Plane Universe

Chapter 1498: The collapse of the Odin Empire

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The arrival of the strongest of the Holy Light Empire. There is no one in the Odin Empire who has the courage to stop it.

People must have self-knowledge.

It ’s no joke that the light maiden has the strength, that in the light shrouded by the sun, the breath explodes like a star, and it is not that these weak people can resist one or two.

Only Odin the Great can deal with it!

"Odin, you come out to me!" Flying over to the capital of Emperor Odin, the crisp sound of the leaves immediately rang, like the gods angering Jiuxiao, almost half of the souls of the Magnolia mainland heard.

Lei, who was standing in the second half of the step next to the leaves, did not come forward at this time, but waited indifferently where he stood.

And O'Brien, Dilin, Hesser, Buck, Farn, etc. more than a hundred lower gods, middle gods, all are indifferent, a pair of eyes staring at the bottom.

Speaking of which, there are a lot of powerful gods in the Holy Light Empire, dozens more than the Odin Empire.

It's a pity that the upper-layer strong players won't win Odin by the leaves. No matter how many strong players are below, the effect will not be great.

After all, if you want quantity to cause qualitative changes, then there must be a quantity!

"Ha ha!"

Evil laughter like rubbing sounded from the Royal Palace of Odin, echoed in the sky, and now caused lei to frown.

This guy's voice is really a bit ugly.

Then, a handsome middle-aged man in a yellow robe flew out of the palace by a group of **** domain strongmen, hovered in front of the leaves and lei, and only listened to the handsome man in a yellow robe said: "Oh, I Who is the Tao, it is the leaves of Her Royal Highness! "

"This guy is Odin?" Lei glanced at the figure in front, frowning.

The breath of Odin was very weak, and he didn't have the power of a seven-star demon at all, just like a five-star demon.

Although the gods, Shura and other divine powers are equal, but the state is high, the breath is naturally more, and it is more solid. A little eyesight and judgment will know the reason!

"Holy Lady, our two countries have always been well-watered and not against the river water. Is this the lady who came here today?" Odin looked at the leaves and asked with a smile full of grace.

The appearance is elegant, but in fact the heart is very evil. If it was not the dark forest who protected the Holy Light Empire, he would have marched forward and let the lovely and noble woman lie under him to celebrate.

"Don't talk about the things that are there. I came here today to kill you." The leaves shot a divine light and froze with cold face: "You are doing evil in our Magnolia continent, today is your time."


Odin suddenly burst out laughing and his expression became very evil. He looked at the leaves up and down and said: "It's you? Without the power of the main god, I can suppress you by turning my hand."


The leaves scolded, the body rushed straight up, a ray of light entangled in all directions, hundreds of phantoms appeared from the virtual to the real in the sky, and immediately surrounded Odin.


Nothing to say, O'Brien and others also exploded in magical power, and the wind generally rushed up to find their opponents.

It has to be said that there are a large number of sacred domain strongmen in the Double Light Empire, and their quality is also strong.

Almost at the same level are the domain powers that can suppress the Odin Empire.

The secrets of the exercises taught by Cheng Buyun before are all good things in the plane of God. They are proficient in one or two, and they are almost inexhaustible.


Hundreds of phantoms were around, and Odin could be said to be very disadvantaged. Under one touch, he was attacked all over his body, becoming bloody, and even cut off an arm by the leaf deity.


Being cut off an arm, it seemed to Odin that it was only a minor injury. This would also look at the leaves with a smile, and he also ridiculed and said: "These hundreds of years have passed, and the strength has been several times stronger. , Gratifying! "

"Don't let your death **** avatar come out yet?" The leaf stood with a sword and looked coldly at Odin. "Do you want your wind **** avatar to die?"


Odin sneered, as if he wouldn't care about the death of the Divine Avatar.

In fact, he was not afraid at all. If he had to go, he did not believe that the leaves could hold him, so he was so fearless.

Lei frowned, glanced at the surrounding battle, and then dived out, and went deep into the ground of the palace below. After he could not detect the body of any strong man, he immediately said: "There is no one below, no breath of his own?"

"Did he leave the Magnolia Continent?" Ye Ye stunned.

Lei was full of coldness, his spirits spread out, crossed the ocean and reached the Arctic ice ocean, found the plane defender of Hordan, and then asked: "Hodan."

"Master lei." Huo Dan responded respectfully now.

"I ask you." Lin Lei said lightly: "Did Odin's avatar leave the Magnolia Continent?"

"Yes, Master lei, as early as three hundred years ago, Odin's strongest death avatar took the two of them away from here and went to the underworld!"

"I know." Lin Lei said silently, and God received it, and then said lightly: "Odin, you have to say, you are very good, even expecting that I will come back, let your death **** avatar leave. The Magnolia Continent! Very smart! "

"Who are you again?" Odin stared at lei, his eyes narrowed instantly.

"I, lei-baruch!" Lei burst out of his identity, and caused a burst of exclamation on the spot. When the gods belonging to the Odin Empire were shocked, they were injured.

This shocked them too. Lei heard that he had gone to the plane of **** supreme **** more than a thousand years ago.

Now it is back.

Everyone who has the power to return to the material plane from Hell to the plane of the High God has points.

This matter today is probably not good!

Odin's face also changed on the spot, but before he could act, lei had already shot.

"Okay, let me suppress it!" Lei burst out of a khaki divine breath on his body. A earth and stone space had covered Odin, and then ... there was no more.

A little five-star demon, even if it can be comparable to the strength of the six-star demon, is not enough to see in front of lei, he was easily suppressed and slipped into his hands.

"Babe, please give me a shot and kill all of these guys." Lei said lightly, and then nodded to Delia and the leaves while holding Odin. "We will go back to see Yunge."

The departure of the three of Lin Lei had no effect on the battle. With Babe's shot, the battle was almost one-sided. Basically, no one was Babe's enemy.

Instant contact, instant death.

All the powerful gods in the upper and lower areas of the Odin Empire died, contributing more than 70 lower gods to the Holy Light Empire, three middle gods, and no upper gods.

The Odin Empire died, from top to bottom in just half an hour, starting with the founding emperor Odin, and his doglegs followed him, and nearly a hundred **** domain powerhouses all died.

Even those interest groups in the Odin Empire were all tried on the same day, and they ransacked the family!

The Odin Empire, which has wrecked the Magnolia continent for nearly a thousand years, collapsed, and all the continent's intelligent life wept with joy.

Over the years, they are suffering!

Finally, one day I will see the light. Thank you great Lord God of Light!

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