Plane Universe

Chapter 1427: After the trouble disappeared invisible

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Since then ...

In Youlan Mansion, Cheng Buyun received Beirut's warmest hospitality.

Several days passed.

On this day, Cheng Buyun found Beirut and offered his farewell, "Master Beirut, have been disturbing for a few days, and I have also left."

"It's almost the same." Beiru's character, he is also very clear what Cheng Buyun came to the blood peak continent, the purpose is definitely to visit lei. If Mr. Bena knew that I had this identity, I'm afraid it would turn the sky over. ",

"This is not enough." Cheng Buyun smiled, remembering Beibei's mischief, and the troubles of the current Four Divine Beast family. The feelings of the latter and lei will definitely ask Beirut to be a thug and solve the trouble.

"I just don't want to be a beater for others. It's better that you don't help too much. Young people should be more experienced." Beirut laughed and finally told him, "It's better not to take care of yourself in the future." Tell others to know that, fortunately, this time things are not big and can be resolved easily. "

"Well, I was too confident before." Cheng Buyun nodded seriously.

In fact, it was because he neglected Beirut, that is to say, he was dragged down by Beirut.

Without Beirut, even if he is likely to become the master of the gods, the final strength will be very high, and even the rule of the shoulders is dominated, and the dominance of the light is impossible.

The light master is careful, but there is no hatred between the two, how could he be killed for this matter.

After all, it's Beirut's problem.

Because Cheng Buyun came out of the Magnolia Continent, if the strength is high and Beirut is sheltered, isn't that the face of the bright master!

"Go!" Beirut nodded gently.

Saying goodbye to Beirut, Cheng Buyun flew directly from the city's main palace to the sky and found a position to fly towards the landmark building in the distance.

Looking at the figure of Cheng Buyun leaving, Beirut's eyes became a little dignified, "I should start."


Beirut has been lost in the secluded courtyard, and the flight speed of his departure is not much slower than that of Cheng Buyun.

You should know that Cheng Buyun used the law of wind when he left.

The power of the Lord ’s power is really powerful enough.

Beirut, the dark **** avatar, has only three or less than three types of Profound Arcana fusion, and its flight speed is faster than the fusion of eight types of Profound Arcana in the Chengbuyun wind system. Around 10,000 miles, you can see its perversion.

In the blue palace, Beirut left, no one knew.

Soon, the soul breath converged, and Beirut, who changed his appearance, came to the Iron Knife Gorge and directly transmitted the Bauhinia Continental Cliff.

The main **** token held by Beirut has no name or stamp on it. The main **** token belongs to that main god, and the main **** army guarding the teleportation array is not clear.

A few hours later, he arrived at Beirut in the sky above the Amethyst Mist Sea. After taking a breath, he sank directly towards the center of Wuhai and landed in front of the Amethyst Palace.

"Who?" Seeing Beirut's appearance, the two high-level gods guarding the gate of the Bauhinia Palace were shocked, and they screamed directly. The weapons were drawn out, and the expression looked a bit cold.

"I want to see Lord Bauhinia, please also report." Beirut took out the Lord God token, Shen Sheng said.

But there is no name on the token of the Lord God, and they do n’t know it, so they will not be recognized.

"Wait for the Lord God's crown to relax, and I will self-report. Now it's not working. You can wait for a while." Sure enough, the guard soldier shook his head.

What a joke, but not someone on your side, the Lord God is what you want to see, what is the Lord God!

"Let him come up."

Suddenly, a gentle and soft voice with soft smile came to pass, and after letting the two guard soldiers have a meal, they immediately let go of their bodies and stretched out their hands.

Beirut shook his head with a smile, walked into the palace, and was led upwards, and soon came to a gorgeous place.

"Let's go!" Lord Bauhinia smiled and waved at the maid next to him.

After the **** Bauhinia waved back all the maids, Beirut sat down and smiled and said, "Berlina, long time no see."

"I haven't seen Beirut for a long time. Why are you free to come to me today." Lord Bauhinia smiled with a smile, meaning something. "First say well, lest you look bad for a while, come to me and you want to take people back That is impossible."

Beirut speechless!

The **** Bauhinia's emphasis on Cheng Buyun naturally need not be said, and the genius who grabbed his hand is not likely to return.

She looked as if I wouldn't agree to what you said, but Beirut's expression was so gray, but she was more confident in what she was going to say in a moment. He came here today and wasn't in a rush.

"I am not here today for this matter, since Cheng Buyun has been received by you as a messenger of the Lord God, this is a matter that no one can change. And you know my situation, the messenger of the Lord God I naturally dare not accept, to Be careful, one can't be destroyed by him! "Beirut said," I'm here today for something else. "

"Oh, what's that thing that makes 'you' come here in person? It looks a little serious." There is something strange on Lord Bauhinia, what is it?

As soon as Beirut talked about the matter, Lord Bauhinia nodded and said, "This is my negligence."

"The situation is a bit serious, you should know that the light master is resentful to me, if Cheng Buyun is known to him, unless the latter has not reached that step, if it is possible to reach that step, with the old man's careful eye, absolutely Will not let go of a threat. "Beirut's expression looked very solemn, and asked:" You also know that my lord **** avatar can't come over. Please help me with this matter. I have written down this feeling. "

"Relax, I will deal with this matter, whether it is Caoya or Xingyi, will give me a face." Mentioning the light lord, the expression of Lord Bauhinia changed.

For the Lord of Light, the God of Bauhinia absolutely has no affection, because the former killed the four Gods of the Dragon, and she owed Qinglong's favor a long time ago.

Of course, this relationship is not big enough for her to avenge Qinglong.

But if someone can give the light to dominate, this is something she is very happy to comment on.

"Thank you for that, thank you." Beirut finally felt relieved when he heard the Bauhinia Lord agree.

Without this hidden danger, even if Cheng Buyun grows again in the future, if he does not break through the main **** level, the light master will not know the details, at most it feels that the former is too powerful and more powerful than other great consummations.

When Beirut left with a smile, the **** Bauhinia also showed a fascinating smile and muttered to himself: "It looks like this little guy is a bit terrible in the future, but I am a little looking forward to seeing how far he can go." Right! "

"It's really troublesome, and I have to be dispatched again." Lord Bauhinia stretched lazily lazily, and her perfect figure was exposed. She stretched her hand in front of her and a space crack appeared immediately, but the former's power control was excellent, and The surrounding objects were destroyed without flashing space cracks.

At the next moment, the Bauhinia Lord rushed into it, and then the space crack closed.

The Bauhinia Lord was dispatched, and the hidden troubles left by Cheng Buyun were naturally solved perfectly. The seal memory of the seal memory, the shot to help conceal, the shot to help conceal.

Both the Xuanguang God and the Star God gave their faces. After all, they were all a series of gods. This little thing was the opening of the **** Bauhinia. They naturally agreed. In addition, Cheng Buyun's origin is also a part of hell. They are talents trained by them. Later, if they become one of them, they will also be friends.

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