Plane Universe

Chapter 1558: Upper Four Divine Power Fusion

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Although this matter has not been compared, Lei Sijing came to tell him and told him that Cheng Buyun is already stronger than you.

If he changed his person, he would never believe it, but if Kleisjing, he must not believe it.

Reese's character is sometimes a bit cunning, but she never tells lies.

"Abnormal." Romeo burst into tears.

"It's really a pervert." Kamia nodded, but she looked very happy.

For hundreds of years, the world has been in the plane space, but time has passed for nearly 300,000 years.

Although his strength has not increased much, the law has improved greatly, laying the most important foundation.

The four laws of wind, fire, water, earth and earth are only the last kind of mystery.

Today ... he is going to realize the final mystery of the water system law to the great achievement and complete the goal at this stage.

Upper God!

The laws of the water system were beating and lingering beside him, sometimes separated and sometimes rounded.

All kinds of feelings came to mind.

It makes people feel back in the mother's arms.

I don't know how long the time has passed, and I see that the water mist around Cheng Buyun is getting thicker and thicker. The water mist has covered hundreds of meters of the surrounding area unconsciously.

The amethyst cub, who had been watching quietly not far from the side, had widened his eyes and an excited look appeared on his face.

"The mystery of the fog, this guy is about to be completed." Lei Sijing shivered with excitement.

He was not as ignorant as Romeo and they knew very well about Cheng Buyun.

Once Chengbuyun ’s last rule of the mysterious ‘Mist Profound Mystery’ has reached the power of the upper god, then ...

He swallowed the saliva, and the four principles merged divinely. To what extent would he be strong?

He is not clear!

But he knew that Cheng Buyun would be too strong for him to imagine.

The power level is at least the Great Consummation level.

Under his mother's command, there is an additional great consummation strongman, and he certainly knows how important it is.

Not to mention the pride in face, most of the main gods are jealous, and they have the ability to fight for the last one in the task of the Supreme God.

Suddenly, the water mist that Cheng Buyun rolled around suddenly calmed, and Reese Jing's eyes fixed, his face became surprised, and he directly palmed his mouth and laughed softly, "It's done."


Cheng Buyun in practice, when the law of the water system filled up the last point, Fu Zhixin opened his eyes and looked up to the sky.

In the turbulent flow of time and space outside the plane space, the power of the water system rolled, forming a long dragon, ignoring the protective light film, directly penetrated, and flew towards the body gently floating into Cheng Buyun.

This is the gift given by the rules of heaven and earth after the advancement of the law, and there is no difference between the sanctuary becoming the lower **** and the lower **** becoming the middle god.

If you want to say the difference, it is how much power the world rules give.

As soon as Cheng Buyun made a change, the **** of the Bauhinia over the Bauhinia Castle immediately knew.

Her body flashed immediately, and people had appeared beside Leisijing, her eyes scorching at Cheng Buyun, which was poured back by the energy of heaven and earth.

A smile of joy appeared on the elegant and intellectual face.

"Mother, you are here." Leis Jing said with his mouth open. He was very happy at this time.

Have to be happy!

There is about to be a strong fighting force next to his mother, and he is also good.

Lord Bauhinia nodded, not speaking, but put all his mind on Cheng Buyun, paying attention to him.

Soon after, the world dispersed.

Cheng Buyun's buoyant body also landed on the ground, and then immediately saluted Lord Bauhinia, "Lord God, please forgive Bu Yun's rudeness just now."

Lord Bauhinia waved his hand, can this be blamed into Bu Yun? She smiled and looked at Cheng Buyun lightly and said, "How, has nothing changed in her strength?"


Cheng Buyun paused and calmly replied: "I don't know this yet."

The strength has reached the upper god, and his soul has undergone a transitional evolution.

The combination of the two divine powers gave heaven and earth the power of his soul.

But not much, probably enhanced his 30% rule power.

Of course, San Cheng Wei Neng seems small, but it is already quite impressive.

When the three divine powers are combined, this change has played a more important role. The will power granted by heaven and earth can probably enhance the power of the law by about 80%.

The foundation is stronger than that of the great consummation, the only difference is the realm of law, and the real strength is slightly weaker than that of the great consummation.

No lei soul mutation is powerful.

This is impossible.

Lei itself is a mutant of the soul, it is cheating, he is normal cultivation, of course, not as good as lei.

As for why it is not as good as the great consummation, it is because the power of the Lord God no longer works for Cheng Buyun.

It is not that the power of the main **** is not working, but that the quality of his own power is high, and the power of the main **** cannot change much.

Therefore, compared with the great consummate strong, the other party can use the power of the main god, but he can't, the foundation is the same, but the law is a little different, naturally it can't compare.

But for now!

When the four laws reached the upper god, Cheng Buyun was confident if he mutated and merged, regardless of whether the great consummation strong man was in front of him.

"Try it, you are now at that point!" Lord Bauhinia sighed.

"it is good!"

Cheng Buyun nodded, his expression slightly dignified under the gaze that Lei Sijing and Lord Bauhinia looked forward to.

He knows what is the result of the fusion and fusion of the four divine powers of wind, fire, water and earth.

Body evolution!

He first fixed his mind, and his soul shocked to communicate the divinity in his mind.

The four laws of the Divine Lattice moved, floating together without any errors.


The world is roaring, the plane space suddenly becomes violent, and the world is turbulent.


Reese Jing swallowed and looked shocked. He had seen this scene only a few times when his mother Bauhinia Lord was angry.

That kind of power, he simply didn't want to look back.

At this time, within Cheng Buyun's body, the four divine powers began to mutate and merge, and the red, cyan, blue, and yellow divine power rays were now all transformed into black energy.

At the same time, the muscles of his body swelled up, making a ‘click’ sound, as if the bones were undergoing drastic changes.


A loud noise erupted from Cheng Buyun's body, and his face also became distorted. He felt a powerful force flowing to the body, washing his body.


The bang immediately scared Lei Sijing and made him all jump up. He felt the power radiated from Cheng Buyun, and he was directly scared.

Is this the power of the upper god?

Reese Jing looks pale, in front of this force, it seems to be facing the Lord God!

I feel that I can be pinched to death by Cheng Buyun!

Yes, this is not a false hunch, but true.

The strong are very sensitive to the level of power.

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