Plane Universe

Chapter 1560: Willpower

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In fact, after coming to the Panlong universe, Cheng Buyun has been thinking about it.

Where is the main **** stronger than the great consummation of God Realm.

With lei as the standard, he himself has calculated the gap between the two sides.


The Bauhinia nodded and explained: "It's not much different, about half stronger than the lower elemental main gods, almost the same as the lower ruled main gods, purely calculated by the law of power amplitude!"

"So strong!"

Reis Jing was shocked. His mother had never told him about these things before.

"Is the main **** level divided into the lower main god, the middle main god, and the upper main god?" Cheng Buyun pretended to be an ignorant, and asked in surprise: "Same as God Realm?"

"of course!"

Lei Sijing smiled proudly, wrapped Cheng Chengyun's shoulders and said proudly: "My mother is the central main god, which is much stronger than the next main god."

"I thought the main gods were the same." Cheng Buyun pretended to be in a sudden enlightenment, and asked curiously: "Then, the main **** is the main **** of destruction, and it should be stronger than the main **** of elements ! "

"This ... should!" Reis Jing scratched his bare head, his tone was not very sure, he did not dare to talk nonsense, so he turned his eyes to his mother and asked her for help.

The God Bauhinia smiled slightly and waved her hands. The three large stone chairs were completed in an instant. She sat down gracefully and folded her right leg on the left leg. She smiled gently: "We will sit down and talk."

It has become such a place as Cheng Buyun, already able to have a place in front of the Lord God.

Regardless of the main god, seeing him will be polite.

This is respect for the great consummates.

Even as strong as the Lord God, you have to admit it!

Of course, Cheng Buyun has long been recognized in front of the Bauhinia Lord.

Cheng Buyun thanked quickly, and then sat on the stone chair.

However, he did not dare to take the Malaysian sword.

The beautiful woman in front of you, after all, is the main god.

The necessary respect is still needed.

After sitting down, Cheng Buyun looked at the Bauhinia eagerly, hoping that the other party could explain one or two and calm his curiosity.

"Your curiosity, I understand, after all, it is the main **** level power, how can the **** domain level not pay attention and don't want to understand it. But most people don't have this opportunity." Bauhinia Lord smiled gently: "But since you are curious, I Let me talk to you today! "

"Thank you Lord God!" Cheng Buyun quickly thanked.

"The rule of the Great Perfection of the Divine Realm is completed, and the rules of heaven and earth will grant a will power, and the amount is a little different depending on the type of law." The Bauhinia Lord explained: "The element is a will power, probably at 0.8 times About. The rule system is about double, the difference is not big. "

Cheng Buyun's eyes widened, not much from what he had estimated.

"As for the main god, the next main **** is counted. From the moment of becoming the main god, heaven and earth will automatically grant a will power. The amount of the lower element main **** is doubled, and the rule is 1.5 times. And The median lord **** doubled on this basis, and the higher lord **** doubled again on the basis of the median lord god. "

"That is to say, the will power of the main **** and the main element main **** is equivalent." Cheng Buyun said in shock and surprise.

"That's it." Lord Bauhinia nodded in recognition of Cheng Buyun's words, "Without calculating the basic power of the law, with the increase of will power alone, I am not much different from the higher element Lord God."

"Sure enough, my mother is still very powerful." Reis Jing's mouth slightly raised.

"The difference between the Great Realm of the Divine Realm and the realm of the next Lord God is very small." Cheng Buyun said deliberately surprised, but in fact he was lamenting the inefficiency of the Panlong Cosmic Law.

The law of great consummation has been finalized.

There is no space law, no time law practice, and no further possibility.

In the future, if you want to improve your strength, you can only rely on the will power granted by the rules of the world, or the supreme mission issued by the Supreme God, to fight for the Supreme Artifact.

But in both cases, there is definitely a ceiling.

As for the upper limit, he does not know.

The Bauhinia Lord nodded faintly and said, "The Lord God is not much different from the Great Perfection in the power of the law. Without the power of the divine power calculated by the laws of the two sides, many of the subordinate elements, the Lord God, are not necessarily better than the Great Circle. , But why the Great Realm of God Territory can be squeezed to death in the eyes of the Lord God? "

"It is the energy level." Cheng Buyun said.


Lord Bauhinia said: "The foundation is too different!"

"God Realm is full and strong, the basic strength is at most one." Bauhinia Lord shook his head slightly: "And any one of the main gods, the basic strength is 100."

"The gap is so big, it's no wonder that God Territory won't be able to turn over any storms and waves in front of the main god." Cheng Buyun exclaimed, and then asked strangely. "Is the power of the Lord God the same?"

He can't pretend to know everything.

In fact, he understood everything, so he asked.

He also knew where his power level was at this time.

Probably in the power of the Supreme Universe.

The Great Realm of God Territory is probably the primary cosmic venerable.

However, it is useless for him to be more perfect than other gods.

Can't kill people at all.

There is no upper-level space rule to study unique tricks, the lethality of moves is unimaginably low, and even the opponent's defense cannot be broken.

Unless there is a huge jump in the power level, like the main god, it is crushed with absolute power.

"Of course, you don't need to be too afraid of the Lord God, there is no need, the Lord God generally does not lower his identity to the God Territory." The Lord Bauhinia said to him with relief. "And it is not easy for the Lord God to kill the God Territory. There are a few examples, some of the God Territory consummated the Lord God, and finally escaped from the Lord God, went to the material plane and could not hide. "

This is because there is an upper limit to the speed of Panlong universe, and the God Territory is going to escape, and the main **** does not dare to kill the opponent 100%.

This is also the reason why the Dzogchen strong disdain the main god!

Just like lei can escape under the chase of the light master.

"As for the power of the main **** you asked, is it the same? The difference is the power of will." The main **** Bauhinia nodded and said: "The power of will is related to the absolute power of the main god. One more power of will, then It is twice as powerful as the other main gods. Just like I am the main **** of destruction, the main elemental **** of the middle element faces me, and when the will power is doubled, even if my rule of destruction is not perfect, the other party cannot be My opponent. "

This is a sure thing, the basic strength is all a bit short, and the pressure can kill the other party.

"Of course, it's easy to win, but it's difficult to kill each other." Lord Bauhinia finally shook his head.

What she said, Cheng Buyun absolutely understood.

Panlong universe killing power is just like that, without the supreme artifact, it is difficult to break the defense!

This is also the reason why the Dzogchen strong disdain the main god, only feeling that the main **** is just lucky. "

After some explanations from Lord Bauhinia, Cheng Buyun has all understood.

Willpower is the key!

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