars, or deities, he can become the higher **** again in the future.

"Captain is dead!"

All this happened so quickly that no one else could react at all, and the blond man died.

Who made this guy the closest to Cheng Buyun, thinking that he could make a big splash, knowing that he finally got such a result.

If he was polite to Cheng Buyun at first, how could such a thing happen, and there would not be anything later.

This is life!

He is used to being tall, and always has a big head!

"He's dead, it's your time now." Cheng Buyun sneered, kicking his feet on the ground, and directly rushed towards the nearest combatant of the Lelydshish family.

Seeing him rushing in several strides, leaning forward has already made an attack. The combat team member saw Cheng Buyun rushing, and his expression was almost scared.

This guy is too horrible, he didn't even take out his weapons, and he couldn't resist even the upper **** with an empty hand blow. How could there be such a horrible person?

"Help, help me quickly!" The player was hurriedly hurriedly shouting to other companions, he could not face such a horrible person alone.

will die!

The weapon had not been taken out yet. Cheng Buyun's right leg had been bent and made a kicking action. Then, under the pale face of the opponent's face, his right foot fell sharply to his waist.

'call! ’

An irresistible force poured into the body. This unlucky guy had already flew into the sky. After flying hundreds of meters, he burst into the air!

Watching the lively ordinary people in the distance, when they saw this scene, they immediately sent out an uproar.

This attack mighty is too scary.

Those who were lucky enough to see this scene seemed very excited.

This is the attack power of the super strong!

"Don't mess with everyone!"

Some combat team members shouted quickly to make everyone calm down. The other party is only one person no matter how strong it is. This is an irreversible weakness.

There are hundreds of them, and they are still high gods. It is impossible to beat this guy.

Just calm down!


These high-level **** combat members are the elite of the Lelydshish family, knowing what they need to do at this time, the scene quickly calmed down, and all the weapons were drawn out one by one.


Several high-level gods rushed into Cheng Buyun, and the weapons they held also showed the power of their respective cultivation laws, and the powerful power began to oppress the space.

As if to cut Cheng Buyun into several segments, once the attack works, then the person with strong strength can't struggle.

The attacks of these high-level gods are not strong in power. In Cheng Buyun's view, this is the case. With his current body defense power and the mutated high-level material defense artifacts, it is also itchy to suffer these attacks. Of course, he doesn't have the hobby of pumping, and his steps move like a breeze, like a leaf, interspersed in these attack gaps, and even make a counterattack!

The combatants of the Lelydshish family, which he counterattacked, couldn't resist even a single moment, and were directly shot dead by him.

His strength is too strong!

Originally, the body has been transformed into a metamorphosis, and got a drop of essence blood from the Bauhinia Master to fuse itself. At this time, the body strength is very superb, and it is not much different from the Reis Crystal. It is estimated that it is only one step away.

It is even more powerful than the current lei.

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