Plane Universe

Chapter 1479: What a terrible joint skill

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If this is true, then it is definitely the end of the bombing.

Gasol is a strong man of the Xuanwu tribe. The first talent is to increase his physical fitness and soul strength in all directions, so the material attack is a bit excessive.

As for the second supernatural power, that is to block the space and exert gravity, mainly the blockade means. For the strong who can tear the space to escape, this talented supernatural power has basically no hope of running.

Finally, the old man attacked by Gasol still had a little strength, and the reaction was very fast. The long sword was immediately lifted, and a strong energy attack of the sword spurted out, slashing upward.

Facing the oncoming knife gas attack, Gasol's rough face remained unchanged, and the soles of his feet accelerated towards the knife gas, and shouted loudly: "The scum of the Edric family, die!"


Dao Qi was immediately stepped on and exploded, and Gasol did not suffer any injuries. The thigh wrapped in the yellow light had reached the top of the old man with huge wind pressure.

"It is the strong of the Xuanwu tribe." At the moment, the old man was directly shocked, and there was a little panic in his face, but now in this case, he can no longer allow him to think about it, just waiting to raise a long knife across the head Use this to resist Gasol's powerful attack.


Under one blow, the old man vomited blood directly, and his body was blasted to the ground by a huge force, falling down.

The strong of the Xuanwu tribe, the power is really strong.

A little unreasonable!

Seeing Cheng Buyun sitting in the metal life shook his head secretly, the first blow fell into the downwind, and was also brought close to the Xuanwu tribe who is famous for its strength.

That old man's life is about to die!

Originally, the rules of life rules were not good at material attacks, and it was very detrimental to the upper Xuanwu tribe, which can be said to be restrained.

The Xuanwu tribe has extremely high body and soul defenses, and it is the most unwilling figure in the Adrian family.

As the leaders of the eight major families were knocked down, the situation of the elders of the eight other places was also very short.

In addition to Gasol, there are three other elders of the Four Divine Beast family who use the power of the main **** to join the attacking party.

‘Peng! ‘‘ Peng! ‘‘ Peng! ’

The three elders of the Four Divine Beast family attacked the eight elders of the eight major families, and they did not fall into the disadvantage at all, but vaguely occupied a favorable position.

In addition to the old elders who used the power of the main god, the other two of the eight major families also used the power of the main god, but two to two. .

Elders who used the power of the main god, the basic power has been increased by a hundred times, and the power of the gods has also changed. Six-on-one has fallen into the disadvantage.

Just one blow caused someone to be injured and vomit blood.

At the same time, lei also rushed up.


At this time, there was a metal life flying in the direction of low altitude, and stopped dozens of miles outside the battle circle. All the people inside flew out, looking at the scene of the war with surprise.

"It is a battle of seven-star powerhouses. They also used the power of the main god."

The exclamation sounded one after another.

"This kind of scene is so rare. Record it quickly."

Such a scene will not be missed as long as it is encountered by people.

Don't be able to see the battle of the super powers, and the images exposed at that time can also be sold for an excellent price.

At the moment, many of the **** cultivators who practice the laws of the water system are even performing the "floating shadow technique" to record this battle in the distance.

Not only these people, in fact, many people on the ground looked up at the sky, and the light blue ball above his head recorded all this.

There are a few luck, they saw it as soon as the battle took place, and the recorded images were relatively complete.

Of course, the space around the black phoenix, a metal life, also stands a lot of masters of the Qinglong clan, each of them is recording the moment when the powerful of the clan is showing their might.

Qinglong tribe, all tribes have high talents in water system, so they must practice the law.

At this time, the ground was also booming with tremors.

"Someone is fighting on the ground!"

Above the ground, Gasol bombarded the elders of the eight major families violently, striking each other back.

"No good, Thunder, a trick, otherwise we all have to die here." The bearded man of the eight major families roared wildly, while furiously resisting the attack of the Suzaku strong woman.

"How do you let me show it in this situation?" The man of the Ming Snake clan called Ming Lei was also very flustered. He was attacked by Elder Plot of the White Tiger clan and could not get away.

Prote's physical attack is not very strong, and its movement speed is too fast. In this case, do you let him use his talents?

Are you sure you are going to die?

No one's gifted supernatural power is instantaneous without gas storage.

The Supreme God is so fond of the Four Divine Beast family. Their talents and supernatural powers do not require gas storage, are instantaneous, and are very strong.

Divine beasts are also divided into three, six, nine, etc. In addition to the very few super-perverted beasts, the blood lines of the four **** beast families are the top categories, and the blood lines of their eight major families are all middle and high grades.

Low-level bloodline beasts, talent release supernatural power to release at least three to five seconds, medium to two seconds to three seconds, high to one second, and top, instant!

One second was enough for him to die ten or eight times.

When there is no one to care for it, it's no different from playing death with supernatural talent.

As soon as lei arrived in the battle circle, Luoote repulsed his opponent one by one, and then seized this rare opportunity, the next moment a body of mysterious aura came up, and that kind of breath came out. Chuanyin roared, "Stop the strong dragons of the Blue Dragon Clan, don't give him the opportunity to show his talents."

All the eight family members were attacked by themselves, and they also drove crazy tricks towards Luoote.

It's just that they have fallen into the disadvantages, how to fight?


Qinglong's phantom rises, and thousands of lights shine, and the space is immediately stopped.

"It's over!"

The elders of all eight families are ashamed.

They have already predicted their own ending.

The rare opportunity created by Roout, either Prote or Miliana, seized it instantly.

The two of them each raised a mysterious aura, rushing towards their opponents.

One white and one red, the white is the white tiger phantom, the red is the suzaku phantom, and the two phantoms pounce on their opponents. The first is the white tiger phantom, which is in front of the opponent, and then shrinks into the opponent's head.

The strong man who was submerged in the head by the white tiger phantom, his expression instantly became distressed and twisted, and then he was extremely frightened. His eyes lost all their colors at once, and the figure fell directly towards the ground.

The talent of the White Tiger tribe-Soul Destruction!

Terribly terrible!

Even if there is a high-level soul defense artifact guarding, once attacked by such a terrible soul, it is also the end of death.

The white tiger clan supernatural power, an extremely terrible soul attack supernatural power, is also indistinguishable from Zhongbo in comparison with the natural supernatural power of the bitter rat.

It can even be said to be even better.

Of course, it is better than the God Eater, as far as the White Tiger is concerned.

And now the White Tiger tribe, the patriarch can compare with Beibei or Beirut.

No one else compares.

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