Plane Universe

Chapter 1567: Cloud boss quickly save the boss

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Cheng Buyun displayed that power on the plane battlefield, and someone immediately notified the master gods behind it.

After all, any big consummate who appears on the plane battlefield needs to be prepared for the worst.

Otherwise, the other party has a great consummation, but he does not have one, then the war must be lost.

Neither party wants to lose on their side.

If you lose the plane war, it means that the **** plane you control is weaker than humans and loses face.

When we meet each other in the future, we must lose the momentum!

Plane battlefield, quiet stone room.

Lin Lei lay there quietly, surrounded by the attachment of the four elements.

In the whole stone room, besides lei, babe was alone.

As for the Green Fire and Lei Sijing, they did not come to disturb Babe, so that he had free time to accompany lei, who was about to extinguish the flames of life.

They are very clear, how deep Babe and lei are!


Sitting quietly beside Lin Lei, there was a faint tear on his small face.


Beibei tried to squeeze out a smile that was more sad than crying. He ignored the tears on his face and told quietly to lei, "For more than two thousand years, in my babe's heart, the most admired is the boss. Really Yes, when I was a kid, I slept and played, but boss, you have been working hard to practice, and have never been slack. I know that there is a relationship between your father and Yun, and even Yun Bo. Even if there is a shelter like Yun Bo behind you, you have Have n’t given up on your efforts, have you? "

"And we have come all the way, there are many dangerous difficulties, we have not solved them one by one."

"We never refuse to lose!"

"It won't fall."

"You used to tell me before that if you want to stand on the top and overlook the most beautiful scenery, have you looked at it?"

"Boss, you wake up soon, woo!"

Babe's tears twirled in his eyes, and his voice whimpered. The more he said, the more sad he felt, and the less he had no confidence.

Soul mutation, this level is too difficult.

Others are two souls cheap, or three souls mutated, but lei, four souls mutated.

What has never happened in history!

The optimistic Babe does not dare to say that lei will definitely succeed.

Anyone who knows the situation of lei, no one is sure that lei will be able to hold on, even if not sure.

Such as Lei Sijing and Qing Huo, when Lin Lei began to mutate his soul, his heart immediately sank.

This is even true of the Bauhinia Lord.

When the Bauhinia Lord informed Cheng Buyun, he all set a fixed number, almost barely speaking out the result of lei's death.

Outside the quiet stone, Lei Sijing and Qinghuo also bowed their heads speechless and could not be optimistic.


A powerful consciousness covered it and instantly swept the ground.

That kind of mighty power, as if grabbing all the light and crossing the border, did not miss it.

Babe's crying sound immediately stopped, and he sensed the familiarity of this consciousness, and his face finally showed a playful smile.

The green fire outside was even more startled, and immediately said: "It is the one who has arrived, please forgive me for being rude, and have no time to ask, please leave here!"

Leisi Jing jumped up and shouted, "Buyun, Buyun is here! Great!"

"Big Brother Yun, are you here?" Babe's voice was full of expectation. He hoped that more than one person would talk about the pain in his heart.

"Cheng Buyun?"

Qinghuo was shocked suddenly, the strength of this consciousness was stronger than that of his **** avatar borrowing the power of the Lord God.

Far beyond the previous Magnus.

It is also far beyond his avatar.

"Babe, I'm late." Cheng Buyun was full of apologies.

"Big Brother Yun, Big Brother Yun, woo woo ~~~" Babe wept wildly, as if he had found a loved one, and tears flowed down his eyes again.

The mud above the stone chamber was blurred, revealing a large hole, and Cheng Buyun, who was wearing a white robe, also fell from above.

Then the soil solidified again, blocking the hole.

‘Peng! ’

Beibei immediately left the stone room where lei was lying quietly, ran out, pounced on Cheng Buyun, whine and said, "Boss Yun, Boss ... Boss ... woo!"

"Don't cry, don't cry!"

Cheng Buyun gently patted Beibei's back, comfortingly said, "I know everything."

Babe kept crying, and Cheng Buyun was slowly comforting.

And while looking at Qinghuo and Lei Sijing, they took the time to say hello.

"Buyun, I'm sorry, I didn't take lei well." Lei Sijing apologized and didn't dare to be regarded as Buyun.

He is ashamed!

"Leisi Jing, you have done a good job. Don't be sad. I didn't blame you. It was Lin Lei who was out of luck and couldn't meet a strong man who couldn't fight." Cheng Buyun said gently.

The expression is sad and joyless, very calm.

But ... that is a silent volcano!

It was terrible, at least at this time, Reis Jing did not dare to talk nonsense.

"Cheng Buyun, hello, I'm Qinghuo." Qinghuo smiled, and slightly owed slightly to the front of his upper body, said: "I have been listening to Beirut talking about you, but I haven't seen it. As Beirut said, it is surprising and eye-opening! "

"Mr. Qinghuo, I have been in a long relationship with you. Thank you for lei!" Cheng Buyun rarely smiled.

"Where, I was negligent. If I were not too far away from lei, there would be no such thing, alas!" Qing Huo said with a wry smile: "I hope the highest **** bless lei can overcome this difficulty!"

"Brother Yun, you must avenge the boss and kill the Magnus." Babe gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "That **** Magnus, actually ... treats the boss like this . You have to be tough to attack the boss and make the boss look like this! "

"That's right, **** Magnus, I actually warned him and told him that you are also a Dzogchen strong man, but he finally attacked lei." Lei Sijing also exasperated.

"Well, I know, I can rest assured that I will deal with this matter." Cheng Buyun calmed them calmly, and then said with a light smile: "I'll go and see lei first."

Everyone walked into the stone room where lei was.

Cheng Buyun bent his body and gently stroked lei's forehead with his right hand. Willpower swept in gently, but dared not easily touch lei's soul.

After all, lei's soul was too fragile at this time, and even a little shock could not bear it.

"Boss Yun, do you have a way?" Babe's face showed a look of hope.

For a long time, Cheng Buyun stood upright and shook his head gently, saying: "The Lord God can't solve the problem of lei's soul, and I will not have it naturally!"

"Big Brother Yun has no way!" A look of despair surfaced on Beibei's face, silently bowed his head and stopped talking.

"However, lei's situation is relatively stable now, and it should be better than before. The fire of his soul has not been completely extinguished, there is a chance to wake up, but also an opportunity for lei." Cheng Buyun said with a sigh: "It depends on his Potentially. "

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