Plane Universe

Chapter 1598: Deity-based

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In fact, the illusion flow is very powerful in the end.

Especially in terms of manufacturing warriors, the world is first.

A group of powerful warriors can be trained to form a system. As for the strength of the trained warriors, it depends on the ability of the teacher.

But it is very difficult.

Even if the Lord of the Universe fiddles with it, what is finally cultivated is also the pinnacle of the Lord, and it is basically impossible to break through immortality.

People still have to rely on themselves in the end!

At the same time, once the mental state cultivation is high, the power of the illusion will be more powerful, and the illusion can become real.

At this time, Qing Huo suddenly sighed softly, his face a little sad.

"What's the matter, Mr. Lei Lin? Is there anything?" Lin Lei turned his head and looked at Qing Huo's eyes with faint worries at the moment, and there was a feeling that he couldn't say a face.

It seems to worry about something bad.

Everyone hurriedly looked over, eyes full of questions.

"It's okay." Qinghuo waved his hand and said with a strong smile: "I'm lamenting that Buyun's power is so great that he can create such a powerful cultivation direction. It's worthy of being the most talented person in our Magnolia mainland! I'm not here Think about it, he has such a skill, it is really worrying, if it is known by the Lord Gods, it will be terrible. "

He didn't choose to tell the truth. The evolution of some things is still too hazy. In this happy moment, let's not worry everyone.

For those who are worried, just let them worry about it.

There is no need for everyone to follow sorrow!

"That's it. In fact, as I thought, Brother Yun is more powerful, more outstanding, and the more he can't be exposed." Lei said with a serious expression, glancing at Beibei, Leisi Jing, and Leihong, "you can't allow it Nonsense outside, we have too many secrets, and once it is leaked, I am afraid it will be a huge disaster. "


Lei Sijing wrapped around Lei's neck and said with a straight face: "We are not stupid, dare to talk nonsense outside, give 10,000 hearts, what happened here today, after it passes, I will Forgot all. "

With the exception of concealment in a certain area, all doubts were solved in almost everything.

Everyone was drinking happily again.

After drinking a meal, everyone was doing nothing. For the purpose of plane war, lei has completed and the number of badges is enough.

Even if it is not enough, with his current strength, it is very simple to want to get a badge.

To kill the leader, can that leader escape?

Going outside and fooling around, there will naturally be no interest at all. In the end, everyone will practice in the cave.

Qinghuo was exposed because of Cheng Buyun's identity as a soul mutator. With the unexpected factor of dominating the light, he didn't leave and still got along with everyone.

He is going to be a microphone for Lord Bauhinia and Beirut.

In the corner of the cave hall, Cheng Buyun, Qinghuo and lei were separated by a distance, all immersed in cultivation.

Even Lei Hong is working hard to increase his strength!

Only the two bastards, Reese and Babe, had nothing to do, sitting at the stone table in the middle and talking softly.

"Babe, you're all right. In the future, there will be lei covering you, and you won't be bullied wherever you go." Lei Sijing's soul transmission smiled: "I'm miserable. I don't have a big man. I always feel panic. Panic! "

Babe suddenly glanced at Reese Jing, raising his eyebrows and said, "You said that no big brother is shrouded? Your mother is the biggest big guy! I don't know, who lifted up his mother that time and then put Bayer Frightened and ran away. "


Les Jing said with a chuckle: "The guy in Bayer is too timid."

Babe looks teased and timid? You have lifted out the Lord God!

The two happily chatted to the sky next to them, drinking wine and eating food.

Days pass by day by day.

They are not bored.

Suddenly, lei in training opened his eyes.

"It's really weird." Lin Lei had a strange smile on his face, and his heart was full of doubts. "My deity and three identities are all mutated. But why the avatar soul is not as strong as the deity, and the will power is also the will power of the soul. Can be strong. "

In the illusion, all his body and soul are generally the same, no one is the most outstanding.

But in reality there are too many differences, with many nuances.

Of course, the stronger the soul, the better.

The stronger the soul, the faster the cultivation speed, which means the faster the law of perception.

This is an increase in perception.

At the same time, because of the mutation of the soul, lei's three **** avatars are no longer as simple as in the past, and they can only perceive the laws they belong to.

Now all elements of the four lines can be realized. In addition to the fire **** avatar, the deity and the three mutated **** avatars can jointly perceive a law to speed up the practice!

Obviously, the deity practiced the fastest.

This is his strange place!

"What's the matter?" After hearing lei's strange self-talk, babe looked first.

Lei Sijing also turned his head, of course, with a look of inquiry.

Although the sound is slight, but in this quiet stone room hall is as good as a bell.

Cheng Buyun and Qing Huo opened their eyes and woke up.

It is a great harm to cultivate feelings together, and a little noise can have an impact!

"Brother Yun, Mr. Lei Lin, sorry, noisy you." Lin Lei did not answer Babe's words, but first apologized to the two.

The two smiled and waved their hands gently, not to blame.

Lei nodded and smiled, looking at babe and said with a smile: "As for the strange thing that babe asked me just now, it was because of the feeling that after the soul mutated, I felt that the deity soul was much stronger than the other three mutated gods. This is where I feel weird! "


Qing Huo was also puzzled, even if he was the level of the Lord God, he could not explain this kind of thing.

Lei Sijing and Babe are even more confused. They haven't reached that level yet, even if they tell them, they may not understand!

"It's nothing strange." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "The most important thing for our God is the deity."


Everyone is surprised that the deity is important, but the strength is like that. What is important, as long as it is well protected from death.

"Yes, the most important thing is the deity." Cheng Buyun saw that everyone was still a little confused. He glanced at each of them and said with a smile on his face: "Why do you become a **** when you become a god? Or become a **** in the body? "

Hearing Cheng Buyun's words, several people's faces changed slightly.

"The truth is here." Cheng Buyun continued to explain: "A person with a good enough talent, if he can practice the two laws to the Great Consummation, then ... two heavenly will powers, only the deity receives the most complete. And the two Great Constellation avatars, no matter which one, want to borrow another willpower ... but they are not complete. "

God is different from the main gods. The main **** is based on the avatar of the main god, but the **** is based on the deity.

The combat strength is also the strongest.

For example, if one system of laws is practiced to the Great Consummation, Heaven and Earth will grant a will power, and the object granted is actually the deity. The Divine Avatar of the Great Consummance can fully borrow this will power.

But other **** avatars are not good, at most they can only borrow a part.

So the deity is so powerful, far surpassing other **** avatars.

It's just that the deity is not strong enough, which makes people have an illusion.

Just like the main gods, they are dominated by the main **** avatar, which is actually wrong, or very wrong.

The deity is the most important body.

If the deity dies, it can almost be said that the road will be broken in the future.

Throughout history, after the death of a deity, other avatars can still progress.

But no one found that everyone just thought that this person could not stand the blow of the death of the deity, sinking!

The deity is a very important body.

Although powerful protection.

Why are there two options when becoming a god?

The result is here.

Although there is one more life, it is also dangerous. Once the deity has an accident, then ... the result will be doomed!

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