Plane Universe

Chapter 1451: Details of the family of four gods and beasts

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If he is the kind of person with low energy, it is estimated that he left earlier.


Seeing the expression that Cheng Buyun understood, as well as that Xihe smile, the Qinglong patriarch finally let out a sigh of relief, and at the same time there was a sense of sorrow spreading, but he had to force his spirit to smile.

The Four Divine Beast family is already lonely. The pride of the past is no longer there, and it has to have a noble head.

"Thank you for your understanding, I thanked all the four beast families." Qinglong Patriarch Lian thanked.

Today, he whispered so quietly, in addition to apologizing to Cheng Buyun, he actually hoped to get the latter's support.

The support of a main **** messenger, even if the dilemma family's plight cannot be solved immediately, can also allow the hostile eight-family outside to be more scrupulous, so as to give the four gods animal family a breathing opportunity.

Several people chatted a few words at random, the atmosphere was quite harmonious, especially after the conversation, Cheng Buyun's demeanor made the Qinglong chief feel good.

He thought Cheng Buyun wouldn't get along very easily. He knew that as lei said, his attitude was easy-going, and he didn't look like he was above him.

Of course, the premise is that you don't make him angry.

Cheng Buyun had put a lot of pressure on him before, and he had to be cautious about the look that didn't make him laugh.

After everyone chatted for a while, the Qinglong Patriarch took the topic to the forefront. He smiled and said: "Sir, because of some misunderstandings before, I have not held a welcoming banquet for your arrival, you see ..."

It is natural to greet the ceremony. After all, Cheng Buyun's identity is not an ordinary person, an angel of the Lord God, but also an angel of the God Bauhinia. They long for the support of a Lord God in the plane of Hell.

If they are other messengers of the Lord God, they probably don't care too much. But the Lord God's Messenger of Hell, they have to pay attention.

County officials are better off now!

One day, Cheng Buyun's status rose, which was more valued by the **** Bauhinia. If he could mobilize the army of the god, hehe ...

Maybe it ’s not necessary, just ask the **** Bauhinia for the next purpose.

Greeting ceremony?

Cheng Buyun thought about it, and in the longing expression of the Patriarch Qinglong, he finally nodded and said: "It is not necessary to meet the ceremony, just hold a banquet, not too many people, just let your four gods beast family status comparison Those who are tall can participate. "

"Since Mr. decided so, we naturally agree." Qinglong Patriarch was very happy, "I don't know when the banquet is scheduled?"

This represents a possibility for the relationship between the two parties.

If Cheng Buyun said no, he had to worry.

"You just decide, just let me know when the time comes." Cheng Buyun nodded.

After a few more chats, the Patriarch Qinglong left and told Lin Lei to receive Cheng Buyun for him.

When the Qinglong Patriarch left, Beibei grinned and said, "The Qinglong Patriarch's move just now was extremely cautious. Gee, that whispering look is really rare."

Lin Lei smiled, sighing in his heart, that is Yun Ge's identity is too important, coupled with the huge dilemma of the Four Divine Beast family, the patriarch had to bow his head.


The next day, in the evening, the Patriarch Qinglong came again and invited Cheng Buyun to attend the banquet in person.

"Haha, Blood Battle Valley, I wanted to visit this place early in the morning, and I just took this opportunity to visit it." Babe looked a little excited.

The place of Blood War Valley is the most important core place of the Four Divine Beast family. Generally, ordinary tribes are not qualified to set foot, where they can basically stay. All are tribes with a strength of more than five stars.

"I won't go." Delia shook her head. Although she was lei's wife, she did not have a high status in the family, and she was not qualified to go.

"What's wrong, sister-in-law? Why don't you go." Babe questioned.

Lei nodded in understanding, didn't say much.

Where are the Blood War Valley high-level, Delia's strength is low, and there are few topics with those people, where to sit with their boredom, it is better to be at home.

Several figures rose from the Grand Canyon and flew towards the core of the Four Divine Beast family.

With the presence of Qinglong Patriarch and lei, naturally no guards dare to come up and ask.

After a while, the four flew to the main hall of the Four Gods Beast at the core of the Blood War Valley.

At this time, hundreds of people stood in front of the main hall of the Four Divine Beasts. When several people landed, everyone saluted.

"Brother, this is Master Messenger!" The young man among the dilemma and one girl standing in front of everyone immediately stepped forward with a smile on his face.

The White Tiger Patriarch exported ...

In the crowd, the father and son of Folhan looked shocked, Master Messenger?

Did you hear it?

"Yes, this is Mr. Cheng Buyun, the messenger, everyone. Let's get to know each other." Qinglong Patriarch quickly introduced to you, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Qinglong Patriarch's words undoubtedly satisfies Cheng Buyun's identity. In a flash, the two fathers and sons were as gray as death.

A discouraged spirit rose to my heart and I felt very unwilling.

Of course, in addition to being unwilling, both of them were very uneasy and panic. Before then, they didn't even know that Cheng Buyun turned out to be a messenger of the main god.

Lin Lei's luck is a little too good, even know such a character?

An indigenous person has been appreciated by such characters and taught from an early age?

How unfair is the Supreme God!

They thought Cheng Buyun traveled to the Magnolia continent and saw that Lixin had cultivated lei.

"Hello, Master Messenger, I am Bru, and I am honored to meet you today." Elder Bruce introduced himself with a smile, and his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Bru, hello, I am also very happy to meet you." Cheng Buyun nodded, looked at each other with interest, and said with amazement: "I have also heard of the name of your genius, and its strength is no less than that of the general master. level."

"I have grown up, and I still have a lot of shortcomings. In the future, I will ask the messenger to give me more advice." Elder Bruce smiled calmly, and he naturally knew his strength at that step.

After a brief introduction, the so-called talents of the Four Divine Beast family are abundant. There are nearly ten people of the Shura level and above. The Qinglong family has three seats. The Suzaku and Xuanwu families are two. Only the White Tiger family is almost the same. Only the patriarch has It is the strength above Shura level.

However, the Shura strongmen of the Four Divine Beast family are very powerful, and they are basically at the level of strength of the master.

In particular, the four patriarchs, including the elders of the Xuanwu family and the elders of the Qinglong family, are absolutely invincible at the level of the leader. Their bloodline is too high. Even if the law is almost mysterious, the body is strong and terrible.

Perhaps the lethality is not as good as Cheng Buyun, but he is also very difficult to kill the opponent.

You can run if you can't win.

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