Plane Universe

Chapter 1481: aims

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In fact, this time, Cheng Buyun was holding lei more combat experience.

It's a pity that things went against his wish, a little beyond his expectation.

The talents of the Four Divine Beast family are a little too strong. Even with one touch, the eight families were killed and the two elders who used the power of the Lord God, how can they fight?

Forget it, forget it!

Lei's own combat experience is not bad. After his training, it is definitely stronger than lei without his teaching.

After learning the mental state practice, he has also taught melee skills and superb insights. Now the strength of lei is not much, but it is absolutely outstanding in terms of combat consciousness and vision.

As for the cultivation of will, there is no teaching, and Cheng Buyun doesn't want to!

Above the tragic battlefield, a pair of flame wings of the black phoenix gently swayed, and instantly leaped out of the land for a few miles. After a few seconds, it became a black spot in the sky until it disappeared.

A few moments later, several figures outside the battlefield jumped here to view.

Soon, nine corpses were visited in front of these people.

Why is it not ten? It is because there is one body that ca n’t be left behind. Under the powerful talent and magical powers of Miliana, the smoke disappears.

"Elder Chab is dead."

"The target character lei is unharmed, the family of the Four Divine Beasts has paid little, and our family has planted this time!"

"Report it!"

The information was sent back to the regional headquarters in the west of Youlan Mansion, and everyone was shocked.

All were downcast, and their faces were silent.

"Obviously, lei and the four-beast family are very clear about our actions!" The expression of the man with a face like Elf looks calm, but the person who knows his character knows that he is in a rage at this time. edge.

At the same time, he said this, and everyone was calmed down on the spot.

"Do you think there are spies among us?"

"Obviously, why did they ambush lei with ten of them? Why do you look at this video? Do you still doubt it?" Edric looked indifferent, pointing at the blue ball suspended in the air, Suddenly, an image was displayed above the blue ball, which was the previous attack.

Everyone couldn't help widening their eyes and watching without blinking.

This floating picture was originally recorded for the purpose of celebrating the celebration. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the truth to explore the cause of the failure.

"A few of you are watching carefully." Edric pointed to the image, and when Chab of them ten elders was hundreds of miles away from the black phoenix of the Four Beasts, he immediately said: "Note, Chab they have not waited for the past Supernatural detective, at this time, the other party had already predicted that Chab was coming, and the metal life slowed down instantly. "

Indeed, in the video, the speed of the black phoenix has been reduced by 10%. If you don't look closely, you really don't know.

I have to say that Edric is really attentive.

He almost saw what was ignored by everyone.

Coupled with Chab ’s improper handling, they only remembered to kill lei, and chose to chase lei, thus ignoring the things around them, leading to an important cause and effect of failure.

In fact, if you start to choose properly, you can still have the opportunity to kill lei before the resources of the strong family of the Four Divine Beasts.

It's a pity ... but Chab and others are confused!

"Will there be a super strong in the metal life of the Four Divine Beast family?" A patriarch next to him interjected.

"It's impossible. The metal life of the Four Divine Beast family has never left the sight of our intelligence personnel. If there is a change, our intelligence personnel can't see it." The elder responsible for intelligence jumped up immediately, refuting.

This kind of cauldron can't be carried on the back.

"All the intelligence personnel have found out that they are all members of the loyal family." The handsome man next to him immediately stood up.

After such a major event, he was immediately sent to the city of Mill by the patriarch.

Who is the strong Shura of the rules of life, who can stay awake in front of him without telling the truth?


Edric nodded and said, "So what's the problem?"

Where is the problem, who knows?

The Four Divine Beast family has always only understood brute force and will not think about conspiracy. This time, a big trick was put on, which made them feel overwhelmed!

Many things can't figure out.

Why are they so smart, knowing that the family's genius strongman lei is on our kill list?

The Qinglong tribes who came to Mill City this time had a very clear strength. They knew exactly how to execute such a plan of extermination.

Where did the error occur?

A group of people thought hard, but couldn't figure out what went wrong.

"Will it be that median god?" An elder reminded softly, aiming at Cheng Buyun.

Which young man is the god?

"He is not a strong man." Many people shook their heads and wanted to hide their strength in front of a seven-star demon. Do you think he is the main god?

Or the great consummation?

If there is a great consummation strong to help the Four Divine Beast family, then what are they fighting for, everyone is still saying something here, just go away and go home.

The mighty power of a great consummate, even if all of their eight big families do their best, won little.

It even says that the win is extremely small.

Over these trillions of years, the Lord God has never shot, and he has never heard that the Great Perfection will die.

"However, that guy is estimated to be the recently recruited military division of the Four Divine Beast family. This time, the people who ambushed our family may be from the other party's hand." Edric's eyes were fascinated and became very dangerous.

However, he also admired Cheng Buyun's vision.

From this little clue, I saw the importance of lei, designed such a plan, and lost a lot of important strongmen to several big families.

The loss of ten seven-star demons is not small. In this situation, the family of four gods and beasts must also be replaced with five seven-star demons.

"Go ahead and list the man on the kill list, pay attention to the other party's trace, and send someone to kill him as soon as he finds it." Edric instructed coldly.

The other three patriarchs have no objections. Since they are enemies with themselves, there is only one word, kill!

"At the same time, the revenge of the Four Divine Beast family and the people who found them outside, no matter what their strength, there is no killing." Patriarch Renal said with a black face.

"We are not ready for a decisive battle." Edric shook his head and said, "Wait anyway."

"Reinar, indeed, we are not ready for a full-scale war. You should be clear that we can't break into the Tianji Mountain Range, and we can't destroy the family of the Four Divine Beasts. We are at a disadvantage."

"When there are strong men in our eight families who become messengers under one of the main gods of hell, that's when we attack!"

"Damn Lord of the Blue House, **** Beirut!"

Renal cursed!

But he can only lose his temper in his own place.

Once they provoke Beirut to get angry, there is definitely something good about them.

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