Plane Universe

Chapter 1440: Perverted two

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Baruch and other high-level officials came to the scene, watching the two men fighting in the air, and the leading Baruch could not help but exclaimed: "Dilia, what's going on, how did Mr. Cheng Buyun fight with lei? ? "

"Yeah, something can be discussed slowly." Ryan said quickly.

"What the **** happened?"

A group of people questioned repeatedly, causing the person to feel dizzy and dizzy, as if dozens of c flies were buzzing right beside them.

Not only was Delia questioned, but even Elder Garvey stood beside him.

What is this about?


Delia Jiao shouted, and quickly said in spite of the etiquette: "They are just competing, everyone need not worry."


you sure?

Who is like this?

Seeing them fighting is like an enemy.

Every time the fist blasted out, the space shattered like paper. Then the power made them scared to death, did you even say that it was a test?

Look, came again, Cheng Buyun banged out with a punch, lei could not catch the stroke in the chest, and looked at them with their eyesight, the latter fell into the chest directly, obviously suffered an internal injury.

Then Lei refused to accept the defeat. He punched Cheng Buyun's face with a punch, all of which beat the latter and rolled away, and his saliva flew out.

You even told me that they are competing now?

"It's a competition." Delia nodded affirmatively again, and she didn't know that the two fools were so disregarded, as if they were life and death enemies.

Fortunately, the two did not take out their weapons, otherwise she would have to worry.


After confirming this news, everyone put down their worries and watched the two men fighting in midair.

After letting go of their worries, the group of people looked at them again.

This level of fighting is really hard to see, especially for many younger generations, who have never seen it in person.

Over the past 10,000 years, the descendants of the Four Divine Beast family have been basically housed in the family. They are rarely able to go outside, let alone experience them in combat adventures.

"It's so strong. This is a contest of physical strength. It's amazing to be able to achieve this level!"

"Mr. Cheng Buyun didn't say it, just ordinary human beings? Why is the power so strong and the body so strong?"

Needless to say, Lin Lei, the children of the Qinglong family, needless to say about their physical strength.

Can Chengbuyun?

He was just an ordinary human being, and he could fight with lei empty-handed.

Can you believe this?

Are you sure he is not a beast body wearing a human coat?

Some of them really guessed right.

Indeed, Cheng Buyun is now a human with a body of gods and beasts.

The bloodline of the mythical beast occupies half of the body, and the human bloodline competes in court.

Seriously, Cheng Buyun can be regarded as the blood of Lord Bauhinia.

The amethyst bloodline can only be regarded as a higher bloodline in hell, but since the main **** of the Bauhinia is the main **** level, the bloodline has once again jumped to reach the top level.

Therefore, the amethyst bloodline also scores two kinds, one is the ordinary amethyst bloodline, and the other is the main god-level amethyst bloodline such as Reis crystal and Cheng Buyun.

As the two of them fought, more and more people were watching here in the Grand Canyon. A group of children of the blue dragon saw the fighting spirit of the two fighting sides, and they were dumbfounded.

Every punch and every foot, the power is no less than the full blow of the six-star demon.

Such an attack hits the body. It is estimated that the six-star demon can not bear it, and the two men in combat can bear it. It must be said that their physical defense is really strong enough.

Abnormal enough!

It is definitely far superior to other people, even the elders of the Qinglong family, it is estimated that the body's defense strength has not reached such a level of tyranny.

It is estimated that only the Xuanwu family can compare.

"Oh shit."

On the top of the distance, Emmanuel and Fulham and his son looked at lei and chengbuyun, who were fighting in the distance, and they were full of anger.

"This **** is getting stronger and stronger. If you go on like this, you will one day step on my head." Fulhan was very unwilling.

The enmity between their father and son and lei is too great, and both sides have deep hatred, and it is difficult to resolve, either you died or I died.

Once lei rises, can they still copy their lives in the future?

He didn't believe it!

"Father, if you want to find a way, you can't let lei go like this, otherwise there will be no place for us to live in the family." Emmanuel said with anxious expression.

The person who hated lei must be him. Before, his strongest avatar was because lei could not rescue him, but no matter what accident happened, he decided that lei had hatred with him and wanted to watch him Dead, so I didn't save.

That's awful!

He wished that lei would die immediately to be happy.

"Is there any way I can think of it?" Fulhan said angrily: "Now the family has determined that lei is the hope of the family's rise again, and even the rules of the blood war valley millennium change are invalid to him, what can I do ? He has been hiding in the family for a long time, and he can't implement it if he has an idea. It's awful! "

"That is, the four patriarchs are too obvious to help. Isn't it just a master angel messenger, and not the master **** himself." Emmanuel said unconvinced: "And the master **** messenger is not going to help us, hum, **** it Why is this lei so good luck, there was Napus Luo before, this came out a Cheng Buyun, why is his luck so good, know these strong guys everywhere! "

Cheng Buyun's identity will never go anywhere, at least the level is a special envoy of the master.

This is still the least. There can be a metal life **** of the median **** level. Where can the status go low? The people behind it definitely value it. This is what they worry about.

On the majestic castle at the head of the dragon, the blue dragon patriarch standing in the void, with blue hair flowing and elegant, the pale blue old man who was fitted on the body, appeared extra domineering.

"This guy is a bit strong. If he can compete with lei like this, how can he be willing to live with others?" Gassson had a judgment in his mind.

The former showed a bit of strength through today, and he was a little bit not convinced that the former would be a spy introduced by the eight-family.

How can a person who has cultivated to this point in a thousand years be willing to cling to a family?

It ’s a little unbelieving to say it, the level of the median **** ’s strength, the law state does not seem low, at least it is equivalent to lei, and the body is so strong that it will be a spy?

And still deceiving lei, a good brother who has a very deep relationship with himself?

He didn't believe it.

Only a fool will judge like this.

With the judged Gasley, he knew what he and others should do.

In the Grand Canyon, a fight was incisive and vivid. Everyone saw people screaming in excitement, causing everyone to scream wildly, making the two of them fight more intensely, as if excited by everyone's cheering.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Yun's body is so strong that it is really unpredictable!" Babe said with a look.

"I'm also confused, Babe. Isn't Cheng Buyun an ordinary human being? Why don't you look at it today, unlike what you said before, but it's different!" Elder Garvey was puzzled. To get all the data of Cheng Buyun.

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