Plane Universe

Chapter 1493: Promising condition

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"Your father is fine. As for what is going on, you will know when you go back." Beirut still didn't explain the details in the end.

Although Lin Lei was relieved when he heard that his father was okay, he still couldn't help worrying about what happened to the Yulan mainland!

The look was very worried.

Now fidgeting.

What happened to the magnolia continent?

Cheng Buyun was frowning at the moment. He had left behind such leaves, and the Magnolia Continent had changed, which is a bit too exaggerated.

"There shouldn't be any major incidents." Delia's pretty face was also full of sorrow, comforting herself gently.

Between his worries, Lin Lei said to Cheng Buyun: "Brother Yun, what Master Beirut said today surprised me. I'm a little worried here. I can't rest assured. Should we go back and lie down? What do you think!"


After a moment of contemplation, seriously, Cheng Buyun couldn't figure it out in his heart. The Bosha embankment was not broken. How can the strong man in the plane prison rush out?

Could it be that there have been unexpected changes and the invasion of the powerful gods?

But this is a bit unlikely!

He thought about it, and soon, he felt wrong.

One thing seemed to be negligent.

Misty Valley of Warcraft Mountains!

Lei took the purple blood long sword in the hole of the misty mountains, and the back was not blocked.

Nima, he forgot this matter, where did Di Lin come from.

Although the Plane Prison is relatively large, there is no weak point in the blocked space. Since Emperor Lin can come out, others can naturally.

He felt bad all over.

It's a pity that he couldn't remember this at the time, but after all, how could he think of it? He also had no ability to repair the destroyed magic circle.

In the end, he nodded in agreement with lei's proposal, and he also thought of stepping back to the magnolia continent to see what happened.

In this case, there is nothing to say, lei immediately said: "Master Beirut, we want to set off immediately to go back to the Magnolia mainland to see."

"Don't worry, the situation in Magnolia mainland is fairly stable, and it's not too late." Beirut smiled and asked Mimi, "It's enough to stay with me for a few days and then go back,"

"This ..." lei was eager in his heart, but Beirut spoke, and he had to give face, so he had to look into Cheng Buyun, which meant to make him take the idea.

"Okay, don't think too much. Things are not as serious as you think. They are all small things." Beirut laughed at the expression of anxiety in everyone's expression and said, "Let me stay for two days first." , Lest Babe say that I seem to be driving you away. "

"In that case, let's stay for a few days and go back to the Magnolia Continent." Beirut tried his best to keep it. Don't be shameless. Cheng Buyun naturally had to give his face and should respond.

In this way, Cheng Buyun and his party lived in Beirut's mansion.

It's just that there is something in everyone's mind, and they didn't leave the mansion except to play, so lei and delia hurried out the next day to buy gifts for a long time and came back.

At other times, I was staying in the mansion.

It's a bit fancy!

Everyone was unhappy, and Beirut also regretted that he had spoken things out so quickly that it caused such a situation.

My heart is not here, and it is meaningless to stay hard. Beirut had to call everyone out on the third day.

"Master Beirut."

When everyone greeted each other, they sat down and looked at him quietly.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with calling us here?" Babe asked first.

"What else can I do, of course, let you go." Beirut was helpless and said with a bitter smile: "I have seen your look in the past two days, and I feel a little uncomfortable in my eyes. Since my heart is not here, it is meaningless to stay here. , So I called you to let you go back, lest you always remember. "

"This is great." Lei immediately smiled happily.

Everyone was also very excited and could finally go back.

Beirut looked helpless, but still said with a smile: "You are rare to come to me once. It is not good to leave empty-handed. As an elder, I have to prepare some gifts for you."

"This should not be used." Lei stunned, shook his head and said: "we are not missing anything now!"

They have no shortage of resources, and there is nothing less than the power of the main gods. What is there is the power of the main gods. The lack of ink stones can be taken out and dropped one by one. The weapons are already top-notch.

As for the main artifact, he did not dare to hope.

"I naturally know that if there is a step cloud, you are naturally not lacking." Beirut had to look and said lei with a smile. "But you are still a bit lacking in weapons. You have to know that I have some equipment manufacturing A unique skill. "


Beirut's unique skills?

Lin Lei jumped in his heart.

What unique skills does Beirut have?

That's awesome, let's get a look at the Divine Weapon.

This is the equipment closest to the main artifact.

Both the hardness and sharpness are quite close to the main artifact, which is the power level or the higher artifact level.

But this is already very powerful. Babe's magic weapon weapon dagger can interrupt the enemy's more common higher-level artifact with one blow with the power of the median god.

It can be seen that it is powerful.

"Hah, the divine equipment, this is a good thing, this gift you are not too old!" Cheng Buyun chuckled. In hell, the divine equipment made by Beirut is priceless and no market, and many strong people demand it. Not one.

Lei is very excited.

Everyone was happy for him.

There is a powerful weapon to protect the body, the strength can also be stronger, and the safety is greatly increased.


Beirut smiled directly, and was very complacent in his heart, and said with a faint smile: "But if I want to get the divine equipment I made, it is also conditional."

"What conditions, please also tell Master Beirut, I must work hard." Lei immediately responded excitedly.

He is not afraid of conditions, he is afraid of nowhere.

"Grandpa, you can't give too ridiculous conditions, otherwise I will pour your beard." Babe smiled and threatened.

"It's not difficult." Beirut had no way to take Bebe, and immediately gave his own conditions with a smile. "When the lei arrives at the upper god, I will immediately send the divine equipment."

This condition is not difficult for the power of the upper gods. For a genius like lei, it is estimated that an epiphany will be achieved in decades.

But ... the upper god?

Profound Austrian fusion is many times harder than the median god, so ... actually it's really difficult for lei.

"Grandpa, this condition is a bit difficult." Beibei said immediately: "It's not possible that the boss of two or three thousand years won't get the magical equipment given by grandpa."

"It depends on lei. I'll give the conditions. Can you get it quickly, not me." Beirut laughed and looked at lei and said, "What type of divine equipment do you want? Armor or weapons?" What kind of weapon is it? "

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