Plane Universe

Chapter 1408: Despair

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Eventually, the light yellow energy crescent power was exhausted, getting smaller and smaller, and it could stop and dissipate in front of a higher god.

And this higher **** watched the attack dissipate in front of him, the expression of fear finally slowed down, and there was a feeling of the rest of his life in his heart.

Under one blow, dozens of high-level gods disappeared alive in front of their eyes, dozens of lying on the ground did not know life and death, and more than sixty high-level gods shrank and could not fight anymore.

It's just a little scary that the wind brought by the energy at a close distance can't fight anymore.

All the upper **** warriors of the Lelydshish family, who would look into Cheng Buyun's eyes, panicked to the extreme.

It's this kind of power with a single hit. Is it possible for you and others to win?

"General Celtic is dead."

A cry of exclamation sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look around, and saw a higher **** bent over to detect a wounded man with a broken leg on the ground, looking at his clothes, wasn't it the middle-aged man who roared into Bu Yun !

It was only at this moment that the middle-aged man lay motionless on the ground, face up, distorted expression, and a pair of dark eyes with a deep fear, as if encountering something that made him irresistible and scared to death!

It was attacked by a powerful sword, and the soul was annihilated.

Originally this attack, Cheng Buyun's goal was this middle-aged man, and other unlucky people were just incidental.

A little five-star demon dared to scream at him so rudely, without killing him, how would he be a man after Cheng Buyun?

Even General Celtic is dead, what next?

The opponent couldn't resist even a five-star demon with a single blow, and even paid close to 200 casualties. How to fight this battle?

There was a sense of despair in everyone's mind!

"No, what are you still doing, hurry and help!"

"Indifferent Soul Attack."

"Kill, aim at the direction of the enemy rushing past, indifferent material attack!"

A series of frightened shouts shouted to wake up the desperate superior warriors.

It turned out that the captain of this legion was shouting, and Cheng Buyun had already rushed into the crowd at this time, killing him.


A sword was slashed toward the upper **** standing in front of the silly. The latter was stimulated by death, and finally turned back to God, but it was too late to wake up, too late.

Even the screaming did not come out, the latter broke his head, revealed a crush in half, and a **** fluttered out.

With a cloud of weapons in hand, the attack is more terrifying than before.


When the sword of the light goddess was beaten, the unlucky upper **** had no room for resistance, and the body fell down. There was no good meat in the whole body, and even the bones were shattered.

Falling to the ground crashing and breaking, the blood flowed to the ground, like a eroded flesh stirred by the machine.


With the rise of the killing, Cheng Buyun's hand attack became more casual, sword fist punching, and from time to time kicked his legs alternately.

As long as the person hit by him, there is basically no hope of survival.

Can't die anymore.

In just over ten seconds, a lot of corpses had laid down on the ground.

"Damn devil, you die for me!" A high **** with a grin on his face, while Cheng Buyun turned around, was shot with a shot, and the sharp spear clip with infinite power hit the spine of the latter Above.

I hit it!

There was a surge of excitement in the heart of the higher god, but when this excitement had not been fully experienced, his face changed again, and he became stunned and fearful!

How could the defense be so high?

I have a high-level attack artifact that I can't even pierce my skin?


At this time, Cheng Buyun, who was attacked, turned around indifferently, frightening the higher **** to scream and want to retreat as soon as he moved.

"Get out of here!" Cheng Buyun strode forward, snorting, and raised his head to the upper **** with his left hand.

The latter expressed fear and hopelessness rose in vain. At the moment of life and death, he tried to resist with arms and spears, but the strength of the two was not proportional. The former was much faster than him.


It is hard to reveal that even with a material superior defense artifact, it cannot be resisted. It is like a watermelon. It was shot and exploded. A headless body flew out and fell heavily on the ground, making a dull sound. .

"How could it be so terrible, such a strong defense?"

During the battle, many captains noticed the fact that Cheng Buyun was hit, but the latter's terrible defense was beyond their imagination.

"Listen to my command, starting with my position, the angle of 120 degrees to the left is 40 degrees, and the material covers the attack!"

"Listen to my command, starting from my position, the front is 532 meters, and the soul covers the attack!"

"Listen to my command, starting from my position, 480 meters in front of the left, at an angle of 25 degrees, the soul covers the attack!"

After the attack orders were issued, the captains of the major groups could no longer care about their own people. Cheng Buyun, the enemy, was too terrifying. Because he worried about his own people, he might as well give up his efforts and make a contribution!

Those who have sacrificed are in a desperate situation.


Gray, white, yellow, blue, red, black, various lights shine, violently blasted to the place where Cheng Buyun was.

Those high-level **** warriors of the Lylidshish family who are deeply in the attack range have already looked desperate.

People who can cultivate to the strength of the upper gods, even if they only refine the divine personality, are definitely not stupid. Of course, they know that because the enemy is too strong, the captains of the major teams have given up their chances of survival.

"Joint physical attack, joint soul attack?"

Cheng Buyun sneered in his heart, less than 10,000 high gods, and also divided into two parts of material and soul to attack the power, which threatened other seven-star demons or others, but for him, basically there was no threat at all.

Moreover, the other party's attack is divided into the sky and the ground, covering all places, the attack range is larger, but it has also weakened a lot.

This is where he disdains!

If you know that he thinks so, the captains of the Lelydshish family will definitely spit him. If they can attack a little, will they not do it?

Isn't there no way now!

You think they think!

‘Om! ’

The surface of the body was shocked, and an earthy yellow light quickly appeared, forming a rock armor covering the whole body. At the same time, the brain's upper soul defense artifact also shined, combined with the seven-story pagoda, firmly guarding the deity.

Even if there is no threat to the attack, Cheng Buyun will not be arrogant. The lion fights the rabbit and does his best.

It ’s okay to play outside, but he ’s never relaxed when it comes to his own safety issues.

There are too many in history when the boat is overturned in the gutter.


Under the expectation of all the **** warriors of the Lelydshish family, Cheng Buyun could not evade anymore, and more than two thousand attacks hit the point where he stood.

"Hit, I won't die this time!"

Everyone gave a cheer, but before they were excited to a high tide, Cheng Buyun, who was strongly attacked by the United, was like a nobody, standing there with a cold expression, and a pair of sullen eyes looked at here with death. , Scaring everyone to silence immediately!

That standing figure is like a devil!

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