Plane Universe

Chapter 1588: Cocoon

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Beibei was shocked by Cheng Buyun's words, and then shivered with excitement!

He had seen the appearance of Brother Yun during the battle, and the boss could get there ... this is a great thing.

The sense of anticipation in his heart shocked his soul and consciousness, and the whole person became confused, feeling a little breathless.


How is it possible that God needs to breathe?

Babe, this is too excited, the power in the body is messed up, and the soul is so violently shaken that the breathing is poor!

So another year has passed.

One day--

Outside the hall, Cheng Buyun, Qing Huo and others were talking, and the two exchanged their own insights on cultivation.

In the rules of the two systems of He and Tu, Qinghuo's achievements are very high, especially the rules of the fire system, reaching the state of the Great Consummation, some views even Cheng Buyun have to be praised.

In Chengbuyun, there are four treasure troves, and many viewpoints are also worth learning. The two sides are exchanges, the happier they are.

The three people next to each other, although they did not practice these laws, they sometimes communicated with each other, and they also listened with relish and felt worthwhile.

In the stone room, where Lin Lei lay quietly.

Eighteen years later, the intensity of his soul has now reached a limit, which is not much worse than Cheng Buyun.

It even surpassed some.

One point stronger than Cheng Buyun.

It is very powerful, and sometimes the unconscious soul pressure is also shocking.

Lei Sijing dared not go in recently.

so horrible!

Suddenly, lei, who closed his eyes, opened his eyes directly at the next moment.

At this moment, Lin Lei's deity and the consciousness of the three gods' avatars returned. The first thought was: What's wrong with me, I'm not dead?

The unconscious long eighteen years is like a moment in the past.

At the same time, Lin Lei's consciousness moved, and the Fire Divine Doppelg, thousands of miles away, was also contacted.


The fire **** avatar that fell into the practice of illusion, when Lin Lei's self-consciousness was connected, it directly popped out of the illusion.

The soul is so strong that lei is now, and Cheng Buyun's illusion can't be trapped.

"Ha ha!"

After a round of exchanges, lei smiled directly.

It didn't matter if he laughed, the people who spoke outside the hall stopped immediately, and Babe even said, "Did you hear anything just now?"

"I heard laughter, as if it were lei." Leising was confused, and then his face changed, ecstatic!

"Boss is awake." Babe jumped up and immediately turned and rushed past like a wind.

Cheng Buyun and Qing Huo looked at each other, and at the same time showed a happy smile.


Lin Lei, who turned over and sat up in the stone room, clearly felt the space fluctuations around him, and even the five people in the outside hall, such as Buyun, Qinghuo, Leihong, Lei Sijing, and Babe, also instantly observed clearly. .

This feeling of absolute control gives lei a sense of control over the destiny of others.

Like an emperor, absolutely in control!

He knew immediately what was going on.

This is the success of his true soul mutation.

Suddenly, lei was extremely pleased.

He is very aware of the power of soul variation.

Why is Lermons so strong, killing the seven-star demon with the six-star realm ... just because he is a double-soul mutation, he can directly jump over and kill!

He is now a four-soul mutation, how much might he have?

He is not clear, but knows that it is very powerful!



A horror likes to sound, and the movement that lei sneered at just now also let the five people outside hear it and went directly into the stone room.

Five people came in the stone room, Lin Lei looked at everyone in front of him, Yun Ge, Qing Huo, Lei Sijing, Lei Hong four joy, happy, Beibei excited, even tears in his eyes.

"Boss." Babe hugged lei directly.

"Haha, Babe, don't cry, just like a child." Lei got up, got off the stone bed and stood up, said with a smile.

Beibei smiled, touched his nose, and hummed: "Boss, it's not you. This coma is eighteen years. You said it's scary or not!"

"Haha, I was wrong, so everyone worried." Lin Leiman looked at Cheng Buyun apologetically and said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Yun, and you have come to work."

"Don't say these words, you can wake up, and I'll run 10 or 100 times without any trouble." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "I heard that you had an accident before, and I almost exploded in mentality. Fortunately, now this The result is the most ideal and what we all hope to see. "

Lei understands and understands that everything is silent.

"Haha, don't say these dismissal words now." Qinghuo happily interjected and urged with a smile: "Lin Lei, how are you feeling now, has there been any change in the soul? Some changes cannot be seen from the outside, you can only yourself Be aware! "

"Yes, boss, look at how your soul is now." Beibei also looked forward to saying: "You are the first to have four **** avatars, and the soul can successfully mutate."

"The soul of the Four Divine Doppelgangers is mutated. Where will the power reach?" Reis Jing's eyes were hot, looking forward to looking at lei.

Although Cheng Buyun can also integrate the four divine powers, it is completely different from lei.

The former is a soul mutated very early, or it is a deity, while the latter is a soul mutation. The three **** avatars that are carried are the strength of the upper god, and the difficulty is much higher.

Will there be more changes in strength?


In anticipation of several eyes, lei nodded, closed his eyes directly, and felt his soul state now.

Soul in the ocean.

A huge sea of ​​souls is filled with dreamlike colorful halos, and the power of soul is like a sea of ​​water, ‘wow la la’ turbulent.

The power of the soul looks transparent and dreamlike, like a glass, the most dazzling is the sword-shaped soul.

The sword-shaped soul is suspended above the ocean.

Now the sword-shaped soul has become transparent, but the surface of the sword-shaped soul is covered with a general gray halo. It seems that it is more ordinary, and it has not been dazzling before the colorful sword-shaped soul.

Lei didn't understand at all what this gray halo reached.

If he is seen by Cheng Buyun, he will immediately know the answer, that is chaotic energy!

Chaos energy!

The most fundamental power of a universe is also the highest level of power.

There is no such soul in Cheng Buyun's mind.

After all, Cheng Buyun is not a true soul mutant, and his potential is much worse than that of lei.

It is not a hierarchy at all.

"Huh, the soul master artifact is being repaired?" Lei stunned and made everyone stunned. Can the damaged soul master artifact be repaired with soul power?

What a pervert!

Sure enough, every soul mutator is not better than one, especially the four soul mutator is even more perverted!

"How do you feel?" Lei Sijing couldn't wait to ask aloud: "What's the change in strength? Can the power be merged?"

Reese's words are also what everyone wants to ask.

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