Plane Universe

Chapter 1536: Pulsating Lightwave Fist

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‘Wow! ’

Since it is useless, the Shadow Moon Demon will not deceive himself, and immediately disperses the power of the Dark Law and shows his figure.

And those of his avatars also came back from a distance, slowly surrounding him, but did not disperse the power of the law.

"How do I know, you don't need to know." Cheng Buyun said coldly: "The important thing is that you will die today, this is what you should know."

At this time, he did not have the ridiculous appearance at all, his expression was cold, and his eyes were all indifferent.

"It's too deceiving, don't you think I'm afraid you won't succeed." Shadow Moon Demon was furious, he fled, just didn't want to fight a meaningless battle, it doesn't mean he was really afraid of Cheng Buyun, since he can't avoid it at this time During World War I, he was very bachelor, he set his movements, and said to Cheng Chengyun the old way: "Come on, let me see your means."

"Soon, this gave me a high glance at you." Cheng Buyun nodded, the white clothes and wax on his body rang, a large earthy light spread out from the surface, his eyes flashed yellow, and he looked straight ahead indifferently. 'S Shadow Moon Devil said: "Are you ready? I'm going to shoot, don't die for a while and say I didn't say hello to you."

"Use whatever means you want. I'm afraid you and I don't want the name Shadow Moon Demon." Although the Shadow Moon Demon said lightly on the face, he was alert in his heart, and his eyes blinked without blinking. Looking at Cheng Buyun, waiting for his shot.

"Very well, if you can take me this trick, I will let you go today!" Cheng Buyun's faint voice echoed in the sky.

This made the Shadowmoon Demon even more nervous.

A group of people on the ground are also excited, this is the result of the trick!

"Pulsating ... Lightwave Fist!"

Cheng Buyun Shen Sheng said that his long-understood earth system law tricks, his feet and then a fork, separated by one meter to form an eight-character step, the right fist closed on the chest side, a large number of earthy yellow rays highly condensed in all directions, and then the right hand Quickly slammed towards the shadow moon demon in front.


The punched fist suddenly exploded, and a yellow destruction wave emerged from the fist, from small to large, rapidly diffusing from a ball with a diameter of one foot into a diameter of several meters, and flew forward like the speed of light.

The space that this huge light wave flew directly showed a turbulent flow of a space of ten meters in diameter, and the space around the broken surface like a mirror shone with a long black electric snake.

Some electric snakes are as long as 100 meters.

The yellow light is constantly magnifying in my eyes, like a lightning striking the sky, the shadow moon demon soul is scared, and the fierce danger warning in his head keeps roaring, reminding him that the other party's powerful attack must not be resisted, escape!

It's just that his speed of movement is comparable to the destruction wave that sounds like the speed of light. It is slow to say. In fact, there is no time to blink "Pulsating Light Wave Punch" from Cheng Buyun.

Cheng Buyun had just punched, and Guangbo had almost reached his eyes.

At this time, Shadowmoon's legs were soft, and his soul fed back to his body. He also thought of escaping, but he only had a little action, and the light of destruction had slammed into his body. , He blinked in a blink of an eye.


The pulsating light wave punched across the sky, the fierce turbulence, and the gleaming yellow light, so that the whole sky was covered with a misty yellow.

The power of Cheng Buyun's punch is too powerful, and it has the power to attack thousands of miles away.

Look at the sky with thousands of miles of black lacquered ten-meter-diameter space turbulence, and the black electric snake that is flying around the space turbulence.

How terrifying this stroke pulsed Guangbo Quan.

Only those who have felt at the scene are clear!

Is this an attack that the median **** can blast out?

You did n’t lie, this is simply a great consummate who hides his strength!


Everyone swallowed subconsciously, and their heads roared.

The wave of light just across the sky, they felt the fear of death.

Fortunately, the space of the plane of Hell to High God is stable enough, otherwise the light wave will blast over the height of several hundred meters, they will definitely be shocked by the powerful aftershock!

Didn't see the dark **** avatar of Shadowmoon demon died, did the artifacts, divine forms, space rings, etc. on his body show any traces?

I don't know if it was brought to the distance by light waves or destroyed by powerful power.


"I wanted to spare you a life ... oh!"

Cheng Buyun looked at Wuwu's front and sighed softly, feeling, "Why can't it be so easy to beat, I can't stop it with a single punch, I can't do it if I want to put water on it, my life is so! Since he is so weak, he still comes out and grabs it. Is n’t this a death sentence? "

Invisible taunts in the words, everyone heard silently.

A little punch, just now the Shadow Moon Demon scared urine, okay!

This powerful attack can be resisted by the Seven Star Demon?

Let a Shura come over, the other party is unwilling to block!

"The five great mysteries are combined with each other, and the attack is too abnormal."

"And it is also the five strongest mysteries of the mysterious mysteries of the earth system. This is a super strong, prepare for the ultimate Shura!"

Witnessing the seven-star demons shot by Cheng Buyun, they were already scared a little softly at this time, almost unable to stand.

I didn't dare to go this way. I was afraid that Cheng Buyun would settle the accounts afterwards. His face changed a few times, and he froze in place.


Cheng Buyun cleared his throat, then his head made a small profit, glancing around.

The five seven-star demons around him were swept away by his eyes, his body trembling slightly, and his legs trembling, almost kneeling when he was almost soft.

Fortunately, he is always a strong man, and finally stabilized his body.

Just one by one as pale as that?

"It seems that there are people who are interested in the wealth on me!" Cheng Buyun's faint voice echoed in this space like an auspicious sign.

"No, no, we don't have that kind of inconsistency."

"Sir, you heard it wrong before, we all came out, just want to stop the Shadow Moon Demon from using it, it's hard to see."

"Yes, yes, we just came out to stop the Shadowmoon Demon."

Someone took the lead, and the other seven-star demons also said again and again that the clothes were soft and even the honorific title of adult was used.

Indeed, they were scared a bit miserably and dared not admit that they did not want Cheng Buyun to punch them.

I don't want to be the next Shadowmoon demon, and become fly ash.

Sign in front of the car!

"Is it." Cheng Buyun looked down at them high, his expression indifferent, causing several people to sweat directly and beg for mercy again.

It is possible for the five people to join forces to overcome Cheng Buyun, but the consequences are not good, so naturally they dare not desperately reach the end.

The main reason is that Cheng Buyun's punch just gave them too much shock.

"Since I have robbed my wealth, I have to bear the consequences." Cheng Buyun once again raised a yellow light, and said indifferently: "Give you a chance, join hands! Once I shot, you probably did not shoot opportunity!"


In the street square at the gate of Liberty Castle, the lively crowd exploded.

If Cheng Buyun stood high above the ground and shot at the ground, hundreds of thousands of people would die under the horror trick.

Although it is said to be a street in front of the gate of Liberty Castle, it is actually a square that connects several blocks in all directions. At this time, there are hundreds of thousands of people.

It is estimated that a punch blow is far from a problem for hundreds of people.

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