Plane Universe

Chapter 1423: Blood Peak Continental Blue House

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‘Om! ’

A dazzling light flashed through, and finally Cheng Buyun, who swept the Bauhinia army, had disappeared into the magic circle.

Cheng Buyun, who was in it, suddenly felt dark, the space scene was distorted, his body had merged into the void, and he experienced the teleportation experience. This is the instantaneous movement of the law of space, not the long-distance transmission.

Then the body bounced out of the void at a very fast speed and fell to the ground.

Down to earth, Cheng Buyun has a feeling of crying and laughing.

Isn't this cut corners?

However, this space movement force is also strong enough, and the difficulty of it can be seen simply.

This is the ability to fully comprehend the laws of space and fully analyze.

But it's not good to say, whether he used the power of the magic circle or the power of the space law itself, he couldn't tell.

In his current state, it is difficult to understand this kind of thing!

It's hard!

The blood peak army warrior stationed in the magic teleportation of Tiexiaxia, one of them laughed when the magic array lit up: "Someone teleported from the plane of another god, and I do n’t know how powerful the **** came this time. . "

"Who bets, I guess it is a high god, a thousand ink stones!"

"I guess it is a five-star demon powerhouse, eight hundred black stones, who dares to eat it!"

"I have eaten, and I have three thousand ink stones. I guess it was the Seven Star Demon Strong, haha, who will come!"

The Blood Peak Army stationed here is so bored that he even gambled for this, and it is also boring enough!

But do n’t even mention that every Blood Peak Army fighter is involved. It seems that they are interested, and they take out the black stone and put it on hand, betting.

At the end no one took the bet, the seven-star demon general laughed, "No one eats, let me come!"

"It's coming out!"


"Haha, the five-star demon, it must be!"

The light was vigorous, and it was so bright that it finally slowed down, and a figure appeared in it.

"The median god?"

"How could it be the median god!"

Cheng Buyun, who appeared in the teleportation magic circle, suddenly heard a burst of exclamation in his ear, his expression looked a little weird, what happened to the median god?

Can't I use the transmission channel?

Still eat your rice!

He was a little unhappy.


No one guessed.

However, there is no annoyance in everyone's eyes. This is just for fun. Spend some time when you are bored. You won't worry too much about winning or losing.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw the piles of inkstones held in the hands of Xuefeng Jun. How could Cheng Buyun not know that he was used as a gambling prop by these people.

Shaking his head and laughing, he left the magic circle directly, and walked outside under the guidance of a blood peak army soldier.

The Iron Knife Gorge, as its name suggests, is a huge aisle in the middle, with peaks and canyons on both sides, and at the end of the peaks on both sides, behind the magic circle stands a mountain shaped like a ‘sharp sword’.

The name Tiedaoxia comes from here.

After leaving the Iron Knife Gorge, Cheng Buyun checked the map, and then the magical power in his body was converted into a windy magical power. He immediately flew into the air and flew towards the east.

That seemed to be the speed at which the void moved, and it appeared in the distance in a flash. The speed of flying was several lines faster than that of Sophia.

Ten minutes later, Cheng Buyun reached the edge of a city of Wuhai City, and then landed. He looked up and saw the name of the city above the city gate-Youlan City!

Yes, Chengbuyun's destination is this city, the city in charge of Beirut, the capital of the mainland of Blood Peak, Youlan Mansion!

Since passing by here, but look at it, it is a bit unreasonable.

When Shi Ranran entered the city, he didn't even pay the cost of entering the city, and the Blood Peak Army guarding the door didn't ask.

There's a demon medal hanging around this guy's waist.

No ink stone is needed to enter the city!

After browsing the beautiful and lively scenery in the Youlan City, he walked towards the north of the city.

The seat of the main palace of the Youlan City is in the north of the city. He asked the passers-by on the street just now.

To be honest, the liveliness of Youlan City is no worse than that of Wuhai City. The gods of the lower **** level are rarely seen, and there are also disciples of major families. Because there are no tribes around the capital, the general good places are basically small and large The family occupied.

Even if some tribes cannot develop, they will be eaten away.

Weak meat and strong food, this is the law everywhere.

Competition is everywhere, even if the small family here is basically attached to the name of the big family, otherwise, the result does not need to be said.

"Stop, where is this place, can you be approached by a median **** at will?"

When Cheng Buyun came to the north of the city, he had not yet stepped on the steps of the city's main palace, and was immediately drank by the eight blood peak troops who were guarding the city's main palace.

Hengmei glared, his expression cold, his tone harsh, and even his hands were pressed against the handle of his waist.

Indeed, the strength of Cheng Buyun's strength revealed to the outside is a bit lower, before the median **** strength.

And what kind of mansion is the city's palace, is it for others to come at will?

Besides, this is Youlan Mansion, not the ordinary main palace of the city, there is no spread, and it ca n’t come over as strong as the Seven Star Devil.

"It is forbidden for ordinary people to stand and watch for a long time, leave quickly, and don't approach any more." Blood Fengjun scolded, waved Cheng Chengyun to go quickly.

For this kind of random poisoning, it looks like driving out a ant, which directly makes Cheng Buyun look bad, and the original Xihe smile immediately becomes cold, and a pair of deep eyes like the stars also emit a cold light, Through space six, he was on the face of the blood-blooded army soldier who spoke.

The eyes full of coldness and oppression made the Blood Peak Army soldiers suddenly feel a cool air straight through their backs, and they were immediately scared and Ji Lingling shivered.

The scene froze. These blood-bearing troops guarding the gate of the city's main palace looked at Cheng Buyun, the central god. He felt something strange in his heart. The other party did not look as simple as the surface.

Looking at the blood-heavy army of Hey, a little frightened, Cheng Buyun reacted, shaking his head and laughing: "I'm angry with them, the other party is also responsible, plus it is Beirut's personal soldier, a little arrogant. Inevitable. "

"Okay, don't mention the gossip, go to the report, and say that the old man Cheng Buyun came to visit, your master will meet me, will not blame you, go!" Cheng Buyun turned over and took out a piece The golden post, shocked, this golden post floated to the other side.

The other person took the golden post in his hand, and even without looking at it, he said: "Okay, you leave an address. If the master of the house agrees to meet you, we will send someone to notify you. Now, You can leave and wait for the news. "

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