Plane Universe

Chapter 1414: Reveal identity

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Although the high **** of the Bauhinia Squad leader was so polite, Cheng Buyun did not irritate or reveal his identity, but did as he did, dispersing the labyrinth of despair and exposing the people inside.

But when the people inside came out, the expression of the upper **** became a little surprised, "How are you guys?"

These deacons of the eighteen alliance families are almost resident in Wuhai. He naturally knows it, but this makes him feel surprised.

These strengths are not low, they are all six-star demon strong, but they are blocked by the other party, which is a bit abnormal.

A group of people smiled bitterly, but they were deeply afraid of Cheng Buyun's strength. It was terrible. This is the rock fortress, and he and others were blocked in it, and the meaning became a little unconscious. There is no resistance.

"What the **** are you doing, how do you fight in the city, don't you know the rules?" Although the captain of the Bauhinia Army knew a few people, it seemed that there was no partial help. "Who moves first?" Hand? "

"No, we just had a little accident, and we didn't mean the scope rules." The middle-aged man quickly shook his head and didn't dare to push the error to Cheng Buyun, which made things worse, and said with a smile: "Just Accident, give a face. "


The Bauhinia Squad leader snorted without looking at the middle-aged man. He glanced around, turned around, and looked at Cheng Buyun. Then he glanced at the crowd around and said loudly, "Who came out and told me?" , What the **** is going on, who else will do it first! "


It's cold.

People who watch things happen on the street, they dare not tell the truth, no matter who the two sides are, they can't bother them. Once they say what they see, let one party remember the hatred, there will be no good results.

So I chose not to speak.


The captain of the Bauhinia team was not surprised. After all, no matter whether it was the eighteenth alliance family or the young man Cheng Buyun, no one was easy to provoke. Others did not have their skin of the Bauhinia Army. "Well, since no one said, then I Just follow the regulations. "

"All the witnesses at the scene, including both sides of the incident, can't leave, go back and lie down with me until the matter is clear." The captain of the Bauhinia Army turned his head and commanded loudly, "Bring them all back."


Ten members of the Bauhinia army immediately answered loudly.

"It is not allowed to go. From now on, who dares to leave a step and kill without amnesty!"

The Bauhinia Army began to take people, and even several deacons of the Ten Bars family were no exception. They were warned to stand still.

Cheng Buyun felt a little appreciation for the behavior of the Bauhinia Army captain. He quickly raised his hand and said, "Well, don't be busy, it's actually my first move."

"It's you?" The captain of the Bauhinia Army was a little surprised, but still nodded and smiled, "Very well, since that's the case, you will lie down with me."

With that, he turned his head again, and said to several deacons of the Eighteenth Alliance family: "And you are all parties, and you have to lie down with us, who is right and who is wrong, go back to the barracks and talk."

"Okay, these are not necessary." Cheng Buyun waved his hand lightly, and then his armor appeared. At the same time, the surface of the armor squirmed, and the water ripples gently rippled, so that the captain of the Bauhinia Army changed his face and shouted: What are you going to do? "

‘Om! ’

In a slight shock, a black token popped out of the armor of Cheng Buyun, and two purple letters on the front slowly exuded a burst of special oppression.

"Bauhinia ... Token!"

The captain of the Bauhinia Army froze as a whole, his expression staring at Cheng Buyun also froze, but soon he reacted, immediately kneeling down on one knee, shouting respectfully, "Master Messenger!"

A sir "Envoy of the Messenger" surprised everyone and turned their heads, watching the kneeling down on one knee as the captain of the Bauhinia Army, and then looked at Cheng Buyun, and the black in his hand exudes special power orders brand.

For a while, the ten Bauhinia soldiers knelt down on one knee, shivering and shouting a little fanatically, "Adult."

Isn't it?

Embarrassed, several deacons of the Eighteenth Alliance family were ignorant by this time.

The expression was completely dull, looking at Cheng Buyun with his mouth wide open, he couldn't even speak.


Cheng Buyun nodded and said softly, "Get up!"

"Yes, Master Messenger!" The Bauhinia all stood up respectfully, with their heads down, ready to listen to the orders of the Master Messenger in front of them.

"Okay, you all patrol it." Cheng Buyun waved his hands, and the two girls behind him were wrapped in shock, and his body shape had already flown into the air, and then flew slowly towards the location of the city's main palace.

Now that he has revealed his identity, the establishment of a no-fly rule has no effect on him.

"The supreme God is supreme, turned out to be the messenger of the Lord God!"

"Good luck, I was so lucky to have seen the messenger of the Lord God one day, so lucky!"

"Together with joy!"

As Cheng Buyun left, the scene was rioted, and thousands of people fell into shock and ecstasy.


Several deacons of the Eighteenth League family, their heads roared, dizzy, where am I, what happened?

They have a self-doubt in their lives!

The family is estimated to be finished this time!

God knows that this master is actually the messenger of the Lord God.

Offended the messenger of the main god, Zhen Nima is crazy!

The news passed back to the major families, and it directly made a group of elders crazy, and their faces became ashamed.

A messenger of the Lord God publicly shouted to make them, what to resist?

Even if the old ancestors came out, it is estimated to be useless.


Flying in the Wuhai City, the special power of the black token spreading into Cheng Buyun's chest, and the Bauhinia who sensed that power, did not dare to come up to intercept and question.

What a joke, didn't you see the two special fonts on the black token? Don't dare to fly them up to stop them!

Gently landed in front of the city's main palace, I had long waited for a while, and quickly lowered my eyebrows, and said respectfully: "Buyun messenger, I am the governor of Wuhai city's main palace.

"Master Messenger!" The eight Bauhinia sentient soldiers standing at the front gate of the city's main palace immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Baya!" Cheng Buyun looked at each other and smiled, "Do you know me?"

This is an old man in his seventies. He is dressed in a black robe and has a relatively thin face. His temperament is very stable and generous. According to his judgment, his strength is a seven-star demon.

"Return to the emissaries of Buyun, Lord Yifeng mentioned to me earlier that there was an extra messenger from the **** Bauhinia, so I was fortunate enough to know your appearance and name. Respectfully said.

"It turns out that Romeo is very determined." Cheng Buyun laughed.

"Buyun Messenger, please." Baya bowed his hand inward and said, "I've already notified Lord Yifeng that he will be able to come and see Buyun Messenger in a moment."


Cheng Buyun nodded lightly, "Okay, get up!"

"Thank you, sir." At this time, those Bauhinia soldiers stood up respectfully and secretly looked at the grace of the main **** messenger.

But Cheng Buyun's breath made him whisper in his heart.

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