Plane Universe

Chapter 1525: The decision of the eight major families

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If the forces want to develop, they must first have someone, but also a place.

Generally speaking, it is not difficult to gather a group of people to develop a small force, just like the bandits outside, the median **** waits for a drink, and the answer is like a cloud.

But most of them are lower gods.

But no matter what, people are there, it is easy to be a bandit, and where is the wandering.

But the development of a single force is not enough.

Without strength, it can only occupy a small hill head, and with strength, it can occupy a better and larger territory.

Cheng Buyun and Salomon both chose to play steadily and take a site in Mill City.

After all, the surrounding mountains, after so many years of fighting, almost have masters. If you want a better site, you can only rely on fighting.

If you don't want to fight, you can only find a way in the city.

It is not without benefits to maintain stability, as long as the wealth is sufficient, it is much better than outside.

At least you do n’t need to worry, that day, a group of powerful people knocked on the door, with the most important guarantee of safety.

After paying a large amount of ink stone, an oversized residential area in Mill City was flattened and an oversized manor was built.

Lei appeared again in the city of Mill, and the intelligence personnel of the eight major families immediately knew.

However, the young man who followed him shocked the intelligence personnel and knew the identity of the other party.

Since this time, the shadow of Cheng Buyun's battle in the amethyst misty sea has spread throughout the blood peak continent.

His identity is no longer a mystery.

The intelligence was sent back to the west headquarters, and the patriarchs scratched their heads.

They want to kill lei, and even if they have the opportunity to ambush again, it is estimated that all the free elders will be dispatched to deal with lei.

But the facts are not allowed.

With Cheng Buyun here, how many elders will be buried in order to kill a lei?

Or are they going to intercept Cheng Buyun and also want to kill lei?

In this way, it will directly offend the messenger of the Lord God.

Although it is only the messenger of the main **** of the Bauhinia Continent, they can't do evil, they don't want to do evil!

Knowing that the other party's identity is also going to ambush, their eight big families have not forcibly reached that point, nor are they so stupid!

Winning into Buyun does not mean that they can win the four ambassadors under the **** Bauhinia!

In particular, Romeo and Kamia, the two main messengers, are not comparable to any of them.

Both of them are the extreme strongmen in Shura, and only Daqunang is the **** who can crush them.

Do the eight big families have this thing?

Just kidding, with this thing, they don't have to be forced by Beirut to even attack the Heavenly Offering Mountains.

The legend of Beirut is that the great consummation is strong, and the deterrent power of Romeo and Kamia is not small. No one of the eight major families is willing to offend.

Eliminating the possibility of ambushing lei again, does not mean that they will admit defeat.

A month later, a very grand meeting about the honor of the eight major families started.

At the meeting, the man who looked like an elf supported, and first said: "This is how it is. The family of the Four Divine Beasts has recently contracted their forces and no longer wrestles with us outside. It turns out that the messenger under the **** of the Bauhinia has been pulling behind.


"If it wasn't for the floating shadow of Cheng Buyun, we are still confused in the drum till now."

"I don't think I can wait any longer. It is very likely that there will be no chance."

"Yes, no one knows how much importance the newly-promoted master messenger Cheng Buyun received. Once the great **** Bauhinia was persuaded, his heart softened, and it was in trouble when he made his will."

"Yes, so now we have to find a way to force the family of Four Divine Beasts to fight against us and kill them in one fell swoop."

"For glory, we are not afraid of life and death!"

"In this case, we all discuss what we can do to achieve our goal, so that the Four Divine Beast family has to fight against us." The elf man also agreed.

Now the situation has undergone tremendous changes. As everyone said, if you do n’t make up your mind to fight, and wait any longer, they probably do n’t even have a chance.

The spread of Chengbu Yunfuying has caused some changes!

However, the family of the Four Divine Beasts didn't know about it, Cheng Buyun didn't know about it, and Lin Lei didn't know about it.

Mill City, inside the huge newly built manor hall.

Cheng Buyun sat on it, and O'Brien and others sat on either side.

Looking down at a group of people below, Cheng Buyun's voice rang out softly, "Today, the forces under my head are officially formed. In the future, the name will be changed to" time and space domain ", and my name will be changed to" time and space. "

This name is actually named according to the realm of the deity.

As for not knowing the meaning of this name, he did not explain much.

The term space-time is put on the Lord God, and they don't know much about it.

"Our future development direction is to cultivate geniuses as much as possible, mainly because you can recruit talented geniuses that you are satisfied with, and you can wait for others to discuss it. I will not ask about this." Cheng Buyun looked at everyone's instructions He said: "In terms of treatment, we don't lack training resources and ink stone, and can be 20 to 30% higher than other big families."

"Of course, in addition to cultivating genius, the strength of all of you can not fall."

"The strength of the lower gods is considered to be the peak in the material plane, and the people are superior, but in hell, it is only the bottom."

"Without strength, you can't go anywhere you want to go. Even if you want to venture around the barren mountain resources, many of you can't do it."

"You and I are both from the hometown of Magnolia. I will not wait for resources. If I lack any training resources, I will go to the Tibetan collar. After I receive it, I will register and wait for the higher **** to return the missing resources . "

"The amount of resources received above, I give you a quota of one trillion black stones each!"

"So, you can't afford it, I can only say that you are indeed mud."

"So, work hard."

That's all he can do. The cultivation of laws is as strong as the Lord's God.

Skills may be able to guide you, but the cultivation of the law can only rely on yourself!

"Yes, lord!"

Everyone was flushed with excitement. They had seen the many resources sold in the castle of the main god. Their own treasures were not too much compared to it. One trillion yuan per person. God, what a huge sum of money!

O'Brien jumped up with joy, he was already very greedy for the higher god's dignity, which would make him wish.

After making some arrangements, Cheng Buyun said softly to the leaves: "Leaves, you don't have to deal with these things this time, just leave them to them. You should follow me to practice next!"

"Okay, uncle!" Ye Zi nodded. She didn't care. She wasn't the kind of woman who was attached to power.

In Yulan mainland, if she could, she did not want to manage the affairs of the Holy Light Empire, but that was the uncle ’s family, and the uncle gave it to her, no matter what!

Leaving the hall, Cheng Buyun took the leaves out of the manor and went to another smaller manor.

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