Plane Universe

Chapter 1472: Duo

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Qinglong Patriarch didn't think much about it.

He did not ask lei to let Delia live in Mill City alone for a period of time. He went alone to get things done. That would definitely not work.

Once that is done, lei will definitely become a thorn in the flesh of the eight major families.

After eating such a big loss, it ’s strange not to go back in revenge. Is it possible to let Delia and the child who will be coming to live in Mill City for tens of thousands of years?

He could not agree without saying that Lei was unwilling.

Unless Cheng Buyun is willing to come forward to escort, let the other party cast a bogey, fearing to offend Cheng Buyun this big man.

But in that way, there is not much difference between letting Cheng Buyun participate in their confrontation.

One more messenger of the Lord God will help, of course he is willing. The question is, will Cheng Buyun, the messenger of the Lord God, refuse?

Willing to sacrifice their own interests to help them?

Although I have such an idea, I have to take it slowly, and some things can't be rushed.

Once this is said and the other party's heart is disgusted, there will be no room for turning around.

This is also their unwilling approach.

Although Lin Lei had known for a long time that the patriarch would agree, he was still very happy when he heard that the latter was not angry. He immediately thanked and said, "The patriarch can promise, this is really great, and we are very grateful. I will inform you when I come back. Anyway, this anti-ambush plan is to be implemented, but only when, I promise! "

"Well, if the eight big families have put you on the threat list for a long time, they won't be worried about you growing up to that kind of place. With such a chance to stifle our family genius, they will definitely try their best to wait for you to appear. "The Qinglong patriarch commanded with concern." You must be careful when you do. Try not to rush too far. Protecting yourself is the most important thing. Just give the other elders the battle charge. "

"I will, rest assured patriarch." Lei nodded gratefully.

"By the way, the eight major families should not know the identity of the husband?" Qinglong patriarch looked up at Lin Lei and said: "This must be arranged, otherwise there will be a husband to follow, and they dare not start."

"The patriarch is assured that Brother Yun has been practicing in the Amethyst Mountains since he became the messenger of the main god. He has only recently appeared in front of others. Very few people know his identity. "Lin Lei gave a reassuring look and smiled:" So far away, I don't even think about it if I want to pass it on without a hundred years. "

"This is good." Qinglong Patriarch assured.

The most prone to problems is the ring of Bu Yun's identity.

No one is willing to offend a native messenger of the Lord God in the plane of Hell.

Fortunately, the local master messenger with little power is okay. Once it is the kind of horror master messenger who controls the army of the master god, no family can fight it.

After all, who can count the number of the army of the Lord God, who can not be afraid?

Of course, the eight major families are naturally not alone in fighting alone, and seven of the eight patriarchs are the main **** messengers, but they are afraid of fighting in groups.

In the final analysis, it is still a geographical issue.

Who made other gods 'planes those main gods' army unable to overrun the planes in large numbers?

In fact, the great defeat of the Four Divine Beast family ten thousand years ago was also related to this matter.

As soon as their four ancestors died, there was no refuge. The messengers of the main **** below, the trees fell apart, and each saved their lives.

Too many families sounded the counter-attack horn, too many enemies.

The four elements of Fenghuo, water, soil and earth are in chaos.

Loyal to Qinglong's army of main gods under their command, in order to protect the children of the Four Divine Beast family over there, they all went crazy with the other army of main gods.

It ’s not that the Lord God came to prohibit it, and that turmoil did n’t know how many people were going to die.

It's also fair to say that Qinglong's main **** messenger is a bit strong. After negotiations, some families with less powerful backgrounds did not dare to chase hell.

Otherwise ... the situation of the Four Divine Beast family will be more difficult at this time.

Anyone will fall into the rock.

Not to mention that there is a big hatred.

The days when the Four God Beast family had the Lord God of the Blue Dragon as their protection, they were too arrogant and arrogant, and there were too many offended families.

But these are old history.

"Patriarch, that's what I meant today. If there's nothing, I'll go back to practice first." Lin Lei's respected Chaoqinglong patriarch owed his body.

The Qinglong patriarch encouraged a few words, and Lei left the Qinglong main hall and went back to the Grand Canyon to continue his cultivation.

Mill city.

Less than half a day later, under the powerful black stone offensive of Babe, the owner of a small, not too big manor bowed his head, and fell to the foot of Babe.

This made Beibei proud and happy.

The area of ​​the residence in Sanyuanli, in a large city like Mill City, can only be regarded as a small manor, and it is quite ordinary. Of course, the price is also very expensive, more than 300 billion black stone, this equivalent price to tell the truth in Mill City can only be regarded as a small Liuliu manor.

Don't look at the large area, but the value is not as high as the smaller villa.

Expensive villas generally have patterns engraved with a large number of magic arrays, which are of great value both in safety and practice.

This is also the reason why the prices of high-end villas remain high.

Of course, a good manor is not there, but the price ... turning up several times, it is calculated by the small manor they bought, and you do n’t want to take it down if there is no more than trillions of ink stones.

In Cheng Buyun, they stayed in the manor for two days.

Outside the city of Mill, early in the morning, the people of the Qinglong family had assembled outside the city gate to set off for the Tianji Mountain Range.

The intelligence personnel of the eight major families have also been monitoring.

Elder Tvera, who has changed his appearance, first counted the number of people, then nodded with satisfaction, and said, "The people are all together, go back!"

Are you all together?

set off?

Many tribes were surprised, but they didn't say much. Since the elders said they were all together, they wouldn't say anything.

Elder Tvera had already known this. Delia was pregnant and needed to stay in Mill City to wait for birth. Two days ago, the patriarch had called the elders in the anti-ambush plan to explain the reason, The elders who came to ambush near Mill City a few days ago felt a little unhappy, but did not say much.

I had to go back to the family first, and then come back later.

"What's going on? What about the lei man?"

The horses under surveillance by Pele, the eight major families, had their heads stunned.

Looking at the Qinglong tribe who boarded the black phoenix metal life one by one, I didn't quite understand.

"Wait first, it is estimated that something is blocking, then the metal life should wait for a while before setting off."

Someone said with soul.

But his words fell, and the black phoenix in the sky flew away, feeling cheeks aching, and a bit veiled.

"This is gone ??"

? ? ?

Rows of question marks floated over the heads of these intelligence personnel, suddenly making them feel overwhelmed.

It's all confusing!

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