Plane Universe

Chapter 1491: Beirut

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Cheng Buyun ignored the shock of the maids in the hall, and there was a smile on his face. He looked at Anfu lightly and said, "Anfu, we have met again. It has been 113 years since we last met."

"Yes, Master Angel, it is Anfu's honor to be able to see the face of the adult again." Anfu's etiquette is in place and respectful, and his manners are impeccable.

"So ..." Cheng Buyun nodded. At this time, his aura was very powerful, and it was completely different from usual. The kind of invisible pressure, lei and other people were almost out of breath. That kind of rapport is completely converging its own breath.

too strong!

It's like a civilian facing the emperor of ancient times, that kind of high momentum makes people like a flat boat exercised in a huge wind and wave, terrifying!

Lin Lei has a feeling, if Brother Yun is his own enemy, does he have the courage to draw his sword?

He couldn't answer his question.

Under such a powerful momentum, he has already lost before he started.

This is the power of will!

A very terrible power.

It is so powerful that it can even kill people invisible!

Anfu did not feel calm at this time, his slightly discolored face was more respectful than before.

"Then are you coming this time?" Cheng Buyun's body gathered, and the invisible powerful oppressive force in the hall only dissipated, making people breathe lightly.

"Master, the messenger." Anfu responded quickly and respectfully, and said with a smile on his face: "Master of my house, when he heard that you are coming to Youlan City, he immediately sent me to invite you, and I want to invite you to the house. I don't know ... the messenger Are you free, sir? "

"Haha!" Cheng Buyun smiled and said happily: "Since his old man gives his face like this, I can't help but hold it. I have a lot of free time, I don't know when the time is?"

"Any time is fine, it depends on your time, Master Messenger, and my master's master is free at any time." Anfu smiled.

Cheng Buyun nodded, and it seems that Beirut still respects himself very much, without the pride of the other main gods.

In fact, he has great potential. One day it may not even be comparable to the Lord God. Beirut is not stupid. How can he do that? Is n’t it wicked to his heart?

Talking to the two people in the hall, while lei they are very quiet, there is no random interruption, it will appear very impolite.

Cheng Buyun turned his head, glanced at them, and said with a smile: "How are you, all of you going to see the Lord of the Blue House?"

"Naturally, I am very happy to meet such a strong man. Brother Yun, you can help us." Lei nodded quickly, a little excited in his heart.

Who doesn't want to know more about super powers?

And it is this kind of strong man who has great favors for the family of Four Divine Beasts.

"Are there any problems with the couple?" Cheng Buyun looked at Old Anfu lightly, as if he was asking. In fact, the tone of the words, the expression, there was no room for rebuttal.

"I don't want to obey the meaning of the messenger." After watching, Anfu quickly looked at Beibei sideways, but at this time the latter's eyes were not on him at all, but looked at Cheng Buyun, his eyes were a little strange.

However, Lei saw it, and felt that Anfu looked at Babe with strange eyes. What did he say, Anfu looked at Babe with love!

Yes, it is the kind of narrow eyes that elders have on their younger generations.

Very strange!

He was thinking about it, but Babe asked: "Big Brother Yun, now you can say, who is the Lord of the Blue House!"

"I'll know it later." Cheng Buyun said nothing.

But the little girl next to him raised her hand and said, "Babe, I know!"

"You know?" Babe was startled and turned quickly.

"Yeah, last time when the owner came, I lived in Youlan Mansion. I've seen it many times." The little girl said with a smile, waiting for Bebe to continue to ask, and then she said: "That's a long A black beard, with a pair of tiny eyes, a thin and short figure, an old man with a kind and kind expression, others are better ... also gave me a precious precious gold ore. "

Old man with long black beard and small eyes?

Nima, is n’t it Beirut?

Babe was finally shocked, and then his face appeared ecstatic, and he laughed: "Boss, did you hear that, the appearance of the Lord Yu Lan looks like Grandpa Beirut."

"I heard." Lei is also very happy.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, let's talk about it in the past." Cheng Buyun was helpless. After sweeping the two and looking at the little girl, he still didn't say anything.

The group left immediately. Before leaving, old man Anfu turned around and scanned everyone in the hall. He whispered and said, "The identity of Master Messenger is still a secret. It is better for you all to speak more tightly. Adult identity information leaked from us, do you understand? "

"Yes, Master Anfu, we all know it." The maids quickly bowed.

At this time, the sky was already night, and the purple moon above the sky was shining, which cast a magical misty light on the body, which looked a little strange and psychedelic.

The Magnolia Hotel is still far away from the location of the main palace of Youlan City, which is more than two thousand miles.

Of course, with the strength of the cultivator of the gods, even if you walk with your feet, it will be half an hour.

Not to mention flying.

So in a little while, they flew to the northern part of Youlan City.

"Haha, Buyun, here." As soon as they landed in the garden of the main hall of the city hall, there was a burst of happy laughter in the hall, and a figure also appeared at the gate. "And my lovely Bebeson child."


Looking at this familiar figure, the pair of marked and intimate little eyes on the long black beard, even the babe who had already prepared in his heart, was exclaimed again and again, and then the fly rushed past with joy. Shouted: "Grandpa Beirut, I miss you so much."

"Haha, Beibei, Grandpa Beirut miss you too, this time we finally met." Beirut quickly stretched out his hands, an old face like a blooming sentence, joyfully held Babe in his arms for a long time Unwilling to let go.

"Really Lord Beirut." Lei was stunned. Rao was as prepared as Beibei. The joy in his heart was beyond description by outsiders. This was a surprise.

Turning all kinds of thoughts and speculations in my heart, I finally shook my head helplessly.

Unexpectedly, this is the reason for all.

But no matter how you say it, Beirut is on his side, which is more important than everything.

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