Plane Universe

Chapter 1454: Things are clear

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There is no need to lie with lei covered by Cheng Buyun, the main **** messenger. After all, Emmanuel is not even a superior god, and he has no capital to fight with lei unless the latter refines a water **** god. In order to restore the original strength.

"Dirty beast, it's not too late to argue for yourself when Lin Lei finishes. If the fact is what Lin Lei said, I will never spare you." The elder elder shouted loudly. This person is her grandson, and she will not be merciful.

Especially it is about lei, she will not be merciless!

"Master Artifact, this is the strongest treasure. How could I give it to him, so I refused it on the spot." Lei bent his lips and smiled faintly, and then slightly embarrassed Emmanuel continued to say: "The threat is impossible He then prepared to buy me with ink stone, one trillion, a lot! "


The main artifact, one trillion?

"I refused, he threatened to kill me on the spot, reasoned me, and said that I was just a small person in the clan, and no one was held accountable for killing me. I was very angry. There were such brazen people in the family, A sorrow in my heart. "

"At the end I saw that I did not agree, he added another drop of power of the main god, threatening to intimidate everything, but I still refused to agree, and finally ..."

Lin Lei sighed, looking at Emmanuel shamelessly and said, "The threat is not enough. He didn't even care about being in the family on the spot. He also wanted to kill me, and he shot me overwhelmingly. The strength is already the seven-star demon level. Fortunately, I was a little strong at the time, otherwise I had to be killed by him. "

"Fortunately, Elder Garvey arrived in time to save me."

Elder Garvey was naturally present, and when he saw everyone looking at himself, he nodded and said, "It is true as lei said, before I also blamed Emmanuel, and asked lei is also our clan, why did you kill him? And also asked He, you have to talk to lei alone, just to kill him! "

"Then I asked lei why elder emmanuel wanted to kill him. He didn't say it was because of the blue dragon ring, but only that he didn't mess with elder emmanuel. I don't know why he was crazy to kill himself. : "I was also concealed at the time. In the end, the two said something inexplicable. This one said that the net would be broken. This one said that you were too greedy and greedy will kill you. "

By this time, things were almost clear, and with the Ring of Green Dragon revealed by lei, everyone had a confirmation in his heart that Elder Emmanuel did have greed and wanted to kill lei to grab the treasure.

This is at least eight possible.

Emmanuel's face was a bit disappointed at this time, and he forgot that there was Garvey.

If lei does not say the fact that he owns the main artifact, he may not recognize it, but now he basically does not recognize it, and everyone will doubt it.

Can only continue to dying, do not recognize.

As long as you don't admit it, the family can't kill yourself!

"Finally, as everyone knows, the battle of life and death between an elder and an ordinary master." Elder Garvey said with a sigh: 'Although lei clearly refused the battle of life and death at that time, the council of elders passed Emmanuel Seoul ’s proposal, so the battle between life and death did not happen to the two. ’

"You bastards." The elder Suzaku looked at the current elders on the side of the Qinglong clan and scolded angrily: "The family has been so difficult, you even let a genius die?"

"It's a group of bastards. At that time, if lei was weak, wouldn't it make our four-beast family lose a strong combat power?" Patriarch Xuanwu was also angry, and he didn't say a word. Yun's anger will definitely burn, and will make the family provoke a stronger opponent.

This opponent is many times stronger than the outside eight-family.

You know, their family is in the highest plane of hell.

The main **** messenger, once the position is high enough, it is possible to mobilize the main **** army, and their four **** beast family is no longer strong enough to fight against the main **** army.

After all, the four ancestors are gone.

"Brother, how did you manage the family, there was such a bad thing." The White Tiger Patriarch's expression was very dissatisfied at this time, even if there was no Cheng Buyun, the main **** messenger behind Lin Lei, and he changed other geniuses, if it was really lost It is also a loss of the Four Divine Beast family. How do you know that this young clan has no chance to rise in the future?

"Ashamed, I was wrong." The Qinglong patriarch looked very bad and turned his head to look at the three elders who agreed to the battle between lei and emmanuel.

The three elders hurriedly lowered their heads, daring not to speak.

"Dirty beast, what else do you have to say now?" The elder elder was so angry that the anger in her heart could not be suppressed anymore. Her children and grandchildren were such people. How can she get a foothold in the family?

"I haven't, they are slandering me." Emmanuel laughed, looking at Elder Garvey like crazy, and roared: "Garville, why do you want to team up with lei to slander me, where did I offend you? ? Are you going to put me to death? "

At this point, Emmanuel pleaded not guilty, and everyone looked contemptuous.

It is impossible to confess guilt. Once confessed, it will definitely die, of course Emmanuel will not confess.

"Father, save me." Emmanuel soul transmission.

Fulhan had to stand up daringly and said to the elder elders: "Elder elder, things are indeed as Emmanuel said, this is all their words. As everyone knows, everyone in the family knows that lei and ga Victoria has made friends with each other, and it is also possible that they teamed up to slander against Emmanuel. Please find out and make a decision. "

"At this point, do you think we are all fools, eh?" The White Tiger Patriarch turned his head, glaring at Fulhan and shouted, "Go down!"

The White Tiger Patriarch shouted, and Fulhan was shocked.

"Haha, I'm not convinced. You want to sacrifice me in order to win over the messenger of the main god, just to vent lei and let him recognize the family more. I'm not convinced." Emmanuel shouted, tears left, full Face sorrowful shouted: "If the ancestors are still there, outsiders dare to bully my family."

This is a bit superfluous. Although some people feel sad in their hearts, Emmanuel and lei are internal affairs of the family, but the old things are only mentioned again under the pressure of Cheng Buyun.

"Haha, do you dare to mention Lord Qinglong?" Cheng Buyun couldn't help laughing, and a pair of eyes sneered and looked at Emmanuel: "If Lord Qinglong is still there, it is estimated that your corpse has been cool for hundreds of years! Do you think With the power of the Lord God, will you not know what you are doing? You should be very clear in your own heart that such a thing will happen. Once lei tells the Qinglong Lord God, you will definitely not be spared. Now that the Qinglong Lord God is gone, it will let you You have lived hundreds of years longer, do n’t you know? "

In Cheng Buyun's words, Emmanuel was shocked!

As the former said, if Qinglong's ancestors were there, it is estimated that he might have died long ago.

This is not a guess, but a fact.

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