Plane Universe

Chapter 1556: Scared to death

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How did Lord Xuefeng find himself?

Did he offend him in that place?

Cheng Buyun felt a little nervous.

"Cheng Buyun, what should you do!" The black giant face suddenly changed.

As soon as these words came out, some people were excited and some were frightened and worried.

The people of the eight major families were excited, and the Lord God held accountable. Anyone who could relax easily would have to peel off without dying.

They hated Cheng Buyun so much that they wanted the blood **** to punish him fiercely. It would be perfect to kill him.

Beirut was also a little dumbfounded, and secretly looked at Cheng Buyun, as if asking, "How did you offend Lord Xuefeng?"

Cheng Buyun smiled helplessly, respectfully looked at the black giant face in the sky, and said carefully: "Please blood master Lord Ming Mingjian, please forgive Cheng Buyun's sluggishness, and do not know what crime he committed!"

"You don't know?" The black giant face in the sky was irritated, a pair of wheel-like eyes filled with indifference, and snorted coldly.


Suddenly, Cheng Buyun felt as if his head had been hit hard, his body stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Mom, the power of the main **** is really strong enough, just a slight hum, shakes his soul.

Of course, at his level, the Lord God is not coming in person, and it is difficult to kill him.

At the very least, the attacking **** keeps his hand, just the nature of punishment.

But he didn't know where he was wrong, and where he offended the blood god.

"Master God!"

Beirut was startled and immediately made a noise.

Lin Lei and others were so scared that they were scared, but they dared not speak out, and their hearts were in chaos.

The black giant face fell on Beirut and smiled: "Beirut, do you have something to say?"

Everyone doesn't know Beirut's identity. The God of Blood Peak has a clear heart, and naturally will not be cold-faced.

"Lord God." Beirut said first to settle down. "I don't know where Cheng Buyun offended the Lord God. I also asked the Lord God to look at his ignorance and forgive him once."

"Beirut, don't you know?" The black giant face was cold, and his eyes turned to Cheng Buyun again: "This bastard, before holding my name in swear words."


Beirut was shocked, and also a little stunned. Cheng Buyun's courage was too much.

At this moment, Cheng Buyun was dumbfounded, and he remembered it instantly. He had indeed scolded a word that involved the name of Lord Xuefeng.

Blood peak your mother's.

Yes, this is the sentence!



The black giant face sneered and said, "You said, how can I punish you?"

How to punish the crime of insulting the Lord God?

Only death!

"Please ask Lord Xuefeng to atone for his sins, and also learn from it. Before, I was too angry and covered my eyes with nonsense." Cheng Bu swallowed, and quickly explained respectfully: "I didn't mean to insult the Lord God."

"But you abused it." The giant face said lightly.

This makes Cheng Buyun very helpless.

He did say that this is an irrefutable result.


Mass destruction of Divine Power once again condenses in the sky.


Black sensed that there would be no movement of the main body around him, and he couldn't help blinking his eyebrows to know who was coming.

Who can be besides Bauhinia!

The Lord God came again.

Everyone was shocked.

What day is it today that caused more than two main gods to land.

"Who is the Lord of Destruction this time?" Lin Lei was secretly surprised, hoping to be Lord Bauhinia.

A lot of destruction of the main divine power condensed, then slowly condensed to form a lilac blurred figure.


The black giant face smiled and looked at the blurred figure beside him, saying hello.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Blood Peak!" The voice of the blurry figure is full of gentle and kindness. Finally, the blurry figure is becoming clearer and clearer.

"Lord God." Cheng Buyun bowed slightly.

"Bauhinia Lord." Beirut bowed down to say hello in accordance with usual practice.

Lord Bauhinia!

Everyone kneeling on the ground is excited, but there is also endless regret.

They dare not look up at the sky.

"Blood Peak, I also pay attention to this matter. His sentence is actually unintentional, you don't have to worry about him." Lord Bauhinia said with a smile, excused Cheng Buyun.

"Since you have said this about Bauhinia, then forget it! But not for the next time." The black giant face smiled. In fact, he had never wanted Cheng Buyun's life.

"Xie Xuefeng's forgiving sin." Cheng Buyun was relieved in his heart, and this was the price of no power.

One sentence made the Lord God unhappy, and he could be killed at any time.

"Thank you." Bauhinia smiled gently.

"Small things, I'll leave first." The black giant face slightly upturned, usually domineering Belina, at this time even thank him, can he be unhappy!

The Bauhinia Lord nodded slightly, and then, with a bang, the black giant face dissipated, and the huge Destruction Lord returned to heaven and earth, disappearing.

"To the Lord God."

Everyone shouted immediately, but did not stand up.

Lord Xuefeng only left, there is also a God Bauhinia.

Disrespectful to the Lord God, the end is very miserable!

"The matter here is resolved, it is time for you to go back." Lord Bauhinia's soft eyes turned to Cheng Buyun, said lightly: "Arrange it and come as soon as possible."

"Yes, Lord God, I will set off soon." Cheng Buyun replied respectfully.

He knew that the time of the plane war was approaching, and the Bauhinia Lord wanted him to go back and continue to cultivate his heart, to strive for strength one step closer, and to play a greater role in the war.

"Ah, very good."

Lord Bauhinia nodded in satisfaction, and then scattered his body, so that there would be no energy and the world would be low.


The horses of the eight major families, one by one, were downcast, their expressions wronged, and they were unwilling to be reconciled.

But the Lord God told them not to listen.

Reluctantly, the matter of the Eight Great Family and the Four Divine Beast Family will come to an end automatically today.

In contrast, the clan people of the Four Divine Beasts family, their expressions are excited and excited, and many people left tears of joy on the spot.

Some even jumped and jumped, making the eight major families secretly gritted their teeth.


Beirut breathed a sigh of relief, ignoring the others, and couldn't help crying and looking at Cheng Buyun and said, "What the **** did you annoy the Lord Xuefeng!"

"Yes, Brother Yun, what did you say?" Babe also rushed up and asked curiously.

"He ..." Proscha laughed, and then told what happened before Cheng Buyun.

Reinals did not even greet him when he spoke, and immediately hurriedly spread his feet and ran away.

"It turned out so." Babe's eyes widened.

Beirut was even crying and laughing, and he fell into a cloud, and then glared and said: "You have such a stable personality, don't you know what you said and what you said?"

"I also talked about it for a while, but not next time!" Cheng Buyun lowered his eyebrows.

"Dare you have another time?" Beirut glared.

"Yeah, I was scared to death just now." Lei expressed a frightened expression to express his fear.

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