Plane Universe

Chapter 1432: Warm reception

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When he fought for the face of the adult, Sophia's heart rose with excitement. Don't look at her calm zombie face. In fact, she was very happy.

Since leaving the Xuanguang City and reaching the Amethyst Mountain Range, she has reached a conclusion in her heart. Since then, she will belong to Cheng Buyun alone, until eternity!

When Sofia's sister was shocked because of her grade, the master opened her face, and the little girl was a little unhappy. She secretly exaggerated herself and later gave her master face and identity.

"Let's go back and talk!" Lei said aloud. This man is a lot of miscellaneous people, and many words are not easy to export. "Garville, we will go back first, and then go to where I will be a guest."

"It's nothing. The VIPs are in our family. I should receive them." Elder Garvey hurriedly said, and would definitely find time to go to lei where to be a guest. At this moment, Cheng Buyun's identity has risen again, from ordinary guests to Important VIP.

"Thank you so much this time, help me receive Brother Yun, and I will thank you again in the future." Lei said.

"Small things, go." Elder Garvey waved his hand.

Lei nodded, then looked at Cheng Buyun and said with a smile: "Brother Yun, let's go back and talk."

Cheng Buyun was naturally a guest of choice, and finally nodded to the Gavi people, causing several deacons to return their salutes and feeling very respectful.

Along the dragon road, several people marched towards the grand canyon where lei was living.

The little girl in the human form is flying very slowly, which is not as fast as the human sanctuary. She will be held by Sophiaty.

"Big Brother Yun, why is your strength the median god?" Babe asked strangely during the flight: "And it's the wind power that radiates on his body. It's strange, isn't he majoring in the law of light?"

In the Magnolia Continent, Cheng Buyun practiced that fast, and he became a **** after practicing the law of light for several years. Even if he practiced the wind law again, he became a **** in just thirty years.

It has been a thousand years since the median **** strength was a bit low.

"Why, Babe, I feel that my strength is low now, do you think you are the same as me?" Cheng Buyun said funnyly: "You know, your cloud boss will always be your cloud boss, what happened to the median god, Can a median **** like me look at it by apparent strength? "

Lin Lei also had some doubts and asked curiously: "Brother Yun, what law are you majoring in now? Where did the light law you practiced before reach?"

"The Law of Light?"

Cheng Buyun was full of smiles, deliberately teasing everyone: "It is still the lower **** level."


As soon as he said this, lei, delia, and babe were startled.

They don't understand it very much. As a matter of fact, Cheng Buyun's law of light is the strongest. How is it still the lower **** level?

Why don't you continue to practice?

"As for the cultivation of the law of the wind system?" Cheng Buyun did not go on, but said mysteriously, "You will know it later!"

These words let the three of them know that Cheng Buyun's strength will definitely not be as simple as it seems, and they will not believe it.

Just like lei, talking about the median **** is actually much more fierce than the upper god, and even burst out very close to the seven-star demon. In the case of a sneak attack, the seven-star demon must die.

Cheng Buyun's talent, they are very clear, the median god's strength is absolutely fiercely beyond your imagination.

They absolutely believe this.

Since Cheng Buyun didn't say it, lei no longer asked, everyone is here, there will always be a clear day, isn't it? !

Back at the Grand Canyon, lei said, "Brother Yun, this is where our Baruch branch lives."

Looking at the site below and the environment, Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled, "It's okay, the site is big enough, it looks like your elder deserves to be considered, it's not shameful!"

"It's fair, and finally got a little face for the family." Lei has some typical, did not say his credit.

Instead, Babe exaggerated and said, "Hehe, this is the credit of the boss. When we first arrived here, the Baruch family lived in a small place, only so big."

He made a gesture, and Cheng Buyun, through Babe's explanation, also knew the range of the Baruch family's previous residence, which is much smaller than it is now.

Now the site has expanded more than ten times, and there are more castle buildings.

"Lin Lei." A strong and brave man greeted him, shouting with a thick voice Lang Shuang, his eyes fell on Cheng Buyun next to him, and said with a smile: "This is what you often said before, it's you Brother Yun, my most respected brother, is now Bu Yun! "

"Haha, I didn't think I was so famous." Cheng Buyun glanced at Lin Lei and greeted with a smiling face. The strong man's skin color and hair color were very close to Lin Lei, even if the dozens who followed him showed his chest Most of the rude men look like this.

This should be a group of ancestors of lei in the magnolia continent.

"Yes, patriarch, this is my brother Cheng Buyun, my most respectful person." Lin Lei said with a smile: "Let me introduce, Yun brother, this is the patriarch of our Magnolia mainland, the greatest person-Ba Luke! "

"Hello, Mr. Baruch, your name and deeds are like thunderous ears, and the prestige of the Dragon Blood Warrior resounds across the sky of the Magnolia continent, and it has been circulating until thousands of years later." Cheng Buyun smiled friendly and acted Very enthusiastic, making this brave man Baruch open his mouth and look happy.

"It's all fictitious names, that's nothing." Baruch held out his hand enthusiastically and shook Cheng Chengyun together.

"This is Ryan ..." Lin Lei introduced all the way. Cheng Buyun was also enthusiastic and said a few words about the other's deeds. The atmosphere was harmonious and warm for a time.

There are not many tribes in the Baruch branch, that is, hundreds of people are less than a thousand, and most of the strength is in the holy domain level, and the **** domain level is very few, less than one hundred, belonging to the weakest branch.

However, with lei, the environment is now very different, and the resources allocated are now in the top class.

In the most majestic castle hall, the welcome banquet is opening.

Cheng Buyun received the most welcoming reception from the Baruch line. Hundreds of people, regardless of their strength, toasted him, thanking him for his great help for the Baruch line!

During the banquet, everyone casually talked about the glory of the past, talked about history, and the glorious deeds of Cheng Buyun, which made the atmosphere very warm.

For the strong man Cheng Buyun, most people of the Baruch family are grateful. Thank him for reaching out at the most difficult time of the blood of the Baruch family and cultivating the great strong man lei !

Cheng Buyun's deeds and help, through these years, everyone in Baruch knows very well, and can even recite it. It is conceivable that his arrival is so happy!

Almost at his table, people from the Baruch tribe holding wine glasses came to toast and said two words of gratitude, which made him almost laugh and paralyze!

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