Plane Universe

Chapter 1583: Envy of the Lord Gods

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There was an unexpected expression on the face of Teresia, the man with a crocodile nose: "You certainly can't think of any characters in this plane war. It's so exciting, but unfortunately ... not my person!"


Lord Xuefeng looked at the envious look on the face of the man opposite, and there was a little weirdness in his heart. When they reached such a point, what else could they envy?

What else can they envy?

But the plane battlefield?

This time it seems that the Dark God Face is facing the Light God Face. Where else is it worth noting?

"Things have spread all over the place, and your consciousness emanates to hear it." Teresia, the man with a hooked nose, said with a smile.

Lord Xuefeng nodded slightly, and he was very curious. What happened to the other party made him care so much. Immediately, his will power radiated out, covering the entire continent of Blood Peak, and heard the incident mentioned by people.

The protagonist who heard this time was constantly mentioned, Cheng Buyun and Magnus.

It was undoubtedly Cheng Buyun who was most mentioned.

For Cheng Buyun, Lord Xuefeng is not unfamiliar. This kid dared to use his name hundreds of years ago to make a fuss. Instead of looking at the face of Lord Bauhinia, he certainly would not give up easily.

"The Great Consummation?"

Lord Xuefeng's face is incredible, what a joke?

It's only been a few years, and this is complete?

Is cultivation so easy?

And it will easily suppress Magnus, the veteran great consummate strong! ?

Even if he was the Lord God, when he heard this suddenly, it was a bit stunned.

It was so surprising.

At the same time, he also knew why Theresa was envious.

Shit, he also envy!

After all, it is a great consummation, and it is still possible to obey your own orders. Who can't envy?

"Things, you know everything!" Teresia sighed and shook her head. "Berlina's luck is so good, a great consummation came out."

More than envy, it is almost time to lift the table, okay!

Although they are expensive Lords, they may want to invite a great consummation to do things for themselves, sometimes it is really difficult.

The other party will not listen to them, even if they pay more.

Only one line of masters is qualified to command, but they also have to owe a little human touch. As for these subordinate gods, let's play!

Helpless in the heart of Lord Blood Peak, Great Consummation, what a rare character.

If there is a great consummation strongman under your command, then you will be handy when doing things, and many troubles can be solved well.

After all, there are too many things that the Lord Gods are inconvenient to come forward.

For example, if you go to the material plane, even if it is not the deity of the main god, you ca n’t go with other gods. Once you reach the material plane, they dare not borrow the power of the main god.

That kind of force, the weak material plane can't bear it, and will collapse.

And the material plane collapsed, so ... sorry, you are about to die!

If any one of the main gods destroys any material plane, the Supreme God will not let go of the creator.

"I checked a while ago and heard many people say that Cheng Buyun hasn't been practiced for less than three thousand years. Is this true?" Theresia's expression was amazed. What kind of genius is this? Three thousand years to the present achievement!


Lord Xuefeng nodded and said, "I still know a little bit about Cheng Buyun. He was originally from Caoya, but the news was later learned by Bellina and Xing Yi. The two shot at the same time. "


Theresia chuckled and said, "Caiaoya is so pitiful."

Lord Xuanguang was indeed pitiful, but the people under him were robbed in the end.

If you change to yourself, your mood will not be too good, but what is the solution? Lord Xuefeng sighed and shook his head.

Not to mention that Bellina and Xingyi had the right to choose people in their own training camp. Even if they don't have this right, if they insist on grabbing, they will not have the strength to fight against these subordinate gods!

"I don't know how this Cheng Buyun cultivated, how can his strength be so much stronger than the fate of Magnus!" Theresia looked a little puzzled and said in a speculative tone: "No Was it the Great Consummation above the double line? Or was the soul mutated? "

Cheng Buyun's strength is a little bit outrageous, even if it is hidden, and then defeating a great consummate in that way, it is difficult to let others guess.

"I don't know." Lord Xuefeng shook his head slightly. "But I know that Bellina paid a great price to train this kid."

"How to say?" Teresa said in surprise, "Cheng Buyun and Magnus showed the strength of the battle, won't ... wouldn't it be Bellina gave him his own blood to him? "


Lord Xuefeng nodded silently and said lightly: "I went to see Bellina a few hundred years ago, and her breath has dropped a lot, not for ten billion years. It is estimated that it will not recover."


Teresia looked shocked, and he couldn't think that Bellina would actually do this. From this, she can also see that she attaches importance to Cheng Buyun.

The bloodline of the amethyst beast of Belina is very high, which is not worse than the only special life like the blue dragon.

"Although a huge price has been paid, there are many benefits." Theresa enviously said: "For example, in the next mission of the Supreme God, Bellina has such a strong person, and the chance of seizing the treasure is much greater. Unfortunately ... We have no chance. "

Supreme God Mission?

Blood Peak Lord God smiled in his heart, can they compete with the masters? It ’s easy to say that the mission item appears on the plane of God, maybe you can get some of it with luck, but if it appears on the material plane, then it will be troublesome, and you can basically say that you do n’t have their share.

They invite the immensely powerful to do things for themselves.

Of course, such a strong man appeared under the lord of the Bauhinia, and Pash, his **** of blood peaks, was not completely unprofitable.

Things like a ten-game winning streak on the plane can still be expected. Such rewards are not worse than the Supreme Artifact.

"It's good luck to destroy a line, we can be miserable after the wind **** plane." Theresia naturally can think of such a thing, said jokingly.

The two beautiful maids next to me have been dumbfounded, and there is another big lucky man in this world!

And he is also the person of the highest plane of hell.

They all know what an extra big consummate represents.

The plane of the light god, Aoweima deep in the sea of ​​gods, the headquarter of the first family Augusta family.

Inside the Temple of Augusta.

Braun, who was killed in the plane battlefield, was the palest of the strongest avatar. This will be going through the corridor to the depths of the temple to meet the patriarch and report his affairs.

"Isn't this His Highness Braun honed on the plane battlefield? How will he come here?" The guards around the channel talked.

Braun was silent and kept walking forward, and soon came to the quaint gate with a ten-meter high color.

This is the residence of the patriarch of the Augusta family.

"I want to see the patriarch."

Braun, as an important member of the Augusta family, the guards did not dare to neglect, and immediately went in to inform, and they were allowed in a little while.

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