Plane Universe

Chapter 1446: Babe asks for wealth

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Or is it dissatisfied that his family neglected him?

Regardless of that point, it is not good news for their four-beast family!

"This is to blame our four-beast family for slowing down his identity, so today I took the opportunity to warn me so that I can pass the message to the family through my mouth?" Elder Garvey did not dare to say bad words because that Not the result the patriarch wanted to hear.

Once Cheng Buyun, the main **** messenger, said in public that the Four Divine Beast family did not understand the etiquette, then it was definitely a disaster for the Four Divine Beast family!

Anyone may come and step on their feet.

Even under the pressure of Cheng Buyun, the messenger, even the Lord of the Blue House is estimated to belittle their four-beast family.

This is even more bad news.

"You just know, I really don't want to be the reason, alas!" Qinglong patriarch sighed, and his face was somewhat sullen.

I have waited too much for lei's safety and ignored the proper etiquette. I can't blame others, but I am too stupid.

After all, Cheng Buyun didn't reveal this identity at the beginning, but he took the metal life of the median **** to go to the door. None of your four **** beast families had enough identity to come out and receive a close, and get close to the other party.

Who can blame?

It is estimated that people will laugh to death!

Figured this level, a family patriarch, a family elder, with a distressed look on his face, fidgeting on the spot.

"Then what should we do now?" Elder Garvey was uneasy and worried.

"Now I can't come up with any good ideas for a while." The Qinglong patriarch looked very hesitant, and said after a moment of contemplation: "I still go to discuss with several patriarchs first and then talk about it."


Valley of Blood Warfare, the main hall castle of the Four Beasts.

At the round table were six people, four men and two women.

In addition to the four patriarchs of the Four Divine Beasts, the other two men, a man and a woman are men. The men are the elders of the Xuanwu family, and the thin woman with a mask is the elder of the Qinglong family.

It was only at this time that the six people sitting around the round table couldn't express happiness, and they looked distressed.

Whoever heard the intelligence from the Qinglong Patriarch, who can be happy at this time?

After a long silence, it was not a way to go on seeing this. In the end, the Qinglong patriarch said, "Time is running short. Now let's talk about how should we deal with this matter?"

"Now dragging is no longer a way. The most important thing we need to do is to welcome the etiquette so that the other party can feel our sincerity." Patriarch Suzaku said: "Brother, it is best to have you come before this ceremony. Visit him and ask lei at the same time, let him knock on the side drum, and dispel Mr. Cheng Buyun's annoyance at us, otherwise we will undertake the welcoming ceremony ourselves and the other party will not give face, it will be worse! "

"Four sisters make sense, brother, you still have to come forward to see this matter, and see Mr. Cheng Buyun first." Patriarch Baihu said the same, agreeing with Patriarch Zhuque.

Before the four ancestors fell, the Four God Beasts were all brilliant to the extreme. Why did they fall here?

Just a messenger who concealed his identity came to the door, making people uneasy and uneasy?

If it is changed 10,000 years ago, it is estimated that they will not take a look at it ... Say it must be ridiculed twice!



The seniors of the Four Divine Beast family were panicked, but Cheng Buyun and others were leisurely and complacent. Both parties gave some explanations of their own affairs over the past thousand years.

Of course, some of these things are not related to the secret of the Lord God.

"Haha, it turns out that the amethyst cub we encountered in the Amethyst Mountain Range was the son of the Bauhinia Lord. We couldn't think of it at all." Beibei said with a frightened face: "The guy who met at that time whistled A group of amethyst monsters chased us, it is estimated that they did not take it seriously, let us pick up a life in vain. "

Lin Lei secretly said, that is a purgatory leader.

The son of the Lord God, the strength is very powerful characters, such as the head of the Qinglong clan. If the strength wants to kill, it is probably a blow.

A powerful person one level higher than ordinary Shura.

With a move in Delia's heart, she asked in a weird look: "So, that ... cough, also from the Amethyst Beast?"

Speaking of the Bauhinia, especially the origin of the other party, Delia did not dare to say that she was afraid of committing taboos.

However, she said that lei was very strange. Imagine that Bauhinia was transformed into an amethyst beast, and it felt very inconsistent.

Amethysts are not beautiful in appearance or domineering. They can even be said to be a little ugly and have nothing to do with mighty domineering.

Of course, this is based on the judgment of human eyes.

"Big Brother Yun ..." Babe squeezed his eyebrows, trying to squeeze out a pleased smile: "You are now the master messenger, you should not be short of money? You see me and my sister-in-law are so weak, buy some ink stone Cultivate resources! "

"You bastard, just talk about money, it's vulgar!" Lin Lei scolded.

They have been together for thousands of years, and they were lucky to make a fortune in the Amethyst Mountains.

But the wealth is hundreds of billions of inkstones. It looks like a lot, but it is really useless.

In Hell, some of the high-level elixir of the Lord's Castle will cost ten thousand ink stones, and the elixir started by ten thousand ink stones is still the lowest.

A good potion cultivation resource, one can make people go bankrupt.

So for all these years, Delia has not asked for this, of course, because of lei neglect.

They still have wealth and are ready to stay back to the Magnolia Continent.

"Money is really of little use to me now." Cheng Buyun shook his head and smiled. With the part donated by Romeo, it is estimated that it will not be lacking for a long time, and Mo Shi?

At that time, where to collect amethyst in the amethyst mountain range, but simply did not want to use the power of the main **** to exchange it.

Because of this, Romeo may have listened to Leising's nagging. The two of them wanted to see him in Wuhai City before they gave him a training resource.

"That feeling is good. In our opinion, I don't demand much, just give a hundred trillion ink stone." Babe the lion opened his mouth, and said nonchalantly.

One hundred trillion trillion?

How dare you speak!

Lei and delia were startled.

Cheng Buyun smiled, didn't feel that Babe's request was too much, as he is today, it's not difficult!

So I thought about it and said, "Mo Shi is gone."

"What? No!" Beibei's eyes widened, and he felt that Cheng Buyun was a little stingy.

Lin Lei didn't think much, but didn't quite understand Cheng Buyun's move.

When he flipped his hand, Cheng Buyun took out dozens of bottles, jars, and some exquisite wooden boxes placed on the stone table and said: "Mo Shi is gone. I have a large number of cultivation resources. Want? "

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