Plane Universe

Chapter 1500: The so-called evil is nothing more than

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Indeed, it is not too easy for Cheng Buyun, a noble and powerful man in the supreme **** plane, to pinch a seven-star demon.

The powerhouses in the underworld must also give a little face.

good for everyone!

A little seven-star demon, if it does not involve its own interests, no strong will care.


Odin stood proudly, slowly turning around and glancing at everyone around him. The strange expression matched the tragic face, and some youngsters shook their heads together.


He smiled contemptuously, and the attitude immediately made all Baruch's juniors resentful, crying out to kill him.

"Hey, quack, just small things like you, if I can move, I can point you to death with one finger, remember that today, and fall in my heart, you will know the consequences." Odin, as the evil king, plays with people The means of the ancestor level.

Finally, Hogg came forward and pressed everyone down so that everyone would not say more.

"This master is quite mad." Babe was also half annoyed, and wished he could kill him with a dagger.

But Boss Yun said something to ask, and he held back.

"I'm so proud, you can't change it. It's a **** fact. Wait for me. This will not end like this." Lei threw up in anger, secretly remembering this in his heart. After the matter is over, he will definitely leave the underworld immediately, and have a good chat with this guy.

As for this chat, how exactly to chat, then only lei knows.

"I'm waiting? What can you do to me?" Odin knew that this **** avatar was not spared, and he wouldn't say good things in his mouth.


In a fight, Lin Lei asked himself if he was not a master at all, and he was too lazy to talk to the other party.

He has always believed that no more could be done.

"Fuck you!" Weidy, who stood beside Salsa and Taylor, shouted, and jumped up to kick a foot, and Odden was kicked to the ground with his evil face, and the former did not let go. He stomped on his face repeatedly, cursing while saying, "Damn things, even talking to my father like this, looking for death!"

Weidi respected his father lei very much, and was ridiculed for no reason, he could not bear it.

"Play well, play well."

"That's how to beat this nonsense bastard."

Everyone laughed loudly.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a seven-star demon-level strongman, one of the five staring sights of the Baghdad Plane Prison!" Cheng Buyun smiled and exclaimed, with a sympathetic attitude.

It seems that apart from lei a few people, other people do not understand very well, Cheng Buyun is such a trouble, why treat this old **** so kindly!

Even the black belly of Beibei is very clear in his heart. The evil Chengbuyun Demon King will reveal his nature and anger in a moment, even the bebe who is not afraid of him.

"Where and where, just give your face, it's nothing." Odin chuckled and turned back, with a weird and evil look at Cheng Buyun, as if he was not a prisoner, but a guest.

"Seven Star Demon, King?" Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled, his attitude was almost like a spring breeze, and his old friends met. However, soon, suddenly, his complexion changed, and an extremely domineering momentum rose, covering the hall, pressing down on the standing Odin, and then shouted: "Who gives you the courage, little one How dare the Seven-Star Demon claim to be a king? Does your mother know about it? "

Suppressed by this domineering breath, Odin's heart trembles, his body trembles, his face becomes shocked, and he looks at Cheng Buyun with his face in disbelief.

The strength is the level of the median god. If the state is stronger, it will be the same as his strongest star death. Why is the momentum so strong?

The atmosphere in the hall was solidified, and all the juniors dared to open their mouths tightly, afraid to be noticed by Cheng Buyun, and then killed.

Hogg was also shivered by Cheng Buyun's shouting. He was trembling with his hands preparing to take the tea cups on the table. The tea cups were tilted, and the tea inside overflowed and spilled onto the table.

It's just that everyone can't notice the disappearance at this time. Both eyes are paying attention to where the majestic Cheng Buyun sits, and the eyes are full of light.

Shocked Odin, Cheng Buyun's face also became cold, a pair of sharp eyes fell on the other's face, and the voice said in a low voice: "King, Gee, dare, if this news reaches the Underworld to those The Underworld Pluto knows, what will happen, will they catch you and then cramp and peel? "

Underworld Pluto is equivalent to the rule of hell!

Odin's eyes widened, his body shivered, and he was scared to death.

Indeed, a little seven-star demon claimed the king, no matter if someone put his name on his head, or claimed to be, once known to those Pluto, it is estimated that there is no need to say much in the end.


"The five great kings of the Baghdad Plane Prison, hey!" Cheng Buyun sneered, and said with full playfulness: "That is, the strength of the fire king is worthy, and the other four kings wrap you Odin, the evil king. , Qualified? "

Are you eligible?

Naturally there is no.

A bouncing place is just a boast, and outside, the super powers do n’t care about it. Once they care about it, the hundred or ten evil kings, Odin, are not enough to die.

The status of the status, the most valued by the strong, without such strength, but with the same name, a very serious matter!

"I'm really bragging, don't look at what you are, are you qualified?" Cheng Buyun sneered and mocked, attacking Odin's self-confidence and destroying his own will.

The typical murder is bloodless!

Everyone is dumbfounded now.


"Of course, you can rest assured, I won't do it this way, let go of your bragging things, peace of mind, peace of mind!" Cheng Buyun's smiling face looked like a devil to Odin!

"However, in view of what you have done in Magnolia Mainland, the impact is too great, which makes me very unhappy." Cheng Buyun continued to look at the slightly reassuring Odin and said with a smile: "I am unhappy and unhappy, you have to be unlucky. Come on, let me see, how strong you are, and why do n’t you give me face, and wind and rain in my place! "

With that said, he left his seat and came to Odin step by step, with a stunned expression on the forehead.

Suddenly, Odin looked struggling, shouting miserably, "No, stop, you devil!"


Cheng Buyun chuckled and said with a smile: "To call me the Great Demon King, yes, I am the Great Devil King!"

In the majestic dark castle of an unknown mountain in the underworld, Odin ’s strongest avatar of death is here. Since he came to **** hundreds of years ago, he passed by and saw a big tribe here, and immediately occupied here. King Taishang.

At this moment he grinned and hugged a beautiful woman. A middle-aged man was kneeling down under the throne and a young man. He shook his lower body while laughing evilly: "Sao, Zhensao! Lai Ya, look at your husband's expression, it's really ugly, don't you say a few words to him? "

Sure enough, this guy is really evil enough to play with her in front of her husband and son.

Is this something a person can do?

The beautiful woman was ashamed and angry, and wished to die there.

"Odin, I curse you, curse you not to die, the eternal perdition!" The middle-aged man's eyes cracked open, his face grieved with resentment.

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