Plane Universe

Chapter 1438: Unique trick to create success

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In fact, they do n’t blame them for thinking this way. Lei is the hope of the rise of the family of four **** beasts. Naturally, they are careful. This is not too much!

This can only be said that Cheng Buyun appeared too clever, the background was majestic and powerful, and too mysterious, and nothing was explained.

Can you make people think less?

The heart is the most unpredictable.

After all, the hostile eight-family Reynals family of the Four Divine Beast family has someone to take care of the teleportation of the Magnolia continental plane. It is not impossible for the former to be tempted to join the other family.

What made them most suspicious was, of course, that Sophia did not call Cheng Buyun the master.

Since it is your metal life, why not call you master?

Doubt is not imagined out of thin air, nor is it guessed randomly.

Is justified.

It's just that they didn't do it, it was because they were afraid of lei.

Therefore, the Patriarch of the Blue Dragon refrained on the side, wanted to see what the kid was doing, and wanted to catch Cheng Buyun's fox tail!

"What now?" Said the white tiger chief frowning.

The Suzaku patriarch could not have imagined it for a while.

"Gais Raisen, how about you?" Patriarch Xuanwu turned his head.


Qinglong Patriarch also had a tangled expression at this time, spread his hands and said: "I can think of a way, then I won't come over to you. You should know that if Cheng Buyun's identity is true, once we suspect that he was guessed by him I know that I will absolutely hate us in my heart, so this is where I ca n’t let go, and I do n’t dare to show up. I ’m afraid that I wo n’t be able to test it and hate the other party! ”


It's hard to tell the truth, and the other party didn't disclose anything. This is the most difficult place.

"This matter has to be considered long, and you can't act rashly." The chief of the Suzaku nodded. "Gaisleysen is right. If the other person is really a main **** behind him, it will be terrifying, and it will make a genius who is valued by the main **** hate This is a disaster for our family of four gods and beasts. Our situation is already very difficult, and it is harder to make another messenger of the Lord God invisible! "


Even if it is not the Lord God, even if it is only the Great Consummation, a House Lord, then there is no need!

"But I can't pretend I don't know." The White Tiger Patriarch was also distressed.

If someone comes to your family as a guest, it ’s okay if you do n’t have a strong background or background. What if?

You do n’t even come out of the patriarch, and all of them hold ostriches. Is this looking down on each other?

It ’s hard to do, not hard to do!

Mom sells it!

"That's what I thought." Qinglong patriarch smiled bitterly, "You are very clear about my character, and I am not good at hiding things in this area. I said that once I approached, I was afraid that I couldn't help but try. If something goes wrong, turning good things into bad things will be a little bit unbelievable. "

High-end powerhouses, people with backgrounds behind them, have always been the objects they want to fight for.

I have to say that since the fall of the main dragon of the Blue Dragon, the Four Divine Beast family has been panic-stricken all day long, looking for people with backgrounds to help their family.

How sad!

This was unimaginable ten thousand years ago!

Lord Qinglong, when they were still there, what a domineering family of the Four Divine Beasts.

But because it was too domineering, it caused a lot of family resentment, and the retribution came, and it caused the Eight-Big family to pursue him to hell.

"You aren't doing this. Isn't anyone doing it?" Patriarch Suzaku looked at Patriarch Xuanwu, and he smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, this old kid is sly, let him go to get close to each other, and he can definitely find something out." The white tiger chief nodded.

"I don't call it cunning and hypocrisy. I'm passionately close to people. What nonsense are you talking about? Also, I don't do this." The patriarch Xuanwu stared, and he scolded his mother for approval.

"You have worked hard." Qinglong Patriarch nodded and nodded. Xuanwu Patriarch was undoubtedly the most suitable person.

The Xuanwu patriarch who is comparable to a heavy tank, the grinning expression on his face is gone, and the expression is solidified directly. If this is messed up, who is it?

No need to ask, he is definitely a sinner!

Mom sells it!

Have you brothers and sisters doing this?

"However, this matter has to be discussed from the long side. I have no problem in getting out of the horse, but I can't let me go immediately. Let the elders of the Qinglong family pass first, get closer and explore the character of the other party." Xuanwu patriarch quickly proposed.

The three nodded and discussed.

In the matter of Cheng Buyun, they had to be careful!

What an eventful season!


Grand Canyon!

Tampered for seven or eight days.

As soon as he punched out, there was a lot of space ripples around his fist, and finally annihilated, Lei shouted ecstatically, "Ha, finally succeeded."

He was very satisfied with the unique trick he created this time. The rounded attack power was several times more powerful than Cheng Buyun ’s previous trick, probably about 35 times the power after the combination of the two mysteries.

More than thirty times the power, this is already a very high level.

In general, the tricks created by ordinary gods are about five times the basic power, ten times more powerful, about ten times the elite level, and 20 times the genius level.

And you can count more than 30 times.

How can this not make lei happy and happy.

A voice from the castle flew over and slowly merged into lei's soil doppelganger, which was his deity. Then the old boy was so happy that he turned into a dragon with **** eyes, a hedgehog shaped like a monster, and Cheng Buyun was familiar with him.

"Who will try my best trick?" Lin Lei muttered to himself.

"The boss has finally created the strongest material attack suitable for him, which is great." Babe, who was eating food on the grass leisurely, also stood up quickly, looking happy.


A gentle voice came behind him, prompting Babe to quickly turn his head. The visitor was the elder Garvey he was familiar with. He quickly smiled and said, "Elder Garvey, why are you so free today?"

"Isn't there time to see you, why don't you rejoice?" Garvey said with a smile.

"How come, you can come to see us, too happy to be too late." Babe quickly shook his head, in the Qinglong family, in addition to the Baruch branch, and the best of them are undoubtedly Elder Garvey, the other party can come , Why is he not welcome?

Elder Garvey smiled, looking at Cheng Buyun and lei, and asked with a smile: "You just danced, what makes you so happy?"


Speaking of this, Babe laughed and said quickly: "It was my boss who created a super strong physical attack."


Garvey was surprised, and then smiled in surprise, "Created!"

Lin Lei practiced here for a whole month. He bombarded Daidi before and made everyone known. As a duty elder, how could he not know it?

"Yes, a very strong and strong physical attack trick." Beibei nodded and smiled happily.

"You are so sure, it is estimated that it is really strong, and I will really have to see it later." Elder Garvey exclaimed: "It is a famous genius of our Qinglong family."

As the elder of the Qinglong family, how could he not know that lei is just the strength of the median **** at this time.

A median **** can be comparable to the seven-star demon level in combat power, not a genius!

The most important thing is that lei cultivation has been less than two thousand years ago. The speed of cultivation is fast and shocking.

Give him more time, it is estimated that the family can really appear a super strong, this is absolute.

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