Plane Universe

Chapter 1528: Tear Island

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Landing at the city gate, Cheng Buyun entered it in accordance with normal rules.

With a medal of devil hung on his chest, the star soldiers guarding the gate did not even ask, and followed him into the city at will.

The Star Army, the main **** army of the Star Wuhai.

After entering Xingwu City, Cheng Buyun's eyes swept a little, and people on the street were coming and going.

He walked directly towards the core of the city and came to Heisha Castle.

Familiar with the road, soon found an assassination organization selling intelligence.

"I want to buy a piece of information." Cheng Buyun asked directly, and described Olivia's appearance in the void. "This is the appearance of the person I am looking for, named Olivier." Ya, alone, probably came to **** from the material plane about 965 years ago, look for it and see if there is! "

The person in charge of the assassination group's stronghold did not say anything, and immediately proceeded to check.

It is a pity that the instrument ‘ding ding’ several times, this person in charge did not find the ideal result. Although the name is the same, it is not from the material plane.

Such a large organization has no personal information and can't satisfy customers. The reputation is definitely a big blow.


A burst of virtual sweat came out of the person in charge.

Isn't this guy coming to tease me?

Or is the enemy preparing another round of traps?

But it's not very similar, the comer is just a median **** strength.

"Why can't I find it?" Cheng Buyun was a little stunned. He only knew that Xingwu Island was the center. Little information didn't get his hands.

"Guest, I'm so sorry, I didn't find the information you want to buy, or did you provide some clearer description?" The person in charge can only say with a big smile, but he blushed when he said this.

Isn't Cheng Buyun's description not clear enough?

With a name and a face, isn't it enough?

"What a **** star Zhige, and the biggest intelligence organization, a fart, go back and plant sweet potatoes!" Cheng Buyun snorted coldly, turned away without looking back.

The person in charge was angry on the spot, his face was black, and his body was shaking. He almost lost his mind and rushed out to fight desperately with Cheng Buyun!

Fortunately, he held back.

Leaving the door of the assassination organization Xingzhi Pavilion, Cheng Buyun went to several other assassination strongholds, but he was finally disappointed.

These organizations have no intelligence from Olivia.

He frowned.

Even the largest assassination organization of these stars and Wuhai has no intelligence from Olivia, where else can he get information!

In trouble!

If this is the case, it will be very troublesome to find someone, and if it is not done, it will be owed to human relations.

Looking up at the distant sky, the clouds radiating lightning, Cheng Buyun pondered for a moment, and then left this bustling city without hesitation.

Tear Island!

A free island in the misty sea of ​​stars, a prosperous land that is private and has no guards and guards of the main gods, and is located close to the Bauhinia continent and the Blood Peak continent.

Between the Bauhinia continent or the Blood Peak continent, the stars and the misty sea travel between the two places, and the Bauhinia route will definitely pass through the tear island.

So relatively speaking, in terms of distance, the fastest place to reach Tearlo Island is undoubtedly starting from the mainland of Blood Peak and reaching Tearlo Island, which can save several days.

Of course, this is for Cheng Buyun.

One day after more than a month, Cheng Buyun was a servant, with the most unique flavor of the stars and mist sea, he came to the free and prosperous place of Tear Luo Island.

Along the way, the sea drifted away for more than a month. I saw tens of thousands of battles, bandits robbed past metal life, and several forces in small islands with resources everywhere fought and competed.

The cruelty is not so much worse than the land, even more intense.

In the island area, precious resources are generally inferior to land after all, everyone wants it, and the result can only be contested.

The dogs' brains came out of each other.

As for the bandits who rob the metal life caravan, if Cheng Buyun meets, he need not say much.

He hated this thing most in his life. When he met his bandit, it was a bad thing for eight lifetimes, and none of them survived.

Before coming here, he actually went to the nearest city nearby, but unfortunately he still didn't get the information of Olivia in the starry sea.

It ’s right to think about it. No matter what Olivia says, it ’s just a lower god, barely a middle god. There are too many strong people of this level in hell, and intelligence organizations do n’t spend their energy on such characters Body.

Unless valuable information is revealed.

But obviously, Olivia did not!

However, although he could not get the information of Olivia in the misty sea of ​​stars, Cheng Buyun still came to Treasure Island. He hoped that the former would still come to this place to take risks as usual, lest he have to go to other places, or Owe a favor to others.

When he arrives at this position, once he owes the favor of others, it will be hard for others to ask him for help in the future.

In fact, in the original history, when Olivia went from the magnolia continent to hell, the random teleportation location was actually the same as lei, which was the Bauhinia continent.

Unfortunately, according to this news, he disclosed to Romeo when he was in Wuhai, and he also asked the other party to pay attention, but at this moment, Olivia had no news to reach him.

With Romeo's status, it is really not difficult to find a person in the Bauhinia Continent. It will be clear to anyone in the Bauhinia Continent in at most three months.

Unfortunately, there is no one like Olivia.

Come to Tearlo Island to find Olivia is only one of Cheng Buyun's purposes, another purpose ...

Tear Island is very prosperous, not inferior to many large cities. Every moment, a large number of metal lives of various levels arrive or land, or take off from the entrance of Tear Island.

After a glance at the entrance, Cheng Buyun changed his appearance and swayed formally into Tearlo Island.

A lot of green vegetation can be seen everywhere on the island, and among these vegetation are small or large castle buildings of various colors.

Most of these castles are shop-type castles, which sell many special products that are not found in other cities. Although there is no main **** castle or devil castle common in various cities in Hell, the flow of people is not lost to any large city.

The various ethnic groups in the streets are endless, and it is eye-opening. Among them, there are also a number of fighters wearing blood-red stripes and armor.

These are the island guard warriors of Tear Island. They are relatively powerful, and each of them is at the upper **** level.

It is much more elite than the soldiers and the main **** army.

Well, on the surface, it seems so doubtless.

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