Plane Universe

Chapter 1592: Luis Jing's flicker

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Through this battle, lei also knew where his strength was.

It is completely true to any great perfect player, even if the basis of the law is a little worse, and the power of the gods is also a little worse, but the powerful will power can make up for the shortcomings in this respect.

Of course, the strength that lei now shows is probably comparable to the level of the great consummation. In fact, it is a little bit different from the full-strength great consummation.

The foundation is important.

The foundation is not enough, no matter how strong the amplitude is, it will not be an opponent of others.

In the days to come, he will have to hurry up and let the Fire Department avatar advance.

Once you have advanced to the upper gods, when the four gods will merge, then ... what changes will happen to his strength, to be honest, he is looking forward to it!

Now lei this kid doesn't know yet, Cheng Buyun is amazing!

I don't know the terrible degree of the complete fusion of the four divine powers.

"Haha, boss, you are too powerful." As soon as the battle was over, Babe flew over and hugged Lin Lei with joy: "I adore you!"

"No, I still have a lot to learn." Lin Lei's rare modesty, after all, in front of Yun brother, Mr. Lei Lin faced him, he had to take care of the former's face.

Brother Yun was originally a genius. He was afraid that Brother Yun would see his powerful strength and lost his heart.

Still in that sentence, he was completely blindfolded, completely ignorant of Cheng Buyun's strength.

After all, only a few hundred years have passed, and he knows the difficulty of charging toward the Dzogchen rank.

He also forgot, the sentence that Babe said before, depends on whether he is a big man or not!

He forgot this sentence.

After waking up before, everyone made a series of sounds, and the joy of sudden increase in strength, so that some words did not go deep.

"Very good, it's the strength of Dzogchen. After this life-and-death test, anywhere in the world, as long as it doesn't provoke the Lord God, you can go anywhere." Qing Huo said with a smile.

"Okay, your fight has caused countless people to come over, let's go back and talk." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to see, but it wasn't that, the thousands of miles around the area, all the commanders were looking here, but they didn't dare to come close.

Before, they felt the power of ruin here and there. They were too scared to show their heads. They were shrunk in caves and their bodies were shaking with fear!

This is not a joke, such a power, once the other party is malicious to them, will definitely be dead.

But beyond fear, he was curious, eager, and unable to bear the temptation to fight in the heart. He came close and watched secretly.

At first sight, the fissures in the space of hundreds of meters, like a series of electric snakes, ran back in fright.

So it led to the current situation, they only dared to look around thousands of miles, not to come over.

Because they were far away, they found that the two strong men in the battle were all strange faces, but the very terrifying adult Cheng Buyun stood on the side to watch the battle with Lei Sijing and others, and they dare not approach the past. Fear of disturbing the other party, causing the other party to provoke trouble for them.

Many people have seen the battle between Cheng Buyun and Magnus. Under anger, it is estimated that one finger can kill them.

How dare they come under such circumstances!

For the people looking around, Cheng Buyun ignored them.

The self-confidence of strength is completely worthy of anyone's sneak attack.

Go back to the cave.

Everyone sat down next to the stone table in the hall.

"Haha, boss, I'm happy!" Babe said with a smug smile: "From today, ah, whoever dares to trouble us again, kill him. We should steal if we don't go to them Happy, eating too much on the plane battlefield, and now it is finally turning over! "

During this time, Babe has also suffered a lot, and there is a breath in his heart to vent.

"Haha, drink." Lei was happy to take out a bundle of wine bottles and put them on the stone table one by one.

The smile on his face was hard to restrain.

Once transformed, there is no need to hold your breath.

What is the concept of a level with Dzogchen?

That means ... at the level of God, no one can threaten him.

As for the Lord God?

It is impossible for the Lord God to blend into God ’s battle until the necessary moment.

What's more, it is not so easy for the Lord God to kill the Great Consummation.

The situation is not good, just escape into the material plane!

Everyone happily drank the wine, you come and go.


Lei Sijing didn't know any bad idea. Suddenly she put down the bottle and stared at Lin Lei, laughing and saying, "Are you interested in being the messenger of the Lord God?"

Lei stunned, he really did not consider this matter.

Cheng Buyun squinted his eyes and glanced at the bad kind of Reis Jing. He didn't speak. He wanted to hear what the old boy could say.

The nearby Lei Hong naturally understood Lei Sijing's words, and Wen Yan also nodded in agreement: "Yes, lei, your strength has reached this level. Now there may be few people who know, but once your strength spreads, it will definitely cause some gods. Attention, they will definitely try their best to make you, the great consummate, become his emissary. "

"Master messenger?"

Lin Lei was a little hesitant. All along, he was used to it freely, and suddenly went to be controlled by others. He felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

In fact, this is because he can't clearly see the identity of the main messenger.

No matter how strong he is, he will be treated very well by the Lord God no matter under the Lord God, and will be politely respected, and will not get along with him in peacetime.

After all, even the character that dominates the light requires Clementine to whisper and suppress his temper. It can be seen how high the status of the great consummate is.

Babe also nodded and said, "Well, Grandpa also said that there are very few great consummates, and many are very lonely. They don't want to be master messengers and become great conquerors. But the Lord God is full of 77. Boss, you may be very popular by then. "

Leisi Jing quickly said: "Lin Lei, in fact, my mother is a very powerful god."

He didn't dare to expose his mother's main **** rank. Once that was said, would it be clear that there was a stronger main **** above the Bauhinia main god?

He wouldn't do that.

Don't look at him usually silly, smart.

"And it's also very good to you. At the time, I was given a gift for you." Lei Sijing smiled and practiced the Dafa, persuaded Lin Lei to say: "Besides, your brother Yun is also on my mother's side, I You must know what your mother treats him. If you do n’t believe it, you can ask him if my mother treats him well! "

"This ..." Lin Lei looked a little embarrassed.

He really did not think about it,

But thinking of Brother Yun, he moved again, even looking at Cheng Buyun and Qinghuo, asking their opinion: "Brother Yun, Mr. Lei Lin, what do you think?"

"Eh, eh, lei, don't need to ask everyone for your opinion, how can I lie to you." Lei Sijing is anxious, the strong are not too many, there are two great consummates, and there is great competition for the supreme mission. The benefits are particularly strong, such as Cheng Buyun Yun and lei are even rare.

Of course, he hoped that all the benefits would be taken by his mother, and it would be of great benefit to him since then.

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