Plane Universe

Chapter 1549: Deserved

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Finally things got clear.

Moth and Lipak heard that their younger generation was fighting for their identity and status. They forcibly snatched the clothes that lei bought for his wife, but failed to lose face. Finally, they were crazy enough to attack lei at the gate of Freedom Castle.

Such behavior is simply shameful.

It also brought a loss of reputation to Tear Island.

If this is the case, who would dare to shop at Tearlo Island?

Mo Si and Li Ba Ke looked cold on the spot, and their two eyes were full of shame, Mo Si even roared and shouted: "If it is not to see that your talent is acceptable, I really want to slap you to death, let you be the patriarch. , You just act like this? What do you think of our tearful island? "

"A bandit? Ah!"

Mo Si was soaring on the spot, his face full of blue muscles roared and roared again and again, all the children of the five big families were shocked and pale, cold and sweating again and again.

"Ancestor forgive me!" Bowkway had already knelt down, begging for mercy.

"Brother, it's not worth being angry with this bastard. It's better to discipline more in the future. After all, the family has passed on for a long time, and there will always be some younger children who are not things." Li Bark persuaded.

However, he looked at Baokewei's eyes and was very disgusted, especially to the Sekla who had never seen it, and he was extremely disgusted.

"I'm so mad, even in my family, I have such a bastard. It's really embarrassing." Mo Si's face was black, "It was Cheng Buyun's justice, didn't tell me this on the spot, it made me It ’s embarrassing. If that ’s the case, how did you let me step down? "

"I ... I was wrong, and I still asked my ancestors to punish him." Bo Kewei was ashamed. As it was, he couldn't refute anything for himself.

At this time, we can only see how the ancestors punished. Can we have a chance to stay alive!

"Huh, since you can't do well in this patriarch seat, then hand it over." Mo Si said indifferently.

"Yes, thank you ancestors." Bo Kewei did not dare to refute, can only be.

Being able to take back a life has already counted on the ancestral net, and he dare not ask for anything more.

Resolving Bokwick ’s malfeasance, when Moss was to punish Sekla, Li Bark immediately said: “As for your son Sekla, revoke all his rights, and later let him be an ordinary Bagshaw child. . "

He didn't want his elder brother to kill his juniors after all, after all, such an order was equivalent to let Mo Si hit his face.

At the gate of the manor, Sekra, whose body was trembling and frightened, was relieved when he heard the result of Libuck ’s punishment.

He was quite fortunate in his heart, at least he was not executed.


Of course, he was very grateful to Cheng Buyun, who caused all this, apart from his resentment.

As the ancestor said, if this is said on the spot, I am afraid that the angry ancestor will immediately shoot him dead.

The children of the five big families around him looked at Sekra's shyness and shook their heads secretly.

Self-righteous means, arrogant, and finally tasted the bitter fruit!

There are absolutely few people who like Sekra's character. Even the children of the five big families have a sneering smile on their expressions.

Laughing at Sekra's ignorance.

At this point, in fact, Parkway has to take up most of the responsibility. In teaching his son, he is too spoiled, even today.

If you change any of the children of the five big families, you will definitely not do what he did, and even beat yourself in your own home.

In the case of lei, Sekla and lei conflict because of a piece of clothing, but it depends on the actual cause.

The clothes lei have already bought, but Sekra is fancy, but he wants to forcibly **** it, and asks the woman of lei to take off on the spot. Is this something a person can do?

Isn't it a blow to the reputation of Freedom Castle?

It's like he's cheating on his face!

Sekra, who was dismissed as a patriarch, had a hard time.

Moreover, his father did not have the status of patriarch, and became the elder of the family. There was no tilt in cultivation resources. In the end, even his wife ‘Cecilia’ left him.

Originally, Cehiri didn't like Sekra, and without the identity of the young patriarch, she left, and Cehiri's patriarch's father acquiesced.

Although the other four families are all vassals of the Bagshaw family, without the identity of the young patriarch, who cares?

Sekra tasted the frustration.

People also became muddled, and eventually disappeared in the eyes of the public.

This kind of punishment is too serious, just because he kicked the iron plate once, there is no chance to get up after planting it directly.

Very miserable!

Without Cheng Buyun, Lin Lei's vision is high, and because of Mo Si's face, it is naturally not good to care about this little thing.

But Cheng Buyun came here this time, it was completely smooth, and he would naturally find trouble with Sekra.

If it weren't for lei, he still had some skill, it was estimated that it would be planted in tears island.

Even if lei can escape by luck, delia must have no such opportunity.

Of course ... By that time, I am afraid to follow the super bodyguard ‘Green Fire’ who protects lei secretly, and will definitely shoot immediately.


Endless sea of ​​fog.

The two blurry shadows flew at a terrifying speed, and when viewed from a distance, they looked like two faint blue lights.

Being curled up by the adults and flying at a speed, Olivia has been in shock.

With a person, the speed is still so fast. For thousands of years, the strength has reached such a level that it is indeed the most famous genius in the Magnolia Continent.

In front of Cheng Buyun, he felt a sense of shame.

That's right, otherwise how can you take effect in the past, and be the master of the other party!

Sneaking a glance at Cheng Buyun and looking at his relaxed expression, Olivia calmed down the emotional emotion in her heart and said gratefully, "Master, thank you for your rescue this time."

"You are my person." Cheng Buyun said with a smile, but he heard that Olivia had different weights in his ears. Today he was grateful. In fact, he lost some freedom in exchange for a backing to shelter himself. There is nothing wrong with it. .

Just like this time, if it weren't for Cheng Buyun, who was a big backer, his ending would be even worse, and he would never have the chance to make his own decision in the future.

After Olivia calmed down, Cheng Buyun asked with a light smile: "Yes, how are you practicing now, strength has reached that point."

"Go back to my master, my subordinates have already realized the speed of light, phantom avatar, and shock in the six mysteries of the light system. Healing mystery has just begun. The speed of light has been fully integrated with the phantom avatar. The meeting point. "This time Olivia's expression is more respectful than ever, and he truly surrenders to Cheng Buyun.

"Yes, you can see that you have worked very hard for thousands of years." Cheng Buyun nodded with satisfaction, so much progress could be made in a thousand years, and it was considered top-level in the entire hell.

Stronger than Olivia, hardly.

Of course, lei and chengbuyun are not sour.

They are not normal practitioners.

It was opened.

In terms of perception, Olivia outperformed Ye Zi by two.

But the latter can also be regarded as one of the open cheaters. The Light Eucharist has a bonus to practice in the law of light, so the former is not as good as the latter.

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